Refeed queries - 14 weeks?


Silver Member
I hope you don't mind me 'crashing' your forum, but you seem like a friendly bunch and am sure you can help me!

I'm doing Lipotrim (100% total food replacement) at the moment. When I get to my goal weight, I will be starting to reintroduce food gradually. A friend of mine has done LL and said that her refeed was over a period of 14 weeks - she is still in the middle of it and hasn't yet introduced all food types.

This differs to the LT refeed, which is over a minimum of 1 week, usually 2, and basically instead of 3 LT packs we start by having 2 plus a meal, then phase the LT packs out.

I am concerned about the speed, and had already decided to stretch mine out a lot further. Initially I plan on continuing on 2 lipotrim packs a day plus 1 high-protein, low carb meal for 4 weeks. After that, I will have to see how I'm going, but I thought it would be interested to compare the refeed programs on other meal replacement diets and possibly pick up some tips. I'm only 1 week in, so a long way of refeeding - but I want to have a 'program' clear in my mind so that I am not tempted to stop dead and return to bad habits!

Many thanks for any comments / experienced you've had!
Thank you, that's really useful! xx