Total Solution Restart 29/03/2015 Exante journey to 9st3 for life!

Realistically you still have a couple of weeks before your counselling will start so just concentrate on seeing what you can lose before your counselling starts and then when you start speak to them about the VLCD. Stay strong a couple of days a lots of water and you'll be feeling good in no time!
Realistically you still have a couple of weeks before your counselling will start so just concentrate on seeing what you can lose before your counselling starts and then when you start speak to them about the VLCD. Stay strong a couple of days a lots of water and you'll be feeling good in no time!

Thanks poppy :)
It's true. More reason to do my best between now and then. I do need to drink alcohol the weekend after this at a birthday night out. But I hope to have a lot less. Also hoping all the bloat goes so I can actually where a tightish dress!!
Hoping they will wait until December. Ideally I would like to have a bmi below 25 before I start counselling but we will see. I will weigh in Tuesday morning if I feel ok to!!
Thanks poppy :) It's true. More reason to do my best between now and then. I do need to drink alcohol the weekend after this at a birthday night out. But I hope to have a lot less. Also hoping all the bloat goes so I can actually where a tightish dress!! Hoping they will wait until December. Ideally I would like to have a bmi below 25 before I start counselling but we will see. I will weigh in Tuesday morning if I feel ok to!!

Hi Lara

Counsellors are there to listen and reflect back and help you to make sense of things and come to your own solutions. No one can stop you VLCDing if you feel it's best for you. Person centred counsellors (which I trained in) are not supposed to give any advice, let alone tell you what you can and can't do.

Not sure what type of counselling you're going to have?

Hi Lara Counsellors are there to listen and reflect back and help you to make sense of things and come to your own solutions. No one can stop you VLCDing if you feel it's best for you. Person centred counsellors (which I trained in) are not supposed to give any advice, let alone tell you what you can and can't do. Not sure what type of counselling you're going to have? Sx

I think I've had something similar before (when I was 18 so about 10 years ago. Not a lot happened because I just ended up not saying much, and continued with my behaviours. This is CBT. I've never tried it before. They gave me a self help type book to buy when I went to the consultation session which they said the sessions will be based on and the book spends some time on why dieting isn't going to work alongside "recovery". One point that stayed with me since I read it was: it hasn't worked for you so far, and when you add up the calories you have when you binge, restricting is actually more calories than a normal diet.

It's such a confusing one. I know I want to lose weight badly. But I do think I have to say good bye to all of my extreme behaviours if I do decide to tackle this.

Do you work within the field now??
The physio said I can start trying ten min jogs! And he discharged me and said he expects me to be fully recovered within 6 weeks.... So I just did a short 1.3 mile jog. Took me 16 mins so very slow... But I did have a moment where I remembered what running felt like. And as much as it's frustrating that I'm heavy and unfit, I know I can regain the fitness quickly. I want to do at least a short jog every other day to gradually build up (providing my back doesn't feel worse when I do). I do wish I was slimmer and lighter. I know it would be so much easier. But hey if I stick to the VLCD I could actually be much nearer to 9st7 by the end of the month.

I think, providing running and recovery goes ok, I will return to my bootcamp classes on 26th of this month. Then I'll do them for 2 months - and then it will be time to fly to Thailand!!! I have to stay focused. I will ruin my whole trip if I go like this or bigger.
Lara that great new pm the running front but do take it slow and easy:) though I imaigine your body will tell you how much you can do in any event:)

on the counselling front it is interesting about the restricting and then bingeing resulting in the intake of more calories but what it doesn't address is what about intake of "normal" amount of calories for those who don't binge or for those who eat normally but still binge? Sadly I fit all of those scenarios but all at different times of my life!

defintiely worth giving it a go and just talking out loud about how you feel. You were younger when you last had counselling and I think you are more open to opening up no sp that is a positive. X
What about intake of "normal" amount of calories for those who don't binge or for those who eat normally but still binge? /QUOTE]

I'm not sure I understand what you mean with first scenario as if we intake normal calories and didn't binge that would be the ideal right? (Presuming weight was healthy). In the second category yes you're right and that's always been my fear that if I try and eat normally I'll just binge anyway which is worse than bingeing and restricting. But the theories seem to support stable eating patterns and non dieting lead to lower consumption of overall calories. I remember one study where dieters and non dieters had a meal. If the meal was healthy and small the dieters would eat it and eat less at a later eating opportunity. If the meal was unhealthy and large the dieters ate more of it than the non dieters AND ate more later on, despite reporting being full. The binge starve mentality.

I don't know the whole area confuses me. But what I should probably admit is that the only thing I've done over the last ten years that gave me any stability was running alongside eating relatively normally and not actually thinking about food. But if I am honest even then I still lost weight and probably under ate quite a bit and binged just not as extremely or regularly.

Wow I have rambled a bit!!
I had 4 packs today. And skinny pasta. And some carrots and hummus. I'm not in ketosis. Maybe I will be over the weekend. I know I over ate in VLCD terms but it's ok. I'm happy that I can start running again. I'll try again tomorrow or Saturday. I might meet a guy for a drink tomorrow after work but I don't think I can be bothered. But my parents have people over for dinner and I don't really want to be at home!! My little sister is not well at all. I'm really worried about her. Very tired but laying in bed just thinking about it.
Interesting post Lara and haven't quite got my head around the scenarios but do über stand there are degrees or normal eating and bingeing. Normal for one will differ person to person I imagine to maintain a healthy weight for them. For you the running helped you have a degree or normal even though you may have had to keep overall calrioes down for losses but you were not bingeing in the degree you have in the past and at most it was over eating? Running is definitely going to help you.

hope your sister is ok and you don't alllow that stress not deal with yourself and health. Have a good day it's friday!
Interesting post Lara and haven't quite got my head around the scenarios but do über stand there are degrees or normal eating and bingeing. Normal for one will differ person to person I imagine to maintain a healthy weight for them. For you the running helped you have a degree or normal even though you may have had to keep overall calrioes down for losses but you were not bingeing in the degree you have in the past and at most it was over eating? Running is definitely going to help you. hope your sister is ok and you don't alllow that stress not deal with yourself and health. Have a good day it's friday!

Yes I think running helped massively. I still had bad binges when I was training for the marathon but I think because I was always needing to get better to run, I couldn't dwell or let them last more than a day. I suppose like you said we do all need to work out what is normal for us long term. Otherwise what's the point in all this dieting?! Xx
Don't forget one person normal can be different to another person normal and for that reason we do need to do what I sright for us on an individual basis. Hope you are having a good weekend.
Ok so Friday I had one porridge pack, then from 5pm started drinking (unplanned night out). I bought a dress last minute (size 10 in oasis wouldn't do up :-() stayed at my friends house and got back home at 1.30pm - hadn't eaten anything since yesterday's porridge. There were loads of leftover food at home. So I had a bowl of stew, then a bowl or rice, the 1 pitta bread, hummus and about 5 dolmas (vine leaves stuffed with rice). And salad. Quite a bit of food. But I was hungry. Actually too much food.

I then had to go out and sort some things out. I did an 18min jog this eve which felt quite good, although felt very hot and unfit. But I felt a feeling like an excited kid at Xmas when I realised I could actually run again.

This eve I had an exante bar and an apple.

I know I said I would avoid alcohol but I was actually at work and thought wow I'm in central London, I am no longer in pain from my back, and the world is my oyster. I never go for drinks with my work friend and the real reason is I'm either marathon training, VLCD-ing, restricting calories, exercising, going to a gym class, or bingeing and feeling too awful to be out. I have missed out on so much of my life already because of those stupid reasons. So I decided to just drink and have fun. And I had a lot of fun.

I do feel a bit disgusted with my size still. And I do intend to do as close to VLCD as possible until the birthday outing next Saturday. Looking forward to lots of water, tea, and another jog tomorrow. I think being out of pain and able to run again has given me a reminder that I can have my old life back. And I just don't want to waste any more or my life missing out, coming home to count my calories. I don't know why I suddenly felt that urge but something within me just started asking why not?!

My friends asked me to come out tonight. To be honest I would hve. But my little sister is sick. So I decided it was right to stay home and look after her. So this way I can also VLCD tomorrow.
Ur right hun life is too short to keep counting cals im exactly like u lol iv missed out due to vlcds or on a diet of some sort for nearly two yrs nw n it feels like its a never ending journey....lolz bt we will all gget there hun n well done on startintg to run again i cnt run to save ma life lol....and glad to hear u had fun :)....hope u have a brill day hun :) x
U will be tired and feel crap because u are not eating properly. And yes i have been anorexia and obsessed over what i ate on past but not i eat in moderation. The reason u feel bloated is your body is taking any nutrients it can so u feel like u do. Counselling will mean stopping vcld more than likely but they have your interests at heart x i don't usually comment on diets i dont do as its not my business but u remind me of me when i was younger and my life revolved around calories x
Hi Lara glad you enjoyed your impromptu night out. You very much still should be enjoying nights out and not hiding because of dieting, exercising etc none of us should whatever age as life is simply too short.

Pleased you you are now pain free and that in itself will help a lot.
Sorry not posted in a few days. My sister has been taken into hospital so Have been spending my eves there.

Have stuck to packs Sunday and today. Quite relieved for the simplicity. I also jogged for an hour today and yesterday. Probably too much too soon, but it's a great stress relief. They were slow jogs, probably only did about 4.5-5 miles an hour. But happy that I'm still able to jog.

I am meant to be at a friends birthday this weekend. Will see what happens with my sister. Luckily I bought some bars so I will have my porridge for breakfast and then bring one of the Bars for the afternoon, then have a soup when I'm in from hospital. Hope you're all well will catch up now x
Ur right hun life is too short to keep counting cals im exactly like u lol iv missed out due to vlcds or on a diet of some sort for nearly two yrs nw n it feels like its a never ending journey....lolz bt we will all gget there hun n well done on startintg to run again i cnt run to save ma life lol....and glad to hear u had fun :)....hope u have a brill day hun :) x

Yeah it's a shame to miss out isn't it? The thought of looking back with regrets saves me. There was a day I couldn't run too... Never say never! X
U will be tired and feel crap because u are not eating properly. And yes i have been anorexia and obsessed over what i ate on past but not i eat in moderation. The reason u feel bloated is your body is taking any nutrients it can so u feel like u do. Counselling will mean stopping vcld more than likely but they have your interests at heart x i don't usually comment on diets i dont do as its not my business but u remind me of me when i was younger and my life revolved around calories x

Thanks for taking the time to post. That's very thoughtful of you. You are right in that the counsellor would have my best interests at heart. I am mentally preparing myself to give up on extremes of vlcds and binges, I know they aren't two isolates extremes and if I am honest with myself I doubt I can remove one without removing the other. I really do want a life where food, weight and calories take a backseat. Thanks for the nudge in the right direction and hour viewpoint x
Hi Lara glad you enjoyed your impromptu night out. You very much still should be enjoying nights out and not hiding because of dieting, exercising etc none of us should whatever age as life is simply too short. Pleased you you are now pain free and that in itself will help a lot.

Exactly the thought that came to me that Friday night. And even more so now that the pain has died down, and with my sister being very unwell - all a reminder of appreciating the present for what it is. X
Sorry to hear about your sister - is she doing to be ok? X