Rach's Weight Loss Diary

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errrrrrrrrrrm... 9lbs. But I'm confident! :D (probably overly lol, but still :p)
OWCH :( oh alright... are we deviating from plan A to plan B of 2st mark - make it fairer?

Sorry missed this one - was so taken aback by Em's DIY wii - girls have sorted the boxes already and nagging my OH silly lmao.

Yep we can do if you want - think you'll still win though as after Mondays WI - I think I will be lucky to STS the following week!!! Am out for dinner 3 times that I know of (and that doesnt include with my OH) - i dunno my nights out are getting to be like buses!

Am hoping to shed a few inches this week so I fit into some of my dressy clothes which were a tad too tight when I tried them on last weekend :D:D:D
Sorry missed this one - was so taken aback by Em's DIY wii - girls have sorted the boxes already and nagging my OH silly lmao.

Yep we can do if you want - think you'll still win though as after Mondays WI - I think I will be lucky to STS the following week!!! Am out for dinner 3 times that I know of (and that doesnt include with my OH) - i dunno my nights out are getting to be like buses!

Am hoping to shed a few inches this week so I fit into some of my dressy clothes which were a tad too tight when I tried them on last weekend :D:D:D

sounds like a plan! :D i'm sure you can manage it - i panicked when i saw your exercise ticker.. you've already stomped up a whole hour?! I was really busy yesterday with this and that so never got to pool.. dragging myself this morning even though i really dont feel like it!

Mealwise, i'm out tonight and no doubt will be out on friday at some point when i go see my mum, so we're pretty even. You know you can go out and still lose weight :) - wise choices and damage control - you can do it! :D

as for the wii boxes.. brilliant idea.. has he started to cave yet lol? :p
just thought i would add: last night Matty picked me up (he likes to pick me up to give me his thoughts on whether Wii Fit is weighing me right! :p) and said yes I did feel lighter (think he knows i would lamp him if he said otherwise LOL :D) but then he dropped me and i fell on the bed..

...welll... there is now a rather large "bum-dint" on my side of the bed.. i have knackered all the springs and it was SO uncomfy to sleep on last night! Gutted! However, was laughing all last night as it was rather funny :p
I asked OH if we could get a wii for chrimbo as a family present for all of us - :mad: he said no - tellys are to be watched :eek: - so looks like I'll be pounding the streets after dark every night this week to try and catch you up :(

Er... just go and get a Wii.... and tell him to lump it! x
Can you make me one too please? I can't afford a Wii AND a Wii fit! I have neither!

BUSINESS IDEA or what! LOL. Fake tan, fake fur... FAKE WII! Lol x

lmaooo emma u make me laff xx

Lol :Dx

:rotflmao: I can't remember when I last laughed this much ... practically reduced me to tears! - My daughters think this idea is great. I think we might roll this idea out - if we make our own - OH might just might get the message - we're used to making pratts out ourselves in this house anyway - can but try!

*gushes* :ashamed0005::giggle:I didnt think anyone would read that it was sooo long lol. ;)

Thats my good deed for the day! Although i hope it was good tears Jax ;)

You'll just have to bribe him! Tell him we guarentee once he has it he will change his mind! It's FAB!x
Hey Rach ... you always sound so positive :) ... its great !! think i may start aiming for set time on wii fit each week to :) ...

hope your having a great day xx
Rach, Thanx for yr txt - size 18 jeans hey - dead jealous as I'm still in my 22's (was 24's :eek: when I started)! Thrilled for you hun :D

I enjoyed the hours brisk walk last night - Beth was off ahead of my on her scooter with me desperately trying to keep up lol - Would you count this as moderate exercise? - hope you enjoyed your swim :)

And no he's not caving in yet on the wii :(
Hey Rach ... you always sound so positive :) ... its great !! think i may start aiming for set time on wii fit each week to :) ...

hope your having a great day xx

thanks Kirsty :D i hope you're doing well on your secret mission ;) haha! and yeah, i dont do most of it on the Wii Fit actually - i normally do maybe an hour on the Wii Fit a week cause it tempts me to weigh myself and I hate doing it haha! But i do aim for 3.5hrs exercise a week so it averages out at the recommended 30mins per day :) also, I'm back on Core this week and I'm totally looking forward to your meatballs later in the week :D i've organised to cook them for my mum too cause they're so tasty :D

Rach, Thanx for yr txt - size 18 jeans hey - dead jealous as I'm still in my 22's (was 24's :eek: when I started)! Thrilled for you hun :D

I enjoyed the hours brisk walk last night - Beth was off ahead of my on her scooter with me desperately trying to keep up lol - Would you count this as moderate exercise? - hope you enjoyed your swim :)

And no he's not caving in yet on the wii :(

did i say jeans? technically it was trousers but will go upstairs and hunt out my 18 jeans and see if they fit yet :) if not, only 1lb until my next dress size so will try again later - never give up - never give in! Whats that off? :confused:

As for your 22's you must be closing in fast on the 20's - i was wearing 22/24 jeans when i started and you've lost more weight than me! I guess its body shape too though, even though you're walking maybe you need some form of toning exercises too? My aquafit / swimming focuses on my stomach a lot so maybe why i've gotten into an 18 so quickly? On the subject of toning though, once i tidy my floor (its like WW3 in here) i'm going to have to start doing stomach exercises because my stomach hangs down and i'm worried that it's not going to disappear when I lose weight - I have the same skin as my mum - we're both allergic to heat/sun and my mums got loads of excess skin from having me and my sister..

On the walking, did you get hot and sweaty / out of breath? I'm always confused by how you class your exercise - I go for moderate for my swimming as I dont feel like i'm dying.. and I always choose low for walking as i'm a buggar for walking really slow - i honestly have to jog next to Matty to keep up when we go anywhere! If you did a brisk walk though, i assume it was faster than you would normally go so I would say moderate myself..

and keep bugging him about the Wii! Are you sure you dont want to lend mine? I can lend you it for a few weeks if you want cause its gathering quite a lot of dust here I am ashamed to say :p

Well done Rach thats a great weight loss


Thanks M :) heres to a good loss for you in your first week on points! xxx

anyway - food for today:

B - Shreddies and skimmed milk
L - 4 ryvitas with a pack of sburys basics prawns, philadelphia light, alfalfa sprouts and sliced tomato.
T - going out to TGI's, but going for either a steak (no sauce) with jacket and salad (no butter or dressing) or my spicy diablo.. i cant make up my mind what i want but i'm sure when i see what everyone else is ordering I will know! :)
Hello missus.. just popping in to say hello, and thanks for the PM etc *HUGS*
Hi Rach

Just popping in to say hi. Sorry been so quiet. I am so tired with little fella keepin me up all night that I have no drive at all this week.

Not with it. Hope you are ok

thanks Kirsty :D i hope you're doing well on your secret mission ;) haha! and yeah, i dont do most of it on the Wii Fit actually - i normally do maybe an hour on the Wii Fit a week cause it tempts me to weigh myself and I hate doing it haha! But i do aim for 3.5hrs exercise a week so it averages out at the recommended 30mins per day :) also, I'm back on Core this week and I'm totally looking forward to your meatballs later in the week :D i've organised to cook them for my mum too cause they're so tasty :D

did i say jeans? technically it was trousers but will go upstairs and hunt out my 18 jeans and see if they fit yet :) if not, only 1lb until my next dress size so will try again later - never give up - never give in! Whats that off? :confused:

As for your 22's you must be closing in fast on the 20's - i was wearing 22/24 jeans when i started and you've lost more weight than me! I guess its body shape too though, even though you're walking maybe you need some form of toning exercises too? My aquafit / swimming focuses on my stomach a lot so maybe why i've gotten into an 18 so quickly? On the subject of toning though, once i tidy my floor (its like WW3 in here) i'm going to have to start doing stomach exercises because my stomach hangs down and i'm worried that it's not going to disappear when I lose weight - I have the same skin as my mum - we're both allergic to heat/sun and my mums got loads of excess skin from having me and my sister..

On the walking, did you get hot and sweaty / out of breath? I'm always confused by how you class your exercise - I go for moderate for my swimming as I dont feel like i'm dying.. and I always choose low for walking as i'm a buggar for walking really slow - i honestly have to jog next to Matty to keep up when we go anywhere! If you did a brisk walk though, i assume it was faster than you would normally go so I would say moderate myself..

and keep bugging him about the Wii! Are you sure you dont want to lend mine? I can lend you it for a few weeks if you want cause its gathering quite a lot of dust here I am ashamed to say :p

Thanks M :) heres to a good loss for you in your first week on points! xxx

anyway - food for today:

B - Shreddies and skimmed milk
L - 4 ryvitas with a pack of sburys basics prawns, philadelphia light, alfalfa sprouts and sliced tomato.
T - going out to TGI's, but going for either a steak (no sauce) with jacket and salad (no butter or dressing) or my spicy diablo.. i cant make up my mind what i want but i'm sure when i see what everyone else is ordering I will know! :)

TGI's...dribble dribble.... :26::109::48::47::23::26:
Hope you have a great time at TGIs. :)xx
Hello missus.. just popping in to say hello, and thanks for the PM etc *HUGS*

you're welcome.. hope you're feeling a bit better and that your time off helps you get back to normal :)

Hi Rach

Just popping in to say hi. Sorry been so quiet. I am so tired with little fella keepin me up all night that I have no drive at all this week.

Not with it. Hope you are ok


hey dont worry about it :) i know you're run off your feet with Archie so I just worry about you! :) keep going with the WW though because you're going to do so well on friday - i just know it! :)

TGI's...dribble dribble.... :26::109::48::47::23::26:

Hope you have a great time at TGIs. :)xx

thanks both of you :D TGI's was great - although i strayed from plan. I started off with a single malibu and diet coke (we were there for over 3 hours so figured i was okay to have one as was driving) which meant i wasnt paying attention when i ordered. Everyone was having starters, so i chose Boneless chicken with hot sauce.. never had it before and the sauce wasnt even hot.. just odd.. so i had half (points arent on Noreen Blacketts as I've just found out its a new dish). Then I had spicy diablo pasta but forgot to order without cheese (too busy giggling like a loon! :rolleyes: - 10pts) so i just thought ah well. And then I had the Sorbet Martini but it wasnt very nice so I just picked the strawberries and pineapple out of it and left the sorbet and spritzer they'd poured on it (weird? and again, not on Noreen Blacketts and not in my EOG)

oh well! drawing a line under it - i WILL be losing 2lbs next week, and to kickstart that I've just done half an hour on my exercise bike while I watch But I'm a Cheerleader.. totally cheesy love film - makes me feel dead happy when I watch it :D love Clea DuVall - shes great in Heroes too.
i WILL be losing 2lbs next week, and to kickstart that I've just done half an hour on my exercise bike while I watch

:eek: Has no-one told you, you shouldnt exercise after food! You'll be :sick0019:

Glad you had a fab time and well done on getting straight back on that bike.
but i finished eating by half 8 and didnt exercise until 10? also, i'm on Core - i am NEVER far from the toilet these weeks :p LOL (TMI i know!) but anyway, it's all good - got my day planned out for tomorrow :)

swimming in the afternoon! :D
Hey lady!

Whats this about size 18 jeans? CHECK YOU OUT! Well done!!!x
Good nights out are fine just forget it and move on. Bonus points for the exercise I'd have been laid out sleeping it off

Should get back to work now

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