Racheal's Paleo Journey


Full Member
Its the night before I make the transition from a modern conventional eating lardy bum to a clean eating gym bunny in my quest to lose 100lbs…again!
After great success losing 100lbs previously by what can only be described as milkshake hell, I am almost back to square one. The milkshakes bought me great joy and happiness, I had nice clothes, and found myself a great boyfriend…then I found myself pregnant. Joyful, but unexpected!
9 months later and more mornings spent over the toilet than I care to remember my bundle of joy is here and she appears to have wreaked havoc on my body and left behind with her about 4 stone of fat, inconsiderate if you ask me. I wont lie, aside from the yakking I thoroughly enjoyed gaining that weight, eating what I wanted safe in the knowledge that it was acceptable for me to get fat, in fact, it was my God-given right as a pregnant woman to get fat!
Regret would be the only way I can describe how I feel about that looking back.
So here we are 8 weeks after a traumatic birth and I am finally recovered enough to hit the gym and get back on a diet but where to start? I’ve already tried every diet on the planet, and invented a few of my own, and here I am once again overweight, how do I do this once and for all?
So I hired myself a personal trainer to guide me, now there’s a man who has his work cut out for him. On my first session I was given my training programme (I’ll describe what I do on my daily posts) and advised me to go home and research the paleo diet and stick to it.
This is to be combined with strength training and some good old fashioned cardio.
Now I have already completed my first week in the gym, and today decided to walk there…I had to stop half way to sit down! How shameful! I did get a good hours cardio in when I got there and an hour of strength training but still, that illustrates just how bad a shape I am in!
So here begineth my journey through 100lbs, which starts as soon as I have said goodbye to chocolate and doritos.
I hereby vow to..
1. post EVERYTHING I eat on this blog, even if I would rather forget it
2. post all my exercise for the day on here
3. and pretty much post all my ramblings on here if it stops me eating my body weight in crisps, which is an awful lot of crisps.
Today was a busy day, when I say busy I mean EXHAUSTING! However, feeling quite virtuous as I still managed to go to the gym even though I wanted to just come home and crawl into bed.
My dad visited today and bought chocolate eclairs...I resisted and ate cherries :D can someone come and polish my halo please? Thanks :)
OK so here is my menu and exercise for the day..
Breakfast: Scrambled eggs and bacon - now bacon isn't strictly paleo but it was in my fridge and needed eating and it was nice and quick to bung in the George Foreman while I was getting dressed
Lunch: Again not ideal, but chicken breast, I was on the move and had to stay at uni longer than expected, should have taken a packed lunch
Dinner: chicken legs, salad (spinach, rocket, lettuce, cucumber, onion, pepper, tomato, olive oil) baked sweet potato with salt and pepper

Snacks: Cherries and grapes
Exercise for the day
5 Min bike warm up
Chest presses: 3x10 3kg
Chest flys: 1x15 2x10 3kg
Pullovers: 2x10 4kg
Pullbacks: 3x15 6kg
Bicep curls 1x15 2x10
hammer curls 1x15 2x10
The aim is to be able to do 3x15 for all of these, a goal which I have 3 weeks to work for
Fell shattered but good so far, wanted to do more cardio today but it has been such a busy day I haven't had the time, will make an extra effort tomorrow
Good luck on your journey. Sounds like you've made a positive start. The support on here is fantastic too.
Day 2…headache central! I suspect the dreaded carb withdrawal :(
Spent most of today being lazy due to this braincrushing headache I have had all day which lovingly turned into a migraine. Anywhoo after a nap and some darkness I was awake and raring to go so off to the shops I headeth. I have stocked my freezer up with plenty of meat and cooked up all my veggies which were going off to be stored in the freezer ready for me to do some batch cooking to see me through the next few weeks of revision.
So, I have to say I have absolutely loved my food today, enjoyed every mouthful and felt satisfied all day. Here is my menu for the day
Breakfast: Left over chicken, rasher of bacon and rocket salad

Lunch: Tuna, olive oil and spinach salad

Dinner: Turkey burgers with chorizo scrambled eggs
OK day 4..
I am currently up at 6am with THE WORST STOMACH ACHE...EVER!
Me and the other half went out last night as we are baby free for the first time this weekend and we decided to see our friends and have some drinks. Anyway, we were so busy neither of us ate all day, I had a berry medley and nuts for breakfast and nothing else, until we got home.
We were sooo ravenous that we ordered takeaway.
I have spent all night trying to digest the animal eyebrows and in terrible stomach pain as a result. Made me realise how much my body likes it when I eat clean and work out. I will consider this a lesson learnt.

However, wrongly or rightly, I am proud of myself. Usually a blip like that would send me into a downward spiral and I would think "Oh well, might as well enjoy the whole weekend and get back on it monday" which I am not doing. I am sat here in my gym gear ready to so a massive workout and planning my meals for today so I don't get caught short and eat rubbish because it is safe to say, my body can't handle it any more.

Food diary for the past few days

Breakfast: sweet omelette, strawberries, blueberries, pecans, hazelnuts walnuts and 1 tbsp maple syrup

Lunch: chicken and bacon rocket salad

Dinner: mini turkey meatloaf on a bed of spring greens stir fried in chorizo

Friday: COMPLETELY HONEST as shameful as it may be

Breakfast: Berries and nuts

Lunch: Half a egg and cress sandwich

Dinner: Half a kebab, half a burger, 3 ribs, 3 wings and a handful of chips

Quite a bit of vodka and coke and half a starbar. I'm not proud.

It was nice for me and OH to let our hair down though but next time I'll stick to water and paleo :)
terrible weekend :(
fully made the most of being baby free with drinking and eating crap. There's no excuses but I do have 3 weeks until WI so I can pull it back with lots of exercise in between revision and nappies!
been back on the wagon all week, but not really around much due to exams in 3 weeks so focussing on those!