Woohoo! Well done Capricorn, Surreygal, Lucia, Chica and Cara! What a bunch of losers we are! :D

Sorry to post and run, but got to go to bed... will be back tomorrow for a proper chat! x
hiya all!

just a quicky,

only a lil half off for me this week, but its off not on so all is good! ;)

went to see Spamalot on Wednesday (Phil Jupitus and Todd Carty), if its in your area i highly recommend it!!! not laughed so much 4 ages! (hopefully burned a good few giggling calories off!) :8855:

well done to all on your losses an good luck for those to weigh in this week!

the joys of half term have commenced :family2: so I'll see you all when sanity has returned (not that its here often :p)

keep happy xxx
Oooh, Jiggly, you gave me a fright then - had to go and check the school website - it's not our half-term 'til the week after next! Phew...Would have been stuck otherwise come Monday!

It's been quiet in here the last few days - hope that means that everyone is far too busy cooking lovely new SW recipes to post...!

I have just bought the new Italian cookbook (£9.99 on amazon) - it's got lots of lovely recipes in it, so I have been drooling and planning what I'm going to cook first.

WI for me in the morning, hoping for a good week!:cross:

Have a fab weekend everyone x
Morning everyone:)
It has been quiet here,hope everyone is well.
Good luck for wi today spanx.Italian cookbook sounds lovely.

Jiggly half term for us is also the week after next,have a nice week,well done on your loss hun all going in the right direction:D.
Have a nice weekend.
Morning Surreygal -hope all is well with you!

1.5lbs off for me this morning - pleased with that. :D Getting even closer to a 20% total weight loss too, hope to get there this month!

Have a lovely weekend everyone x
Well done spanx:D:D.
This week i have varied my lunches and been on just dance sweat everyday shake ya booty:eek::eek: lol every little helps. Wi in the morning. x
Hello Ladies, quiet round here at the mo!

Been awol as my Mum has had a very large op at Moorfields eye hospital and was in London from Weds to late last night. It all started out fine as I took alot of fruit etc but once i'd eaten that it was a bit rubbish. I'd assumed a big hosp like Moorfields would have a big canteen and I would be able to get salads/jackets etc. All there was, was a a cafe selling crap, sandwiches, crisps etc so just made the choices I could as best as I could.

Mum is still in but i'm home to see to the kids for the w/e and back on track. Back to Moorfields on Mon but should be back for weigh in.

The good news was my Sw consultant phoned me and told me I was slimmer of the month for Jan so very pleased with that.

So hoping for a sts or small loss this week.

Have a fab week girls!
Good morning all

Well done on those losses again :clap:
Lucia -hope your mum is on the mend soon....

well Im reporting in with another 1lb off :happy036:which means I passed my valentines target of 14lbs by a 1/2 :p and Im now down 110lbs which has taken me to 1/3 of my body weight gone :bliss:
Im giving Success express a go this week -just to stop things from getting to "the same" and also I want to become a consultant when we move back to the uk (and Im at target) -if they will have me.. so I thought it would be good to get to grips with all the plans ;)..
Hope everyone is ok and having a good weekend.. will pop back later...
have a lovely day all and keep up the great work everyone!!
morning Ladies,
(well evening of your me lol:D)

just in from Morhdorh :eek: (well thats what it feels like) :whip:
i am awaiting a suitable time to pass peacefully in to the land of deepest coma :nightf:

:winner:strangest ever breakfast award this morning, remember technically its my dinner/supper.......seamed broccoli, diced up ham and primula extra light, an to be honest tasted pretty boomin good, :eatdrink051:but so would a scan bran lol, starvin marvin jumped out me desk about 3 am an danced a merry jig on my tummy :p

well done on your losses Spanx :party0011:an Capricorn:party0011:an any one else on the shrink train to princess town:party0011:

good stuff Surreygirl on the dance an jiggle everyday:party0049:!! after finally getting the wii fit I'm having to fight off the kids to get a look at it lol and by the time they are settled I'm either on my way to work:character00182: or just to knackered :zz:! really need to organize my time better!

will have to be after half term tho, its like a secure unit here! an thats with the big one in respite till Monday, god help us all for the rest of the week!!:rotflmao:

Lucia i hope you mum is doing well and you are too hun. big hugs tinternetted at ya!:gen126:

Capricorn i think you'll make a fab consultant! not to long till you back in bilghty (if memory from previous posts serves)

well as you may have noticed the coffee ran wild and strong :coffee: but the buzzing in me ears has stopped so i assume caffeine in now leaving the building.........

good night, good morning, good evening, (take ya pick!!!)

take care all an keep happy
Slimmer of the month Lucia well done:D:D
Hope your mum soon feels better.

Capricorn well done on your loss and good luck on success express this week.I think you would make a fantastic sw consultant.

Have a nice weekend jiggly.

I lost 3lbs this week:D managed to meet my valentines target.

Hope everyone is having a nice weekend.
Keep shrinking all

hows everyone doing? i am determined this week to get my 10 % award which is - 3 1/2lb and my 2st award 4.5lb its doable i hope its my sisters wedding on the 26th and i am a bridesmaid i am so glad to have lost the amount i have already
Evening all, been off track recently but glad to see so may great losses and awards!! I am trying to make good choices but struggling with my planning which is not helping but I have some portions of super speed soup in the freezer and gonna have those for lunches and hope to find an hour to plan the rest of my week, o am seriously thinking of trying a food replacement diet to take the stress out of always thinking about food have any of you done one?? What do you think?? Xx
Great to see lots of you all about again!

Got Mum across London and back home again today- thanks for all the good wishes- she cant yet see out of the eye but thats normal at this stage as she had alot of donor bits replaced in her eye.

Despite the week I lost a pound and I am cock a hoop to get a loss this week as it's been very difficult with being away from home so much.

I have 3 and a half pounds til my one and a half stone award so I am really working towards that this week.

Will have a good read over the last posts to have a catch up tomorrow- flaked now!
Well done Lucia, Capricorn and Surreygal! :happy096:

Surreygal - Just Dance obviously did the trick!

Lucia - hope your mum feels better soon!

Jayde - food replacement diet is not for me - SW might be slower, but at least I'm never hungry and can eat a huge variety of foods. Sorry, can't give you any advice, as I've never tried one!

Capricorn - I think you'd make an excellent consultant, good luck with Success Express!

Cornish - lovely to have you back and like the new avatar pic - looking good! Well done for getting back on track and good luck this week!

Jiggly - what's primula extra light like? Does it taste like laughing cow?

Cara - good luck for your target this week!
well what can i say, well all was going fantastic right up until we got a phone call at 8am yesterday morning, awhile back i entered the hubby into south devons best patner comp on palm fm, well yesterday we got a call to say he had won it.... i never in a million years thought he would win, although everything i wrote about him was totally the truth even he said that after they told him what i had written, well up until the phone call i had forgotten i had even entered him, well last night we had to attend a romantic meal for 2 yes meal 2 days before weigh in how is that for timing anyways i hope i choose well, i had butternut and sweet potato soup with an un buttered crusty white roll, followed by steak with new potatoes and veg, didn't have desert, also he has won a trophey for being south devon's best partner and a ride in the hi flyer balloon for 2, this i am dreading lol... i can still be hopeful of reaching my goal for this week right?
helloooooooooooooo out there!!

1st of 5 nights off,:D wooooooo hoooo:wee:................oh wait its half term! :rolleyes:

well done Surreygirl:party0011:, Lucia :party0011:and everyone else!:party0011:

Cara fingers crossed for you 2st and club 10 shineys! :cross:Congrats to your hubby for winning best blokey comp:winner:, and well done you for bagging a good one!! i think you made good choices and i hope you enjoy your balloon trip i think i'd go to pieces but its one on those "once in a life time" (unless your in to that sorta thing) so you've gotta try it!!
Jayde i hope your ok hun, i don't like food replacement it made me really ill (an gave me monster breath:brushing teeth:) but you do what is best for you and we'll all be rooting for you!:woohoo:
Cornish hope you business is going well and your getting back on track!
Lucia, glad you mum is doing well, fingers crossed for speedy recovery!:fingerscrossed:
Spanx, i think primula is a little more cheesy than laffin cow, but because the consistency is more runny it melts on to things a lot better. i think I'm still going to use laffin cow on ryvita etc as a spread substitute but use primula in cooking if you get me drift. it also works out a bit more expensive....good job i don't have it every day :p

WI last night (on way to work:() 6lb off for me this week, an a new shiney :D. quite chuffed with that :party0011:. gonna try and be 100% again this week, get me in to a new number!

big hugs to all :gen126: xxx
wow wow i got mt 2st award, my club 10 award my bronze and silver body magic and i won slimmer of the week woohoo, this week i lost 7lb
On some cracking losses ladies.... whoop whoop.. we are shrinking :woohoo::woohoo::woohoo:

Im another one who has tried lipotrim... and it may be for some people but I had dog breath from hell -and constipation to match :eek: I have never known such pain in my life.... I take my hat off to anyone who can stick with it .. but I will stick with my food :p

Anyway -just a quick one tonight as Im off to bed,,,
Sleep well all and keep up the great work....