
You shouldnt really have tried fruit until week 6. Before I started RTM i didnt really realise how much sugar was in dried fruit- so just be very careful. Try not to skip packs or replace them with other foods. I started to do that with bags of sweets or bars of chocolate and believe me it just puts u on a slippery slope.
Im back on it now 100% but the more u stick to it the easier it is.
have you tried senocot? Its less harsh as dulcoleze and u take it reguarly to sort things out rather than to do one poo. lol
does that make sense?
probably not :S
How about fibersure? you could try that to see if it helps you rather than adjusting RTM early :)
thats meant to day "dried fruit" not "tried fruit" lol xx
Hi Mandee

I had real problem with this at the end of abstinence and the first couple of weeks of RTM, so under the advice of my LLC (laxatives weren't working either) I started on some fruit in week 2, but just from the week 3 list.
I have to say that Orange juice did the trick very efficiently ;)

TMI alert****
Came home from meeting, necked large glass of OJ (about 200ml), 2 hours later, hey presto! I had got to the point where I was only going once a week and that is not enough, it was really, really uncomfortable.

I then had a small glass (100ml) every morning which seemed to really help.
I found that I needed to drink it all in one go to have the desired effect rather than sipping.

I would steer clear of the prunes unless it is really essential.
Speak to your LLC, and see if it is OK with her to take some OJ.