Total Solution Returning with a heavy heart and even heavier tail between her massive legs.....


Gold Member
Well well well..... I can't do it..... I have decided I can't eat..... I need food packs. I'm kidding myself that I can do it gradually, I can't! I'm fed up of getting bigger! So payday ( next fri ) I will be purchasing m Exante food packs again. I weighed in at a disgusting 12st 6lbs this morning and can feel the fat piling on. I'm getting more and more depressed as my body expands. I look and feel revolting. I wanna cry every time I look in the mirror and am embarrassed at the thought of anyone looking at me. I mean why should they look at me? I've let myself down badly.

I'm gonna make the ketosis thing a bit easier and start low carbing next tues. I've got a couple of packs so will start packs as of tea time next fri then start afresh! A straight 100% abstinence till goal! No nights/days off... I need to remember how great ketosis is and start melting this lard.

Here's to ME!!! Xx
Stop talking about yourself like that!

What you are is somebody who is taking action, who has high standards for herself, who is determined and who will reach your goal.

If you put yourself down that much, you will convince yourself that you don't deserve the have the body you want, but you do.

You're a beautiful girl, and you're just going to get even more stunning.

You can't change anything that's already happened. Don't beat yourself up about putting weight on, it won't alter that. You can however, shape your future. So congratulate yourself for taking the steps you need to do that.

hey hun are u back now? or next friday? x
Hi Carrie, good luck with low carbing. You can do this and get back on the Exante wagon when you are ready. It makes me sad to see you put yourself down like this, you are doing something to turn that frown upside down.
Be positive hun and keep drinking xx