Rach's Weight Loss Diary

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ha ha!! that first post made me chuckle.. hope the rage has subsided lol :) and I hope you havent had as miserable a day weather wise as we have!! xx
Unwinding with my second bottle of Rose wind. Fxkinc wShincfon stAff doing my heAd in. Almost lamper one today. Wine helping calm the rage. Talk tomorrow when soberer.

Does anyone else laugh at the plenty advert? One sheet.. Lol!
Priceless. I think you should get drunk all the time just so you can post more like this. So funny Rach
i'm not good when drunk. i learned last time i got mortal that i climb things (like i do when sober) and fall harder.. i climbed over a wall into a yard that i thought was mine.. turns out it wasnt. couldnt get out so friend had to climb over and boost me back over.. i then shouted abuse at housemate.. but was in wrong street and even if it had been the right street, i was on the wrong side :p

..when he finally got me inside, i took all of my clothes off in front of my housemate and her friends.. then promptly collapsed.

Lesson learned :p

felt a bit wishy this morning but it soon went when i had to get stuck in with salad bar etc at work. caught sight of myself in the mirror this week and really not happy with how i look. I look BIG.

the cakes still havent stopped.. so thats probably something to do with it! :p no more now.
i once came out of a club,got in the back of this Blokes car and told him where I wanted to go-he had only come to pick up his sister and wasnt actually a taxi -oops-but yours is funnier
thanks guys :)

well, been at work today - nice short shift for once - 8-1. Also managed to wangle tomorrow off, so I have tomorrow and monday off now.. YAY! :D

Step and tone tomorrow morning, and the nice lady at the gym (who is also the horrible beast who takes the spinning class ;) :p) said that as its bank holiday on monday and there are no classes, she will let me put a spinning dvd on so i can still do my monday morning spinning :D

in general feeling quite chipper mood wise, but think i'm a bit run down as getting a sore throat and a bit of a tickly cough which is a nightmare when you work with food.

still havent managed even one day 100% on points but i'm still trying:

B - oatsosimple apple and blueberry with sk. milk (3)
L - sainsburys pot red pepper and lentil soup (5.5) 2 crusty bread buns (5)
T - rump steak (6) peas (1) free veg (0)
S - potato wedges (5)

total: 25.5 points

if i can have my steak later and not have anything else, i'll be really pleased. Eating / picking at work is killing me.. and adding to my ever expanding waistline. My 18 trousers are not even loose at the moment which is not a good sign :( last shift on thursday though, so i just need to keep plodding along until it gets easier :) x
You are so dedicated doing the spin on Monday morning! Wow. Im avoiding the gym at the moment, cause its just depressing me not being able to do my cardio stuff. I know I should go and do some strength, but I just CBA.
Hope you enjoy your mmm steak.
i am not working :D i managed to wangle today and tomorrow off.. Matty on call, but still get to spend more time with him and rest more than i would normally :p

invited my mum up tomorrow for dinner as she's feeling low with her depression, so she's coming up with my little sis tomorrow for some tea.. only making chicken fajitas but hopefully she'll be okay with that :)

sunday roast today.. pork for a change. Gone mental at the meat counter while the spend 10 quid get 2 quid off offer is on, so bought a nice joint of pork, some lean diced beef for stew, some pork steaks, a couple of steaks, some lamb shanks and a bit of liver (my treat to myself as Matty won't eat it since he was badly after one meal) and i went through self scan 3 times with the carve magazine vouchers as you can only use one per transaction lol :p

leaving work on thursday so wanted to get plenty of meat in before i finish.. plus the offer ends tuesday so had to get it soon :)

they have the same offer on fish but Mattys not as fussed, so i didnt bother - still got loads in the freezer but everytime i ask if he fancies it i get a no :p

missed step and tone as just got up, but i know Matty will get called in at some point today and when he does i'll go to the gym. strangely enough, i'm really enjoying it once i'm there and i look forward to my day off which means i can go and just exhaust myself without having to worry about needing energy for work :p Mike the fitness manager has been off sick (how selfish!) and i havent seen scar man for ages. I have however found a totally different person to stare at.. not cause he's nice but cause he's weird.. he comes in in a pair of green and white flowery holiday shorts, a tight fitted white tshirt and he looks like a skinny version of Chris Evans. He then gets on the cross trainer, puts a towel over his head so you cant see his face, and cross trains for half an hour. I shouldnt laugh, but its too tempting! :p

Also, this is from ages ago but I did a little squeal when i found it in asda on wednesday - they rebranded my body scrub - its called coconut ice cream now :D so pleased! infact, i was REALLY REALLY happy when i found it.. but then again that was the day i had a bottle of wine :p

food for today:

B - 1 slice bread (1.5) 3 chipolata sausages (4.5) frylighted egg white (0) tomato sauce (0.5)
L - spiced carrot and lentil soup
T - roast pork (3) 1 yorkshire pudding (1.5) cauliflower, broccoli, carrots (0) gravy (2)
S - activia yoghurt (1) meringue nest (1) dairylea triangle (1)

total: 16 points + lunch

pointing the soup as i make it as not sure on the points for lentils!

(p.s. determined today i am going to tick off my first mini goal :p)
Have a lovely day at home, can I come for tea too? Dont feel like cooking today and quite fancy chicken fajitas :D
Good Luck for this week and also your mini goal. You can do it. You an me both with the weight gain, but we will shift the gain plus more besides I am sure.
Nah you won't. I've felt ill all day and have comfort eaten too much. Most of it was extra soup but some was carte for ice cream, a cornetto and a fab. Don't know what's wrong with me ATM, I've got no off button. Scared to stand on scales because I really think I might have to remove upto another 2 silver sevens :(

I haven't eaten anything for a few hours at least, but that doesn't really make much difference in the scheme of things!

Attempt 3 tomorrow, going to keep to low point breakfasts and lunches and give myself 25 points a day until I can stick to it for more than a few hours. Low points early on will give me plenty to play with later on which seems to be my more difficult time.

Plan for tomorrow:

B - apple and blueberry porridge (3)
L - spiced carrot and lentil soup (2) 6 crackerbreads (1.5) sliced tomato (0)
T - 1 wrap (2.5) chicken (2.5) peppers, onion (0) fajita mix (0.5) l. f sour cream (1)

Total: 12 points
cheers guys, appreciate the support.

up nice and early this morning. have had my breakfast and got an hour and a bit until the gym opens so plenty of time to let it rest.. spinning still makes me sick if i eat too much / too close to exercising.

also got a lemsip as this damn sore throat is developing into having not just a sore throat, but being deaf in my left ear and having a stuffy nose and an irritating on/off cough. checked the ingredients on the box.. is sucrose sugar? everything else is either paracetamol or vit c so i'm okay with that.. i suppose if i go to the gym then i dont need to worry about one little lemsip, but even so :p

better get up and ready and make matty some breaky as hes just been called into work bless him xx
Aw hun that cold sounds nasty! Hope you feel better very soon and I know you will worry bout don't worry about the eating, you're not well and it will come together soon.

Sucrose is sugar but I think you are more than safe with the amount of work that you do at the gym.

Have a good day

Don't beat yourself up about your eating if your feeling poorly Rach. Just concentrate on getting better. And you know, even if you're struggling to be 100% at the moment, at least you're still going to the gym. Thats something to be well proud of!
Hope you feel better soon xx
Well I've just spent the last hour with my head in the toilet. It was after the soup so wondering if there's something bad in it, but have also chucked eggs as made scrambled for Amber cause she's been sick this morning too (tried to see how hot it was). I've already racked my brains as to what she could have eaten that I have.. But can't think of anything so must be a coincidence.

Spinning was great though dead proud of myself.. Felt amazing after I left but can't even keep water down ATM.. Feeling v rough
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