Rach's Weight Loss Diary

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cheers Phil :)

anyway, todays food:

B - 1/2 grapefruit with 2 tsp splenda (0.5)
L - 6 crackerbread (1.5) tin tuna (2) tomatoes (0)
T - turkey mince and onion pie (12) and 1/2tin marrowfat peas (1)
S - apple and cinammon asda nutrigrain copy (2) walkers multipack japanese teriyaki crisps (2) gravy made with 10g granules (1)

total: 22 points :D booyakasha LOL!

I'm sure you'll find a fab outfit :D

Congrats on the qualifications Rach, graduations are exciting and always a good excuse for shopping.

How much bloomin turkey mince did you get?
Not long then to graduation mark 2 and still got more to come. Enjoy it all Rach

Thanks guys, and Vanda, I bought 1.5kg LOL! :D
Nik i just saw your message - we must've cross posted last night :)

az l0ng as y0u dnt typ lyk diz i rly dnt cair. ;) (if yu d0 i wIlL c0m3 aNd b1tch sl4p yu, l0l :D)

anyway, morning guys :)

off to the gym at some point, then its my friends mums birthday so i thought i would pop a card round.. then other than that i do of course, have buggar all life.

dropped Matty at the pub last night and i did a teeny shop.. got some salad, and scored myself two sea bass for 1.49 :D oh yeah, so sea bass on the menu for tea tonight :)

so anyway, food for today before i head off to the gym:

B - 1/2 grapefruit with 2 tsp splenda (0.5) 40g vitality cereal (2.5) 1/2pt skimmed milk (1)
L - turkey chilli (5.5) 300g jacket potato (3)
T - 2 fillets of salt baked sea bass (3.5) free veg (0) 200g new potatoes (2)
S - nutrigrain copy (2) slice bread (1.5) mini twister (1) mini milk (0.5)

total: 23 points
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Hi Rach seabass I was going to get them yesterday but were £3 each so didn't, did you do a yummy meal with them? Well done on the gym expect eye candy reports :)
I don't have much of a life too but I always think best quiet and calm than full of stress hey ;) if we were closer I'd come to the gym with you n play S or S .
Have a lovely weekend xxx
cheers guys. Theres been no eye candy on the last three visits - quite disappointed.

After watching the telly last night, I logged on this morning to check the updates on Raoul Moat and have found that he has died. On facebook so many people have said they hope he dies painfully etc etc and I know he has destroyed so many peoples lives in the last week, but I cant help but think what sort of life he mustve gone through to come to that and I could never wish a death painful or otherwise on anyone. Very sad end to a sad week.

Matty's gone off this morning to work as he is on call. I have no idea what time he will be back, so looks like I am on my own again today. Packed him up a couple of sarnies for his breakfast as didnt want him to go hungry.

Not sure what to do with myself atm.. think i'll pop some Biggest Loser on and then no idea!
Ahhh maybe go for a walk, is there any local clubs / hobbies you could join? I'm doing volunteer work for the blind I hope after checks come in as I don't have much socially ,hope you find something nice to do Hun xx
It is sad Rach, but he did some terrible things to people who really didnt deserve it. I'm not saying that I'm glad he's dead but sometimes you can't see that it's going to end any other way . And sometimes I'm not glad to be right IYKWIM.

Anyway, hope you weekend is a good one. 2weeks of school left and counting-any idea when you are thinking of visiting, if you can still make it
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Hi Rach..what you said about Raol Moat totally resonated with me. I didn't even watch BB last night, sat and watched Sky News for a few hours, went to bed and just lay there then Graeme came up later and told me he'd shot himself and been taken to hospital. Didn't sleep most of the night, just thinking about it, got up this morn and found he'd died. The whole thing has just made me feel so sad and like you, wondering what led to this. Yes, he did really terrible things and took a life, but one wonders what might have been if this had been prevented (which it looks like it could've been) Can't get the image out of my head of him lying on the grass, in the dark (but highlighted by floodlights) and rain, and killing himself. I wouldn't wish that on my worse enemy either, such a lonely yet public ending. There were villagers on the news saying everyone had mixed feelings as obv they hated what he'd done but also remembered him as a young boy who was lovely. He seemed to take the wrong path in life and it cost him, little comfort for his victim's families though, I know.

Geez sorry Rach, way to bring a downer on someone's diary!!! Hope you're weekend is going ok, if I were you I'd have a massive pampering session after the B.L - face pack, DIY facial, bubble bath - the works :D

Hope today has brightened up a bit for you and that you and Matty have plans for tonight out or in!!

Very jealous of the sea bass I love a bargain and I love sea bass - enjoy

I'm at a loose end too today and probably for the next week but hey ho will make the best of it, lucky to be alive and all that stuff.

Have a great day
cheers guys.. Nik, i am a total softie with him and sometimes i huff that he expects it but i would never send him to work without his sarnies cause i'd feel well guilty! that, or knowing he had money for a subway :p

..I can't find a dress for graduation... waaaaaaaaaaah :( i'm going to drag Matty into metro centre tomorrow to see if i can find one, but online, i've scoured New Look, Dotty P's, Topshop, Coast, Debenhams, Lipsy, River Island.. even Marksys (in desperation!) and nothing! I was even thinking i could look in evans.. but i will not! i refuse, i would rather go naked :p

may have to be trousers after all :(
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