Purple Hugs - Babe in arms!!

2 sleeps!!! Hip Hip Hurray!!!

Absolutely over the moon for you hun! thats such fantastic news!!

keep those legs crossed hehe

hehe baby has decided she is going into stealth mode I think. I can feel her moving around a bit and the odd kick now and then (limited all be it for space) but the 10 movements a day is definately going to apply from now on in! lol poor love must be a bit squashed.

No Braxtons to speak off (a few but nothing major and not regular at all so that's good).

So all calm on the western front - Thanks both for the well wishes - 2 sleeps till full term technically is amazing.

Must admit I'm a bit over tired so heading back to bed in a minute. Lazy moooo that I am! lol
Was a bit frustraited at one of the mums at school today who was trying to be excited about 1st Dec.. I just smiled and said after sunday I'll be happy, but then patiently waiting as baby could arrive as late as 4th January.. Her face fell a bit but she is not a 'friend' if you know what I mean and is only interested now as I've gotten closer.
I'm sooo happy that my actual due date is 2 days after term finishes! lol I know that sounds odd but I think if I went over due and was having a bad day I'd likely snap fully at someone if they were all 'ooooh not had that baby yet'. lol :p

Cranky.. yes I am a bit this morning I guess! lol ;)

Bonus is sun is shining and we briefly nipped to B&Q for some lights (blue icicle style) for the porch - and are planning on putting up our xmas decs this weekend - that'll please the girls and DH and I in fairness! lol Almost bought a little light up battery 'mobile' for bump when she arrives.. didn't do so but might get one later on for her! lol DH thought I was mad I think! lol
i must admit i'm getting rather jealous of all you lovely ladies getting closer to meeting your babies. i have to wait so long still, ha. but what a result at the end of it :D
lol Abz - I was right where you are now not that long ago! Believe me 22 weeks will fly by! For all it seems so far away now.
Sunflowers will tell you how impatient I was! lol

Thanks both for the well wishes :) Not long now..and my head if finally coming around to that fact! lol

I had a sleep when I posted earlier, and feel much better.. much less cranky! lol
i have just had to caffeinate myself. my keyboard keeps morphing into a pillow in front of my eyes... 2.5 hours of work left... i've managed 7.5... i can survive!! ha.

i know fine well that when i get home i'm going to end up wide awake and unable to nap too...
Aww bless you ((Hugs)) I remember that afternoon tiredness at work - my eldest used to 'nap' at 2pm and I'd have the urge to nap on my work pc with her! lol I'd yawn from 2pm-4pm everyday! lol

not long now! :D
yay afternoon naps for 2 days! go on.. treat yourself! lol Hope you have a lovely one. :D
Well here I am.. 37 weeks!! woohoo

Safe for my home birth whenever baby chooses to join us. :) I know that won't be for a while though. So gotta chill out now and look forward to xmas and possibly baby arriving around that time. :D

I had some Braxtons again last night but not too bad and they eased before I went to bed so had a good nights sleep.
Had period style pains this morning though - not full on cramps just more like teh dull aches you get in your tummy.
Baby has been active so she's fine which is all good. :)

having a lovely quiet day today, putting up our chrimbo decs! :D Is lovely to look at 3 stockings hanging on our living room unit - and know they are for my 3 girls! lol One has been for foster children in the past but will be for the three girls now :) My eldest has helped put up a lot of things, she and LO dressed the fibre optic tree we put in their bedroom! lol
we finished our tree earlier and it's lovely twinkling away :) I always miss decs when they go down! lol
and no not long now.. though long enough given being late with my first! lol
you're still ahead of me! lol but yes! :D am chuffed.
OMG helluva morning so far! jeez.. I want to start the day again! lol

Woke every 90 mins or so with a solid belly / sore sides / sore hips etc last night.. literally all night. Took pills at 5am in the end, so when alarm went off at 7am I was pain free and didn't want to get up. Dozed for half an hour with DH having a cuddle and generally just waking up a bit.
got up and got girls up - youngest had breakfast while eldest was in bathroom - she was going to have a shower but came down for breakfast first - which now I'm blooming glad about I must say.
I sat at the table (in the kitchen) with her eating when she said her tummy felt a bit sore, so we were talking about that when she suddenly said 'I don't feel well'.. slumped forward then to the side before I could get round to her.. yep she'd completely passed out cold!! :eek::eek::eek:
Had to check her airway as she was eating just before (toast) - thankfully that was clear and it brought her round - I'd shouted DH who had come running and had to then grab a bowl as her first words were 'I feel sick' she promptly threw up bless her.

So.. she's tucked up on the sofa now white as a sheet having had a quarter a cup of honey and hot water to get some sugar into her. Fingers x'd she's kept that down so far.

My youngest was sooo sweet though bless her, stroked eldest daughters arm and gave her cuddles telling her she was going to 'make her a surprise' at school to make her feel better.

Will have to really watch her though as she got dizzy after trampolining last week - but I had a real 'thing' for passing out as a teen and it seems it was linked to my BP and blood sugar levels so going to have to watch hers and see how we get on from now on in.

So.. please can I start today over? :confused:
Weekend was lovley and chilled. :)
LO is a bit perkier now so we're off up the horse yard - she's had a little bit of pasta salad so we'll see if she keeps that down.. i hope so! bless her. Thanks for the post - will catch up when I get back - hope you're move went well!!
congrats on reaching 37 weeks. am sorry today hasn't been good so far. i really hope she feels better soon.

abz xx
Kirsty so sorry to read about Alans dad letting you down ((hugs)) and OMG at the move just the two of you!!! Mind you've i've done the same I must admit.. we moved in our people carrier once! lol honestly!
I wasn't pregnant at the time though but we did have 3 kids. lol (our own and a foster baby).

DD was definately on 'light duties' at the yard, all she did was the feed buckets and water (using the hose). lol

Abz thanks.. day got better - ending in college :)
Well here I am.. 1am now well just short of it! lol
Can't sleep - baby was active as anything today and right up till around 11.30pm she was doing a jig. The the BH started! lol
Or.. are they!? hmm
They're lasting around a minute and a half and every 5 mins dead on..
So we'll see! lol
Also have a bit of period pain ache in between them which isn't normal. lol

so.. we'll see if they build or if I get to sleep in a bit! lol

College went well tonight so that was nice. Eldest coped well today with no more sickness or fainting so that's good - she is having tomorrow off school as they're insisting on 2 days off for any sickness - as they've had a bug going around recently.
So if she's 'ok' we're going to head into town with her to get her sister a few bits for xmas and her friend a present for her birthday on the 5th.

Apart from that, not much on so will be nice to poodle around town with her without LO around for a bit. :)