Re-climbing the Mountain


Hey all,

Just thought I would share...I first started the CD in November 2010...I was already exercising and trying to eat well but thought I could do with the extra help. I was just over 16 stone at the time. I had battled to get to that weight from about 25 stone so was really in the grove. The CD (SS+) at that time helped me get down to 14.5 (even though I wasn't especially religious about certain elements!)....In about 2 months - if that.

Then in February 2011, I stopped going to the stress with tough deadlines meant that I didn't have the free time that I used to I came off the CD...ate sensibly (for the most part)...

I was made jobless a few months after that (though managed to get back into work after a few months) and then went through some *dark* issues. All in all, I started to comfort eat. Pizza Hut, The Mayflower and Marks and Spencer Simply Food was all that was standing between me and utter oblivion.

While I consoled myself with food, I also fooled myself that I wasn't getting as big as I used to be because the wight wasn't going on as fast. Sure I needed to buy a bigger wardrobe, but no worries I was not as big as I was.

I started going back to the gym in March 2012. My mind didn't think I had been out of practice for over a year, but my body sure as hell knew it. I've been relatively good so far (in regards to gym attendance!), and have been going four times a week without fail. Just as I knew that I needed to go back to they gym as my body was about to go through a massive breakout (which I have averted), I knew I needed to come back to the CD because of my bad eating habits (i.e. carbs and late night binging).

Objectively, going home and tearing open a family pack of chocolate digestives (on sale from Sainsbury's) after dinner because I had a bad day at work, was not the best thing. I came to realise that quite possibly in my line of work, I may have many 'bad days' and I can't eat my way through them in the hope I will feel better. It wouldn't help me try to find a less destructive way to deal with these issues, and it takes away from the effort that I put in at the gym.

This is why I contacted my CDC, I needed to get back on track. I now way just over 20st. I was told that I don't look it (I won't relish that as it was that attitude that led me down the garden path in the first place) and am in the 'Very Obese' category on the weight chart. Funnily enough, I didn't feel sad, disappointment or upset. It has been a hell of a year, and there were bound to be casualties.

Instead I felt determined, focused. There will be other hellish years I imagine, and when they come I will have to do my best to ensure that I am not another causality. I did allow myself to eat some foods I could have done without as I knew I was going into the diet the next day. It was a pointless exercise, I didn't feel satisfied, just bloated and annoyed.

I have started the CD now and was toying with the idea of doing SS (as I want to loose the weight as of three weeks ago!) but have decided against it, I am going to the gym regularly and my work is very active, I will need that extra boost to continue (eating what is allowed by SS+) with my days (as well as to keep my metabolic rate stable).

12 Weeks will see if I am successful.

Good luck to you all!
Hi Sahara, I am thanks.
When I started, I wast 20.5 Stone, now I am 16.3.
I put on a quarter of a pound this week as I have been unwell.
Hopefully I will do better next week.


Hi Brutus, hope you don't mind me posting. I can empathise with what you say about using food to get through the tough times...i am the same. Sounds like you are in a positive frame of mind though...well done.

I'm a comfort eater too, so I can understand how you use food to help get through tough times.The trouble is, it causes more problems than it solves.You are doing very well-how much more do you want to lose?