Rickytickytum's weight loss diary.

Peanut butter is technically not allowed until owl - but if you're counting the carbs in it into your daily total and not going overboard then I wouldn't worry.

A lot of people here who have been doing Atkins for a while (including me) add it in while staying at induction level carbs.
I try to keep to a max of one serving as laid out on the jar - part of the reason peanuts aren't recommended until owl is because they're so easy to overeat!
Thanks again, I have ran out of celery today anyhow, and to be honest the thought of going shopping today just doesn't appeal! I've walked dogs twice but I think I've got the Atkins blues today! Only had 2g of carbs today, but just not in an eating mood! Does that make sense? I just want to sleep to be honest!

Lexi. x
Oh, I've been sooo naughty! Everything went to pot for a spell and I know you just can't jump on and off Atkins as it doesn't work like that! But I have given myself a good talking to and am determined to succeed!

Lexi. x
Morning I am a bit the same, following the diet.....but not really. Back to clean and green today.
Excellent! It DOES work for me and I enjoy it! I am a bit confused tho...I've got an app on my phone that totals up calories and carbs etc and I've just put in all of my planned meals for today and it comes up to 42g carbs!!!! And I don't know how...can anyone help?
B'fast ~ muffins made with 2 eggs, 1 tablespoon f f mayo, 5g mature cheddar, 6 cherry toms.
Lunch and tea are the same ~ 112g prawns, 1 tbl sp ff mayo. Green salad made up of leaves, celery, onions, cucumber and cherry toms. I know I am having 2 meals the same, but I love prawn salad! And the reason I've planned my meals so strictly so I stick to it. I just can't understand why the whole lot comes to 42g carb!
Drinks...I just have plain boiled water.

Lexi. x
Hi Lady Felsham.
If you get chance please can you look at my carb count for today, it's coming out at 42g on my carb counting app and I don't know why.

Lexi. x
Hi Lexi - are you using mfp? If you are, make sure you search for vegetables using a supermarket name - onion tesco for example. If you use a generic vegetable you sometimes find one with the American system of carb counting on its info - they add the fibre to the carbs section so their carb counts are higher.

Make sure all your veg are supermarket brand and it should sort you out. If not go through each item individually and look at the nutritional info for it and see if one looks weirdly high.

You are eating onions and tomatoes which are allowed on the newest version of induction but weren't previously allowed because they're quite carby, so do make sure you're only having small amounts xx

6 tescos cherry tomatoes on the vine would be 3.5g carbs according to a quick search so if you had 6 at every meal that would be just over 10g carbs in tomato alone.
Hi Lexi - are you using mfp? If you are, make sure you search for vegetables using a supermarket name - onion tesco for example. If you use a generic vegetable you sometimes find one with the American system of carb counting on its info - they add the fibre to the carbs section so their carb counts are higher.

Great idea from ML (and one I'll start doing myself)! :)
Yeah...I use MFP. And yep, I think the toms, I need to watch. Cut down to 3 at lunch and maybe have none for dinner and I have looked for generic veg, and I only had a slither of onion too...think I just

Lexi. x
Well do have a quick check through the items you've added - the nutritional info is added by the people who use the site and sometimes you'll find they've mixed up the protein and carb count or something. I always skim the info to see if it looks right before adding - have found cheese where someone forgot to put the fat grams in for example so it came up as zero fat. Happens occasionally but in general it's a really useful app.
Morning 15 gr is great. Well done
Thanks Sammy and Lindiloo! Yep, I use full fat mayo...I put ff meaning full fat, not fat free. I've checked labels...I guess its the sweetner etc that adds the carbs! Thanks anyway, soz if I confused anyone

Lexi. x