Reducing muffin top?


I carry my weight all over but after my 2 babies i have a huge spare tyre. As my weight is going down i can feel it coming off all over but never my stomach. I look pregnant and Im embarrassed by it. Any ideas on what helps to reduce this?
You could try sit ups and crunches at home? I do Zumba twice a week too and can really see my tummy flattening x
I have the same problem! Lost 1 1/2 stone but no disappearance of the muffin!!! Very annoying. Benn doing the couch to 5k for two weeks, maybe I need to keep it up and also the swimming twice a week to start making the real difference. No idea where i've currently lost the weight from! =-/
It the last place its going from on me and now I can see it reducing quite rapidly on a week to week basis, I'm a runner too so I'm sure that helps, but I think its generally the hardest place to lose fat from :( x
Ive always thought id like running but Im 6 Stone overweight and desperately unfit should i lose first then rin or start now?
I'm not a runner but I'd say go for it. I've noticed how much easier exercise is dropping a stone but fitness is something you build you can be overweight and run marathons and skinny and not run so much as 100meters start now and enjoy :)
Check out YouTube for some great fitness DVDs such as the 30 day shred or slim in 6 beach body workout. They are both brilliant too.

i also love doing the hula hoop game on my wii fit, it's great for around the tummy and waist xxx
Exercise is fantastic but a great saying I heard from a personal was "you cant outrun your diet" meaning its what you put in your mouth thats most important for weight loss (though obviously exercise is important for toning, helping weight loss and most importantly keeping fit)

My friend had a proper muffin top - it was like she had 2 tummys! She'll never be totally flat as its her shape but has lost loads of muffin by totally cutting out sugar and processed foods.

I've cut bread totally from my diet and theres definitely less bloating in that area too
I'm well over 7st overweight and I started couch to 5k 3 weeks ago! Never believed I could do it but its built up in manageable chunks! Honeatly try it! U have nothing to loose!
I started a power hoop class n is supose to be fantastic for ur middle iv only been doing it for 3 weeks but im sure its working because i can feel it the morning after x
That sounds good - I have an adult weighted hoop (though its gathering dust somewhere at the minute!). Would love to do a class with it
hoop is a very good idea! I have a Wii, I guess i'll have to start cracking that out a couple times a week!! Definitely hard work!