Quitting :)


New Member
Hi, I decided that I am going to quit smoking today. I have an electronic. Cigarette that I have been using and I hope that's ok. Once I get used to it then I will quit that too but it helps me from grabbing a cigarette for now. I started smoking a year ago. Im 27. It started when I was at a party on the weekend and I tried one of my friends and I liked the feeling it gave me so I kept asking for more. Then finally bought my own and I would smoke when I was super stressed out or fighting with my bf and I also liked how I it reduced my appetite. When I smoke I'm hardly ever hungry which is a plus lol. But I want to quit bc I don't want to pay for cigarettes anymore and I seem to always get sick a lot more since smoking like colds. Plus my family doesn't know that I smoke. My mom is coming to visit me in October and I want to be totally smoke free by then. They already suspect that I smoke and I just keep denying it. Bc I don't want them to know. Lol. My roommate smokes so it's hard to quit when I'm around her. But I'm just going to use my electronic cigarette and not buy any new packs. I have had 3 today in the morning but no more.
I gave up proper smokes two weeks ago, been e-cigging since, wish I'd done it when e-cigs first came out. I've saved £70 so far. Good luck!!! X
Lol. Ya I'm hoping to save some money. What kind do u have? I got the logic menthol bc I smoked menthols. It's not the same as a cigarette but it works pretty good.
I used to smoke menthol too. I've got a vapestick, same as a fag except the end glows blue, lol!!! X
Hello Everyone!
I just quit smoking- I am on tablets which makes me forget about smoking and control my first for cigarette. Anyway the tablets don't control my appetite. I am eating lots and lots. i have been fighting with my weight for a long time and finally I have achived a weight I am ''accepting'' ( cant say i am happy with) so now i have dilemma : shell i stop smoking and get big again or shell i start smoking again. I really need your advise guys...
Try an electronic cigarette, nicotine hit when you need one but no nasty ingredients that cause cancer. X
Good luck, ive just given up using e cigs....... I always struggled with patches and mouth spray etc x
It will be totally worth it once you start noticing the differences not smoking has on you!
Myself, having smoked for 7+ years decided one day that i was just sick of it and so went cold turkey, having failed using e-cigarettes in the past. Using one works for a lot of people so i hope it does for you too! Best of luck :)
Still smoke free, yay me!!! Xxx