Really bloated!


Full Member
I have been doing mainly green with the odd EE day for about 12 days now. I am drinking plenty of water so wondering why i'm so bloated and constipated? (sorry for the details!) Is it all the rice/pasta/veg?
Should i do a few red days?
thats strange, id imagine the red days would be more likley to make you constipated? Have you been using all your HEB's? They all contain fibre and is in the diet to help us "pass" healthily :) x
Believe it or not, if you're not used to a high fibre diet it can actually MAKE you constipated as well as relieve it! If it's really bad in 3 days time consider getting some senna or lactulose solution to clean those old bowels out, however in the mean time, get down with some of your body magic and go for a quick walk!
Try eating Activia fat free yogurt.
It takes a few days to work but you will find it stops the bloating and makes you more regular. I's really worth it!
I second the Activia fat free yogurts, they are brilliant.
the shape fuller for longer ones are free.

I would try eating sweetcorn as that helped my mate go and also try filling your plate with 1/3 veg at meals and eat pleanty fruit see if that helps. Some get bloated when first starting plan as your body is adjusting to a different way of eating.
Hi, I've been having the same problem and have found activia yoghurts do help a lot, also drinking loads of water