Question for the girls on the contraceptive patch


New Member
Do you find your weight loss was slow when you first started it?
This is week 3 of the patch and my weight loss has slowed although my inch loss seems to be ok
Is the patch hormonal? (Sorry, I'm not too familiar with the patch). The reason I ask is because I recently went to have the coil fitted. I was opting for the copper coil as it is non hormonal so I knew it wouldn't cause any weight gain. I wasn't keen on the fact it can make your periods heavier and last longer though. The mirena coil can stop your periods all together after a while. So I asked the nurse if the cause of weight gain is because the hormones increase your appetite. If this was the case I'd have opted for the mirena as I am doing CWP so wouldn't make a difference to me. She said yes but the hormone can also cause your body to hold onto extra fatty acid cells. This is beyond our control and therefore I opted for the copper coil. She adviised me all hormonal contraceptives can do this. So if the patch is hormonal then this could be the case for you.
I had the implant in 08 and within 2 months I had gained 2stone! Had it removed after 6 months, my doc told me he has taken out more than he out in! If I'm honest I think that was the start of all my hormonal issues I'm having now!
I'm on the mini pill and it hasn't affected my losses. When I first took it I lost 2 stone without even trying and got bigger Boobs. A lot of my friends reported the same thing... Weight loss with bigger Boobs. Strange how different things affect different people!