a wee maintain for me this week. Happy with that as it was that time of the month :-(
how did everyone else get on? I received my 30 day shred DVD, will try tomorrow!! Thanks Cap x
2.5lbs off for me this morning. I don't think I'll hit my Easter target (need another 4lbs off) but I won't be too far away so I'm happy enough. Red definately seems to be working well for me at the minute though I am going to 'treat' myself to an EE day today just so I can have some rice!!!! :D

Debz good luck with the shred. I'm dying to try it but I'm coming into a very busy spell with work so want to wait until I can really get into it properly. Dying to hear how you get on with it though
Well I gained one and a half this week. Not great but not bad considering the week I had.
However have had some really good news. I have been accepted onto a Paramedic training course at uni which is something I have wanted to do for ages. Cue much merriment and probably a gain this week :s
Quick hello to all.

I have been awol due to a nightmare situation.

My nasty neighbour ( the one who puts 3 wheelie bins outside my house 24/7) has been at it again. I got in touch with the council as I was fed up with the bins. The council wrote and told me they were sending out a letter about the bins at the same time as the letter they sent me which arrived on Monday. On Monday the bins moved back onto her property. On Tues I had a call from Social Services they had had an anonymous call alleging me hurting my daughter ffs, obviously, I hadnt done anything. They have to come out to speak to me and the kids. My kids as you know are all adopted so this is very frightening for them. I know that the truth will prevail and it will be ok but it's an utter nightmare tbh.

I didnt get to weigh in last week but home scales say I've lost loads- not surprising really.
Good Morning all

Well done on the losses again ladies :happy096:and to those with itty bitty gains -you will whip them off again in no time :vibes:

Well I have lost 3.5lb this week -on * week :rotflmao: -so I have hit exactly 9st off :bliss: and need just 1/2lb next to get out of the 200lbs ....
I have stuck with my red days with a carb curfew and I feel bl**dy amazing on it so I will be sticking with them ;). Yesterday I had my 1st go at jogging :eek: and even though we walked some then jogged some I did much better than I ever thought I could :bliss:

My meal out was lovely too -2 courses for 2 whole syns :p and we have decided that we are going to start going out once a month -its chinese next as hubby has his eye on a lovely place ;) and it means I get to dress up :giggle:

Lucia -what a crappy time you are having -neighbours can be a right royal pain in the a** can't they. Hope something gets sorted soon my lovely....
Spanx -have you given the carb curfew a go yet? just wondering if it agrees with you? I find I seem to be eating much less -no constant munching of fruit -which in its self is a miracle :D

Anyway -enough waffling on -hope you all have a lovely day...
Well Done Huni, thats an amazing achievment! You have done great. My hubby and I also have a wee night out once a month, its great to get all dressed up :p
What did you have for your meal?
I bought the 30 day shred DVD but not had a chance to try it yet with work, will do it on tuesday when its my day off.
Do you prefer doing the red days? I seen that you have went on a carb curfew :D Sounds great x
Hi Debz

I seem to get on best on red days... Im not keen on EE as I like 2A+Bs and green days, I still restrict the carbs as I can't handle loads anymore -so I lose out when I do those days. When I do red days though I still eat lots of super free as I love fruit n veg :D -
I have been doing the carb curfew for 2 weeks now and my body feels much better on it (and the losses have gone up a bit) - I have found that somehow Im eating much less and not eating fruit willy nilly ;)

When we went out I had really thinly sliced veal with tuna and caper sauce -which sounds odd but was lovely -the "tuna sauce" was all blitzed so it was really creamy, then for mains I had pork fillet with a lemon, white wine, rosemary, bay and balsamic sauce (which are some of my fave ingredients :p) and I had cauli, courgettes, carrots n broccoli and LEFT the rosemary roasted potatoes ..... I was stuffy puddled anyway , so no pud needed or wanted. It was a gorgeous place with really crisp heavy linen and heavy cutlery :candledinner:

I love the "shred" and after the first few times it seems to fly by... - hope it gives you good results

WelshCakes -I hope it starts moving again for you soon... have you tried shaking things up by trying new recipes etc?

Have a lovely afternoon all!!
Well Done Capricorn :)

What a fabulous achievement!!
I used to do Red Days when I did SW before but I haven't touched them this time!
Maybe when Ive been on the plan for a while as it is only my 2nd week! :)

Does anyone have any cures for bloatedness/wind :( its killing me :(

Hi Debz

I seem to get on best on red days... Im not keen on EE as I like 2A+Bs and green days, I still restrict the carbs as I can't handle loads anymore -so I lose out when I do those days. When I do red days though I still eat lots of super free as I love fruit n veg :D -
I have been doing the carb curfew for 2 weeks now and my body feels much better on it (and the losses have gone up a bit) - I have found that somehow Im eating much less and not eating fruit willy nilly ;)

When we went out I had really thinly sliced veal with tuna and caper sauce -which sounds odd but was lovely -the "tuna sauce" was all blitzed so it was really creamy, then for mains I had pork fillet with a lemon, white wine, rosemary, bay and balsamic sauce (which are some of my fave ingredients :p) and I had cauli, courgettes, carrots n broccoli and LEFT the rosemary roasted potatoes ..... I was stuffy puddled anyway , so no pud needed or wanted. It was a gorgeous place with really crisp heavy linen and heavy cutlery :candledinner:

I love the "shred" and after the first few times it seems to fly by... - hope it gives you good results

WelshCakes -I hope it starts moving again for you soon... have you tried shaking things up by trying new recipes etc?

Have a lovely afternoon all!!

Hey Mrs, your dinner sounds delish. Making me hungry :D I would have made room for a desert though :p

I cant wait to try the DVD !!
Was going to try a red day as like yourself, i love my 'a' and 'b' choices ;)
I am doing alright on the Extra Easy so will wait until that stops working before I try the red day out xx
Afternoon all! Hope all is well in Princessland!

Well done Capricorn - you really are amazing. You sound so positive at the moment too (not that you ever don't sound positive!) - glad it's all working for you! I have planned some meals this week with low/no carb dinners, so I will be hoping my carb curfew works as well as yours has!

I'm reporting in with a 2lb gain this week, which I'm not happy about! I did eat out four times this week, but have only just gone over my weekly syn limit, so I was expecting a STS, or a small gain, 2lbs was a bit of a shocker!

Lucia - hope your situation sorts itself out soon. Rowing with neighbours is horrid, it can affect your whole life, over something quite trivial... I fell out with some neighbours once and the 'feud' went on for 2 years til I moved. I'm sure they probably threw a party when I moved out (a party was the reason we fell out in the first place - wow - I had one party in 3 years and they complained to the police!)

Still, one thing I've learned is not to sweat the small stuff, so if you can put up with some small irritations, it might be better in the long run. I got that from reading a book about how to divorce painlessly when there are children involved. There was a case study in there about arguing with your ex over something because of the priniciple of the thing (ie when they're being completely unreasonable) - the woman recounted a story about a matching table set which her ex wanted to split and she didn't - she worked out after the divorce that that set of tables had cost her nearly £40K in solicitors fees!!!! :eek:

Anyway, hope everyone else is well and has a great loss this week xx
WelshCakes -I hope it starts moving again for you soon... have you tried shaking things up by trying new recipes etc?

Have a lovely afternoon all!!

I do vary it a lot only thing we have the same is the SW tikka masala on a fri night (Instead of the local curryhouse takeaway we used to get)
I know it will come off eventually as I am being 100% just gets a annoying when you only see a 0.8 drop on the scales, going to make some soup for tomorrow/tues I stopped doing that when the weather warmed up.

Glad you had such a fab time sounds wonderful x
Trefoil said:
Well Done Capricorn :)

What a fabulous achievement!!
I used to do Red Days when I did SW before but I haven't touched them this time!
Maybe when Ive been on the plan for a while as it is only my 2nd week! :)

Does anyone have any cures for bloatedness/wind :( its killing me :(


Peppermint tea helps me x

Just a quick hello I'm out shopping but waiting for mum to catch up! Love I can do this on my phone!
I weigh in on a thursday and as [posted earlier, I stayed the same this week. Went and weighed myself today for a wee sneeky peek (thought i was doing well) and I am 3lbs heavier!! I havnt verged off the plan at all this week, I'm gutted :( xx
Just popping in to let you know all was ok - more than ok even. The s/worker said we were doing a fantasic job with our special kids and her report would reflect this- know its off topic but has consumed my life for the last 6 days.

Couldnt eat when this first happened then last couple of dsays have eaten anything in sight- hoping to get back on track now.

Hope everyone is all ok
Lucia, what an absolutely appauling thing for your neighbour to do. I'm glad the social worker saw what a great job you are doing. I'm sure now you'll have no problem getting back on track

Debz, if youre using different scales that could account for the difference.

Capricorn, I would have made room for dessert but glad you had a great time.

I have finally found quark in my supermarket (which it might have been better if I hadnt) & have made syn free lemon meringue!!!! OMG I never thought I would say it but its scrummy!!! That could become an addiction!!!!!:rolleyes: