Restarting again!!!

Trudz, it's a right pain isn't it lol! xx
Suzie, I messaged you my moby number, did you get it hun x gawd know who is getting what, my laptop is on the way out :sigh: well done again on your loss xx
I got it sweetpea xx thankyou
Day off and struggling today!!!!!!!
Day off and struggling today!!!!!!!

Hey Furry,

So what are you struggling with? Do you have food temptations around you? Or are you bored? Maybe you could do some cleaning, paperwork, organising? Or have a bath, exfoliate, and paint your nails?

Stay strong you CAN do it! Dont give up what you want in the long run for something you want at the moment.

Sorry guys, reall couldnt get into Cambridge properly.....heading back to SW. Good luck to you all and thankyou for your support xx