

Full Member
I've just given this a try - absolutely divine. Kind of like a very thick tangy yoghurt, very light on the stomach whilst still being filling. Yum yum, I can see this becoming a regular protein choice!
I love it too and I had never heard of it before I did this diet! I also now have a passion for plain soya yoghurt. Low in calories, carbs and lovely and creamy. Since introducing food / starting to refeed I have either quark or the soya yoghurt every day.
Mmmmm, I didnt know we could have this! Yum!
You can have quark instead of the protein on plan. The yoghurt is something I added in as I stepped up but I'm sure 100g would be a suitable substitute for the milk allowance if you don't use that. Plain soya yoghurt tho, not flavoured as they're full of sugar.