Question for Jim :-)


I've seen you mention that your Atkins Induction was"clean and green". Does this mean that you ate no cheese, cream etc? Or that you did not eat the lo-carb bars etc?
Hi Tasha, sorry I didn't respond quicker but I don't usually log on over the weekend. basically the answer is YES love, back when I started Atkins the L/C and S/F stuff wasn't generally available, that plus the fact I was using the '72 version of His book.

I'm not saying you shouldn't have the bars and stuff but I'll be honest and admit that at heart I'm a Carb NAZI. :D
Thanks for your reply Jim. I don't eat the low carb bars/products either (carbs are evil!). I switched over from Lighetrlife so am doing a clean induction. I haven't lost a huge deal but i think this is my body levelling out after 12 weeks of starvation. Did you also stay away from cream and cheese? I am assuming the '72 version was a lot more hardcore?
Yes Tasha. the '72 book said NO cheese on induction and no Tomato's either. Cream was OK though, I used it mainly as a thickener, that's full fat cream of course. :D
Okay I think I'll have to start doing this as well, see if it'll make a difference. Thanks for the info Jim - always appreciated :)
Hey, no worries love. :)