Good morning lovely ladies :wavey:

well done on the losses again folks :party0019:

2lbs off for me this week ..and on * week too :bliss:... so I will be sticking with success express -for me it is the best of both worlds - like EE but with 2A+Bs :party0011:.... so Im now 2lbs off my 8st shiney .. :cross:that I might hit it next week...
ooh ooh and I don't know if anyone is joining in but I have set myself a target for easter of 1st..so 2lb down and 12 to go :D

Cara -so sorry to hear your mum is so poorly.. hope you get to spend some quality time with her,,,,

Corsacar -*woohoo* :wavey: glad things are still going well and oooohhh losing weight whislt trying to maintain :happy096:
Lucia ... onions done in coke? now thats a new one on me... is it to make them sweet n sticky? I like doing that with balsamic n onions :drool:. Were they nice..that is the question?
Woohoo debz... plenty of room on board for you to join the crazy train...... I can't find your food diary.. but I will go and have another rummage in a moment... not that Im nosey or owt :whistle:
oooohh Jigglymum -did you get drunk n disorderly then? :giggle:

Hubby is now off for 2 weeks which will no doubt b*gger up my routine -BUT on the plus side we are hoping to get lots of exercise in :cross:...
I have just made a big pan of corned beef hash that will go in the fridge -so if we go out I can just warm some up for hubbies lunch when we get back in (he loves the stuff) -plus it means I can stick to my usual lunches ;)
I have the chinese pork marinading for tomorrow night.. annnd the lamb hot pot is nearly done for lunch.. *I will not let my routine get messed up without a fight* :snooty::rotflmao:

Right I will get off again for now..have a lovely day everyone and keep up the great work..
Good afternoon ladies.

Cara so sorry to hear that your mum is poorly,sending hugs.

Welcome Debz :).

Jiggly I know what you mean about munchies when drinking:eek:,i could eat for england when ive had a drink;).Hope you had a good evening and enjoyed the wine.

Well i wasn't expecting a loss this week as i said earlier it's coming up totm for me and i have had mega cravings:eek: but i did get a loss and lost 2lbs:D and that has taken me to 100lbs lost:D:bliss:
I still have a long way to go :8855:and i will get there :D:D.

Well done on all the losses everyone! great work.xx
Hi there

Capricorn ....... huge congrats to you on your loss and nearly reaching 8stone, that is AMAZING!!!! Wish i was me :)

Did u find my food diary? It is just named 'Debz1809 Food Diary' nothing quirky hehe

Surreygal ............. 100lbs WELL DONE MRS !!!!!! You must be so chuffed :) Proud of ya huni x

How do I get the wee smiley?? I cant find them when replying to a comment but they are there if I am posting a new thread??

I hv my weigh in tomorrow and not looking forward to it. Feel like I have gained this week!! Not confident at all!!!!

Speak Soon xXx
:553::clap::happy096::party0011::woohoo::wee::banana dancer::bunnydance::party0019::party0049::party0038:
There you go Surreygal ...well done on your loss and your 100lb milestone...

Hiya Debz ..for the smileys -you need to click "go advanced" when you are posting and then when you see the few smilies -click on the "more" and a new window will appear...
Nope, didn't find your diary,,, I will look in your profile and then look at your posts and track it down that way *just call me miss Marple* :p
SurreyGal-:D:happy096: That is really something to celebrate- what an amazing achievement, be really proud of yourself.

Debz-Welcome aboard:grouphugg:.Have been there done that and have the tshirt for weight loss and fertility treatment, good luck and hugs too. We have been blessed with three beautiful children now through adoption many years ago now.

Capricorn- another 2lbs you certainly are on the sucess express.

Jiggly, we've all done it, no worries think of the week as 21 meals and how many positive choices you made for all the meals!

Sweet Pink hope you are feeling better.

Had a lovely roast today but did have a teaspoon of stuffing and I didnt mean to. The onions in coke by the way, were pretty bad they are better in the balsamic!
Miss Marple :thankyouthankyou:
Got it now ;)

Is everyone having a good Sunday?
I am trying to not eat much as I get weighed tomorrow night!!! Feeling a bit too fat etc!!! Hate feeling like this :mad:
Does anyone else get like this? I am scared that I may get a gain at SW tomorrow night! Any tips on how to loose weight between today and tomorrow night :eek::eek: Ta xXx
Miss Marple :thankyouthankyou:
Got it now ;)

Is everyone having a good Sunday?
I am trying to not eat much as I get weighed tomorrow night!!! Feeling a bit too fat etc!!! Hate feeling like this :mad:
Does anyone else get like this? I am scared that I may get a gain at SW tomorrow night! Any tips on how to loose weight between today and tomorrow night :eek::eek: Ta xXx

ooooohhh nooooooo ..... don't get into the cutting right down before weigh in,,, I got into that bl**dy habbit every time I did WW.... this time I made myself promise I wouldn't do it... I used to weigh on a Thursday.... then would eat loads thurs -sat, cut back sun -tues and virtually starve wednesday until thurs weigh in :eek: .
off to post on your diary now :D
Debz,I'm a Monday weigher and I always include sprouts with my Sunday roast which seems to sort things out nicely for the weigh in on Monday!!!

Well done Surreygal! :553::553::553::553::553::553::happy096::happy096::happy096::happy096::happy096::happy096::happy096::happy096::happy096::happy096::happy096:

Sorry, was that a bit over the top?! I'm soooo proud of you! xxxxx

Well done Cara - and I hope your Mum feels better soon. *Hugs*

Jiggly - oops! I'm exactly the same, give me a couple of glasses of wine and I'm not accountable for my actions! Hope it hasn't had too bad an effect!

Welcome Debz - hope you enjoy your SW journey and get lots of inspiration from minimins! Don't starve yourself before WI, it doesn't work and in the long run it will make the plan more difficult to stick to! I'm sure you will do fabulously!

Well done Capricorn - SE obviously suits you! I'm sure you will hit your 8st shiny next week! :happy096:

Lucia - I'm sure a teaspoon of stuffing won't have any effect - especially not if you've been overdoing the sprouts! :D

I made Smash pizza today (will post pics on my weight loss diary later) - what a find! Great for when you want some 'junk' food that's not junky!
Lucia thanks for that, wish I could eat Brussel Sprouts! Never ever liked the smell or the look of them. Hence why I have never tried them :mad:
I am so glad that someone else has been through what hubby and I are going through! I get so stressed about the whole not ovulating/conceiving!! I tend to get so upset and want chocolate to make me feel better!! Not looking forward to the IVF (if I get there) Find it hard when the docs say that they wont put me on list for ivf at the moment because my BMI is too high!!! Life just isnt fair!!!!

Spanks Loving the Smash Pizza idea. I have Smash in my cupboard. Cant wait to see your pics, So want to try it!
I do tend to not eat much on a Sunday and then on the Monday (day of weigh in) I dont want to eat loads and then my weight is heavier! Feel like I hv put my stone back on this week, so weird!!! Do you ever get like that? :confused:


Hi Debz, pics are now in my diary thread - see link in my signature!

Regarding not eating before WI, I can understand it, but you're not really doing yourself any favours in the long run! Eating normally the day before and on WI day really won't make that much difference to your weight over a week, but it might help you lose more in the long run, as your body won't keep going into calorie-grabbing mode every week, thinking it's not going to get enough food! It's a bit like when you've been ill for a few days and haven't eaten much. I always expect to have lost weight, but I never have!

Good luck for your WI tomorrow! x
Morning ladies :D

Welcome to Debz & good luck with your journey.

Cara, sending lots of positive vibes your way

Surreygirl......WOOOOOHOOOOOO (sorry not as extravagent as Spanx's) What an inspiration to the rest of us!!!! :D

Capricorn.. you are doing soo fantastic as always.

Jiggly...drunk & disorderly???? Enjoy :D

Everyone else, well done to all of you too. I'm still feeling a bit poop. Just cant seem to shake this off at all though I am doing my best to stay on plan. It was my youngest dd's birthday party yesterday but the food wasnt exactly sw friendly. Thats being said I had a couple of pieces of chicken (they were sw friendly) & didnt fancy anything else so opted for a mugshot instead :eek: I did have a piece of cake though it was just a small piece but I have no idea of how many syns it would be but I'm sure cutting back a few everyday will keep me within my weekly limit!!

It was nice too having some comments about how much I have lost etc as it really spurs me on to keep going especially as I have been feeling a bit stuck in a rut lately but hopefully I'll be back to my usual self again soon :)
Thank you all so much for your kind words and support:) you really are all so lovely and supportive :thankyou:.

Good luck Lucia and Debz for your wi.

Sweet hope you soon feel better,it's hard when your not feeling well.

Spanx i'm coming over to your diary to look at the pics of the smash pizza sounds lovely.
Bit disapointed wieghed in and only lost 1.5 lbs :cry:Been really careful as well. So the elusive 1 and a half stone sticker will have to wait til next week.
Well weigh in been and gone!!! I really wasnt as careful this week as I normally am. I have still managed to loose 1lb this week!
A bit happy about that but would have loved more!
I am really wanting to get a big loose this week - at least 4lbs!!!
Any tips on hvn a great week? I bought cabbage tonight, gonna try and eat veg this week :mad: I dont like it but gonna try and force myself :rolleyes:
I go to sw with my best pal and every week we always loose the same or there abouts and tonight she lost 6.5lbs, i am so proud and happy for her but cant help be a little miffed aswell :mad: Is that bad??? xXx
gooooooooooooooood morning from planet caffeine!!!!:coffee:

having a calming cuppa tea while i scrub and dispatch the kids to school then off to beddy byes for me!! :nightf:eek:nly 2 more nights left :happy036:

bloomin freeeezing ere! hope your all doing well!

well done Capricorn:party0011: Surreygirl:party0011:Lucia:party0011: Debz:party0011:

doubble :party0011: and a:woohoo: on the 100lb for Surrey!!

Lucia never tried the onions in coke but i do put onions in my cherry coke chicken and i could die happy in a pan of that stuff lol, i prefer the balsamic 1s 2.

Sweetest pink big squishy coffee cuddles this morning! took me a month to get me brain and body back on que after Christmas and judging by Saturday night i didn't do a very good job lol, more drunk and dolloped on the couch than disorderly, tho i do get a bit mrs mop so the house was spotless (and devoid of food) when i got up in the morning! but we r all here and cheering you on! :wee:
You too Lucia, i see bright and sparkly shineys a plenty in ur future!!!!

Debz i know easier said than done but don't stress on weigh day (see i say it but i don't do it lol) whats done is done draw a line and limbo under it! :D besides if you don't eat u might pass out on the scales I'm sure swollen and bruised princess weigh more than ones who had a healthy snack during the day!
I'm getting weighed 2 night before work and no way can i not eat till then.:eating:
i'll prob have me steamed veg an primula thing once the kids have gone and a big bowl of magic porridge at 6pm-ish weigh in at 7.30............ no lunch break till 3am:banana dancer:

any1 seen Bev, Patsy or Sian on the boards lately? hope they r doing well! :p

have a fab and funky Tuesday all xxxx
Well done Lucia and debz :D.What a bunch of loosers we are ;).

Sweet dreams jiggly I expect your fast asleep by now:nightf: good luck for wi.

I am making a tomato soup for lunch today,that's if i have any energy left after i have been on just dance :eek: :8855: ha ha i just turn the volume up and:banana dancer: .
onwards and downwards :).x
Hi everyone, hope you r all doing well on this very rainy tuesday here in scotland :(
Iv got a wee 3 days off work snd then bk on friday for 7 straight days:( life just isn't very fair but needs must I suppose lol, no work, no money for food .... I would be at a size zero in no time lol, what do you think hehehe??
Heading for hospital appointment in glasgow for my facial laser (got pcos) very scared!!!
Probably have a very sore face later, need to go to asda afterwards so got a scarf with me to cover face :)
Glad its not 30°c outsude or I would just look very silly!
This week is going to be a fab week for my weight loss, going to give it 100%! Going to try and drink hot water with lemon every morning and maybe again at bedtime. Heard its meant to be very good for you and your digestive system, has anyone else tried this?
So far today, I hv had 4 quorn sausages, a fried egg and baked beans. Then had a bottle of water, an apple and a bananna. I hv a hi fi bar in my bag for later if I'm hungry. Not had any lunch though as not at home. Don't know when ill get dinner tonight! Going this is alright to not hv lunch??
Anyway will catch up with you all later, just about to get off bus in glasgow. Speak soon. Take care xxx
Afternoon all

Whoop diddy whoop whoop on the losses ladies :party0011:and there are no such things as "JUST" anythings where weight is concerned ...so no more "just this much lost" :nono: - don't make me do it....:whoopass::p

Well we went out for a bracing walk this morning... it was for 1hr but nearly all up hill and apparently hubby reckons I shifted like a rat up a drainpipe :giggle: -which would explain the huffin an a puffin I was doing -well that and the fact it was SOOOO cold I swear I was breathing ice crystals and not air ;)..anyhoo -every litle helps :D especially if Im gonna ever be fit enough for my Nepal trek :rotflmao:
Then we nipped shopping... we were running low on water -again.... and whilst I was there I got a pineapple nomnomnom ooohh and they have romanesco back in and only 99c :happy036: so I have one of those too put on the dinners too -Im easily pleased me...ooh ooh and I wanted some bacon -well the "lean back" was soooo fatty and at €2.99 for a 250g pack I would be lucky to have half left by the time I de-fatted it... then I spotted the bacon pieces that were much better and only 99c for 300g -so I now have 2 packs as I need to chop it anyway.... Im going to make a garlic mushroom, bacon and redwine sauce to have with pasta mmmmmm

Debz... I have lemon juice in warm water every morning - I knock it back whilst my cuppa is brewing. If you stick it down on an empty stomach it is supposed to "get things moving" .... and it works for me :D. Hope you aren't in too much pain later ...

Its jacket spuddlies with cottage cheese and oooodles of salad for dinner here tonight :drool: -nice and simple and the only meal I know that will never disappoint me ;)

right -enough waffle -Im off again...
Take care all and have a lovely afternoon :D
Hi everyone

Well hospital app went alright. I was in pain and ended up crying when the nurse spoke to me! Its not like me at all but it will all be worth it in the end! Back again in 4 weeks, hubby came with me. He is so understanding and deosnt care about the hair on face. Most men would run away when they knew i had to shave every day!
I am going to be a changed woman for my holiday in June!! Slimmer and Smooth :p Keep everything crossed! I ended up today getting 164 laser shots on my face. It was scalded .... so red and sore!!!:mad: Wish me luck for the next time :cry:
Cap ..... do you use fresh lemon? I bought fresh lemons tonight and i had one tonight about 11pm. Is that wrong? What does it actually do to your body? I am :confused: someone told me that it helped but not sure how??
Well, I am shattered so its off to bed!!!
Speak to you all tomorrow xxxx