Refreshed and restarting


Silver Member
Its always so hard to know where to start with these things, isn't it? So for that reason, I will start at the beginning :)

I started life as a very hungry baby (according to my mum), and well... nothing ever really changed. I was overweight as a child, and by the time I was 9 I had been to dieticians and slimming clubs, with minimal results. I became a secret eater and started to binge eat regularly. My struggles continued throughout my teens, where I tried a variety of pills, potions, fad diets, the whole caboodle. Lots of misery, and not so many results either.

I got up to 20 stone at 18 years old, at which point my mother offered to pay for me to have weight loss surgery overseas. I went for a gastric band implant, and dropped 9 stone without batting an eyelid. I continued eating whatever I wanted, and the gastric band enabled me to just throw it all up with no effort. I think I was too young, and not truly ready to change. This continued until suddenly I couldn't keep anything down at all, including water. I had to have my gastric band removed as my body had started to reject it, after having it for 10 years.

In my mind, I was at my goal weight, and all I would need to do was maintain it... How naive is that? My weight ballooned and I regained all but 2 stone of the weight I had lost in a very short time. I was eating in secret and binge-eating on thousands of calories, so I don't know what else I expected to happen. My mental health really suffered, and this had a further impact on my eating, and I just got into a really bad, self-destruct cycle. Eventually I had to leave the city I was living in and make a fresh start. so me and my then-boyfriend (now husband) packed up and left.

In January 2012 I joined Slimming World. This went well, and I lost just shy of 3 stone. Then for reasons I can't put my finger on, my binge-eating started to really escalate again. I decided to seek professional help, and was referred to a support group by my GP. I had already done a lot of reading on the topic, and the group leaders really reinforced what I already knew. The downfall was that medicalising my eating in this way gave me a sense of freedom to eat even more. I would think "Some people in the group binge 5 nights a week, so its okay for me to binge 3 nights" or "I have a problem, of course I am going to slip up occasionally". I know how twisted this thinking is, but my desire to binge was so overwhelming I would latch on to any excuse. They also discouraged us from dieting, so I quit slimming world.

In February 2013 I decided to try something new, and tried intermittent fasting. I had fantastic results initially, but my eating on the days I could eat freely got more and more binge-like, and then I was just plateauing. The last 2 weeks I have been totally off the wagon, which is unfortunate as I regain weight very quickly, potentially over a stone in that short time.

I am starting this new diary, because I really do want tomorrow to be a new dawn for me. I have had enough of feeling so low. I'm sick of being out of control and a slave to food. I have had success in the past, and I know I have the ability to reach a healthy weight. Fine, I have blown the last 2 weeks, but I am not giving up, and haven't given up since last January, its just been a bumpy road with lots of detours.
To get myself back on track, I am planning on powering through 8 weeks with a fixed plan to get me through. This will run from 8th of April to 2nd of May.

Here it is.

  1. I am going to go back to proper intermittent fasting - sticking to Johnson Up Days Down Days (JUDDD). On "Up" days (UD), I will have under 2000 kcals. On "Down" days (DD) I will have under 500 kcals. I will count the UD calories, and record them. I am generally fine on the DD's, so I'll be keeping a close eye on the UD's. When I did this before, I was very successful.
  2. I am going to weigh in each weekend after a DD. I know that however well I do this week won't undo the 2 bad weeks I have just had, so I need to take the results on the chin and move forward. I wish I had weighed in this week so I could see this week's results, but I didn't.
  3. I am going to move more. I keep wanting to go to the gym, but not doing it. I am a member and I walk past it every day on my way home, so really there is no excuse whatsoever. But if I don't make it to the gym, any other exercise will do, even just walking round the block or dancing in my living room.
  4. I am going to reintroduce some Slimming World friendly foods, like wholemeal bread, porridge and yoghurt, and focus on increasing my intake of water, fruits and vegetables.
  5. I am going to start meditating before bed, and making sure I get a good night's sleep. Staying well mentally really helps me to feel empowered about my choices.
  6. Focus on keeping my environment clean and tidy, for the same reasons. I feel soooo much better when I am on top of things at home.
I will keep updating my progress, and hopefully I can turn a corner and start losing weight again. I have been losing and regaining the same pounds since last August, so time to get back in the swing.
Hi :). You sound realy motivated and i wish u loads of luck. The judd sounds realy hard,well the low cal days anyway. i tried it once and lasted half a day. I think the key to it is planning and im rubbish at that. Let me no how u get on. gud luck. U can do it.x
Thanks Trina! I'm back to work today after a week off, and I'm full of the cold still, but going for a down day anyway. I find them ok really, it's the up days that cause me problems.

I've been debating doing a vlcd just to lose weight quickly for a few months, as I have been getting nowhere for what feels like eternity. I am going to stick to JUDDD while I think about it.
See how you get on this week with the judd and then take it from there. Ive just got over cold. I Had it 3 week and it realy messed up my diet coz when i got my taste back there was no stopping me. Im going to try making some smoothies. My sister has done it all week,had 1 for brekie and lunch and just a sensible tea and shes lost 4 pound this week and got bags of energy.x
Sounds like you've had a hard time with your weight. I'm 18 now and 18 stone so not far off what you were at my age. I'm also a binge/secret eater! It's not good! I was thinking of doing the fasting diet thing as my aunties doing it an seems to think it's a gudden but I wasn't sure because of the down days, I don't know if I can cope with that, I turn into a massive ***** when in hungry haha! But then again, if it works then I might give it a go! Keep us updated :) and GOOD LUCK!
Thanks Hanah and Trina! I am also terrible when I'm hungry but it's weird... Knowing I can have anything i like tomorrow makes all the difference.

So far so good. No calories yet and I got a nice low kcal marks ready meal for later. I usually try to fast until around 9pm so I don't go to bed hungry. The real test will be tomorrow when I can eat freely. I'd like to plan what I am going to do, but don't want to torture myself thinking about food :)

I am still thinking about slim and save. It's hard not to be tempted when I could potentially drop a stone a month. I believe I could stick to it. For now I will just keep reading up about it, but I am half expecting to place an order at the weekend.
I did my fast yesterday with no problems. Today so far I have had a skinny latte, breakfast biscuits, a tuna salad sandwich and a pack of special k crackers (they were horrible). Around 900kcals I think, but will double check.

I will be making macaroni cheese tonight, can't wait! It's my fave :)

I am still thinking about slim and save... I am going to place an order for a week's supply at the weekend, but not sure when I will actually start. I need to be in the right frame of mind, and I have felt quite tearful today for no obvious reason. My boss sent me on a break because i was in floods of tears over something trivial. I have had mental health issues in the past so I'm hoping it's just a wobble and not the start of anything.

If I am back to normal tomorrow, I will be looking to start slim and save on Tuesday, as I have a lunch meeting on Monday I have been looking forward to.
You sound like your doing realy well. You will be fine hun,chin up you can do it. Do you not feel confident enough to stick with the cal counting or are you going to do slim and save for a kick start? Well your days nearly over and 2moz is anutha day.x
I think it's a bit of both! I am a bit haphazard with recording my calories, I always get complacent and stop counting. Also the idea of a kickstart is very tempting, as I have been roughly STS for what feels like eternity!
They will start moving dont worry u wil see results soon. Well go for it and then it will spur you on to keep going. Dont forget we all had bad days when we eat the things we shouldnt but just get back on it the next day and you will be fine.x
Yeah, they say you will put on about half a stone as your body refills with glycogen and the water it is stored in.

They also have a refeeding programme where you gradually reintroduce food once you are at target. I plan to use the fasting to maintain if I ever get to target, as it suits my lifestyle really well.
Yeah, they say you will put on about half a stone as your body refills with glycogen and the water it is stored in.

They also have a refeeding programme where you gradually reintroduce food once you are at target. I plan to use the fasting to maintain if I ever get to target, as it suits my lifestyle really well.

Aaaah right I see. So it's not too bad then. Fair enough, if you that's right for you the go for it ;) xx
Hi I'm new to this site and following the slimming world plan.... Lottiebird ur soooo motivated I need some of ur willpower I really want to do this this time
Hi I'm new to this site and following the slimming world plan.... Lottiebird ur soooo motivated I need some of ur willpower I really want to do this this time

Haha I am motivated right now, but sadly I have come to learn this doesn't last forever, so I want to lose as much as quickly as I can while I'm in the right zone! SW is a good plan, I just found myself tweaking too much and ultimately slowing my losses down to a painfully slow level.

I have just placed my first order with Slim and Save for the 7 day trial pack, it arrives on monday! I'm excited, nervous and scared all at once, but mostly excited! I am having a take-out tonight, been at the hospital with my gran (she was rushed in yesterday), and I am not in the mood to cook! Plus I figure a few treats between now and starting Slim and Save aren't going to make all that much difference in the scheme of things :)