Re-starting for the final time, this is it!!!!

That's great news, well done :)

following primal blueprint and experimenting with the 5:2 fasting diet
Congrats on the progress!
Thanks ladies! !

Not really eaten great today, haven't gone totally crazy or anything though. We were at the beach in a place called tramore. So the usual seaside treats were on offer. But I am not too bothered as we did loads of walking - managed over 3 miles so that should help. Got slightly burnt too - you wouldn't realise the heat in the sun with the cool sea breeze. I love the beach :) wish it was on my doorstep - it does so much for you.
Rachgleeson said:
Forgot to say I am now a great auntie :) :) :) :)

Congratulations, great auntie! I've yet to achieve that honour, but with two of my nephews now married, I live in hope, lol. Is it a boy or girl? :) xx
Aww, lovely. :) I hope my lot get a move on, but I can't say anything, I was nearly 38 when I had Kathryn, and they're only in their 20s, lol. :) xx
I wish them all the best. I remember holding off on having my own, and realising that there was alot to be said for being younger and better able to recover from sleep deprivation, running after toddlers etc! When my mate had her kids in her teens I reminded her that she'd be young enough to go clubbing with them etc and be a cool mum. When they got older, she did!
Rachgleeson said:
I am only 32 so quite young to be a great auntie. The nanny and grandad are only 34 and 36 - (my hubby's brother and his wife) they were only young having their son who is now the proud daddy. They may be young but what will be will be. :)

My nephews definitely need to get a move on then - I'm 50 so it must be time for me, lol. :D xx
I wish them all the best. I remember holding off on having my own, and realising that there was alot to be said for being younger and better able to recover from sleep deprivation, running after toddlers etc! When my mate had her kids in her teens I reminded her that she'd be young enough to go clubbing with them etc and be a cool mum. When they got older, she did!

Thats a point I always make. My sister in law (babys nanna) is becoming a grandparent when some of her friends are only just becoming mums.
Back on it 100% today. I am so tired as new daddy came up last night with the new nanny and grandad and auntie. So the men had a few drinks while the girls just gossiped as we do. 3am when I finally got to bed. Got out for a little walk today, the kids on their bikes. Will definitely sleep tonight.

My son is upset this evening as he doesn't want to go back to school tomorrow. First time back since his surgery so can understand him being a bit emotional. Feel sorry for him but what can I do? ! He has to go to school. He will probably be ok after tomorrow.
It's gut wrenching isn't it Rachel when they have to do something like that. You wish you could go for them :(
Bet the baby was gorgeous. I keep getting really broody much to my hubby's horror :)

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