Ready to make a change!!!'ll do just fine as u have all the way through!

Dee...great lil site isn't it :) especially if your planning runs! X x x
Absolutely brilliant Dee - you're fantastic. Really pleased for you. x
Going for a cycle tommorrow rather than a swim.... Forgot... got tattooed this week so no pool for me!!! x
Deezer said:
Going for a cycle tommorrow rather than a swim.... Forgot... got tattooed this week so no pool for me!!! x

Will need you to sort mine soon hun, ideally would like it doing before summer xx
Deezer said:
Any time sweetie!!!

Aww you're a star, I'll have a look for the kind of thing I want then you apply your deezer touch to it and make it look awesome! Xx
Ooooh feeling extremely down at the minute peeps!!!

I cannot snap out of it!!!

I need a slap or something!!!

Doubt i'll get the 5lb off i need for the 6 stone marker this week.... but would be happy with 3lb off!!! Got till Saturday so need to get some serious running done!!!

Talk about January blues!!! : (
Hope ur feeling better soon hun . Quick question can u tell me wat u eat on average day pls dee as ur doin so well . X do u ever eat carbs
I have fruit and a yog for brekkie (Full fat, as less carbs!!!?) Sometimes eggs/muesli or porridge. Lunches... Usually a salad or roasted veg with tuna,chicken or mackeral and teas generally meat and veg...

I have treats at the weekend.... I try as hard as i can to give carbs a wide birth... I have swopped most things to wholemeal or wholewheat, pasta and rice etc.... If i do have something say pizza.... i just have 2/3 slices and a big salad... rather than the whole thing.... and if i'm having a drink i have 1 night!!! rather than the 3 or 4 i was having a glass or two of wine....

I never have white bread/pasta or rice and i try not to eat any processed food!!! Although i did have fish fingers last night!!! Lol....

I pretty much live from my veg box and the butcher in the week!!! And then have the odd treat at weekend!!!

Its the running i swear it!! Its the secret!!! X
Awww keep your pecker up Dee, January be over soon and then we can all look forward to spring soon enough.... tell the jan blues where to go!!:D
Just realised i'm due on.... I want to eat everything!!!! : (

At least that explains it.... And i havent lost my dieting mojo!
I think i can wave my 3lb target good bye this week.... With the wine over indulgence on Sunday and no doubt a bit of water gain!!! Booooooooo!!!!

Will keep trying.... Any loss this week would be a good thing!!!

I'm debating a swim tomorrow.... Technically i'm pushing it only having been tattooed a week ago... But need to do some exercise!!!!
Deezer said:
I think i can wave my 3lb target good bye this week.... With the wine over indulgence on Sunday and no doubt a bit of water gain!!! Booooooooo!!!!

Will keep trying.... Any loss this week would be a good thing!!!

I'm debating a swim tomorrow.... Technically i'm pushing it only having been tattooed a week ago... But need to do some exercise!!!!

Right woman! Come on now you will be fine you are doing great..... I definitely needed a crack last week and I got one in the form of some good hard exercise! Get pounding the Tarmac honey or just keep swimming just keep swimming swimming swimming! You will feel tons better!

Say it with me now oooooossssshhhhhh! Xx
Lol..... Need to get myself right!!! Silly woman!!! Def will be doing something tomorrow be it swim or run!!! Or both!!!! Screw you bad mood..... Screw you!!!!!

Dee, if it helps any I've totally lost the plot too. Carbs have crept back into my life and the scales gave me a kick up the backside earlier. Need to sort this out before I do much more damage. For whatever reason I'm not in the right mindset for TFR but think I might go back on the refeed sheet for a couple of weeks. So true what the maintainers say. The easy bit is losing it, it's keeping it off that the killer. Damn you nice tasting food and Baileys. Damn you!!!!!!!
Swim the wine off if you go, and don`t sweat the water weight you know as well as anyone it`ll be off again when your finished :D You`ll be fine hun xxx
The water weight will come off in a day Hun, n u can swim the wine off n u will be on track in no time chick!
If anyone can, it's u chick!
Hey dee . When u started joggin how llong cud u jog for at start . Really gonna start next week when i get energy