rejoin and not inspired like previously.


New Member
Hi. I did the cambridge diet a few years ago and managed to loose about a stone and half. I'm not that overweight. i'm about 11.7 and 5.10 tall. I'm just doing this to kick start my healthiness and cut carbs. I was 11.9 when I weighed myself 8 days ago. after 7 days i had dropped to 11.5. yesterday turned into a disaster as I had a day catching up with a friend I hadn't seen for years, so lunch, dinner, drinks! and I now weigh 11.9 again!!
I've been exercising bit also, and got a little addicted to weighing myself. for 3 days I didn't drop below 11.5.

Just not sure why my body isn't responding to the diet like in the past when I found this so easy. I remember the ketosis feeling very well and I couldn't seen to achieve that at all last week, with completely no cheating.

Any thoughts ?
Weighing every day won't really help much. Over time, you'll notice a downwards trend if you log it and you are watching what you eat and exercising but your weight will fluctuate on a day to day basis depending on all sorts of factors. I restarted earlier in the year and hid the scales and didn't weigh for 4 weeks. It was hard but I was so happy that I did it. The general 'golden rule'is once a week, at the same time of day to get a better sense of how your weight is doing. Much easier said than done though.
Don't forget, you are so much more than a number on a scale. That bit of kit in your bathroom has no idea about your life, who you are, who you love and who loves you. All it does is gives you a reading of that moment in time so don't let it define you or colour your day.

I did Exante for 3 months and then switched to Slimming World and I lost the last bit of weight faster on SW than I did on Exante so switching really helped me, would something like that be worth considering for you?
Thanks for the reply... It's very true what you say about that number not defining who you are! I've somehow let that number control my life at the moment. i'm taking a couple of days off, still trying to keep my carbs low but I just needed to eat normal for a day and cook a meal.
I don't know Exante. Going to google that now. I somehow find dieting really difficult thinking about food. for me cambridge takes the thought of food out of it and it seems to help like no other diet.
I wish I could hide the scales. Think i've weighed myself everyday for the at least the past 10years! It would be a habit hard to break.