Restarted - New year new me :)


Full Member

I did well on this diet and lost over a stone in a month. However, my uncle passed, Christmas came, exams came and I got food poisoning!

Maybe the food poisoning was my body saying get on the diet!

So I didn't regain all the weight, only 10 lbs but it was enough to realise that I can't just eat what I want when I want and expect to keep the weight off. That was gaining back more than half of what I lost...

So I started the wonderful slim and save on Monday again and I am nearly at my pre-idiotic-holiday weight!

I hope my will power stays, as I do enjoy the diet and I find it fairly easy to get into ketosis. It is just resisting temptation...

Congrats to all you strong people out their who coped over Christmas and have continued to loose weight.

Anyway I'm off to bed, as I have the wonders of a lecturer I can't understand tomorrow morning! :4633:

FW x
Hi fw hope this finds you fresh and renewed for your lecture x

Well done for coming back you know how well it works x

Stick with it and find the real slim you x
good luck , I think almost all of us gained weight over christmas , I was on and off through december and gained 5lb , but it soon goes , and everytime I slip off the wagon I learn more and more about what I can and cant do when Im not s and sing so its a good lesson for when you reach goal and have to face maintaining