Rissole week 2 weigh in!!


Full Member
Woop woop,, drum roll!!!!!! 4.4lb loss! So that's 13lbs in 2 weeks!! If only it had been one more lb then it would have been a stone in 2 weeks!! Still can see me sticking to this, the only worry is that we have a wedding in mid May, I'm a bit nervous as I'd like to have had 6 weeks straight, do I'll have to come off and cal count for a couple of days... Or Atkins for ketosis? But are u supposed to drink whilst in ketosis? Help?!
Rissole76 said:
Woop woop,, drum roll!!!!!! 4.4lb loss! So that's 13lbs in 2 weeks!! If only it had been one more lb then it would have been a stone in 2 weeks!! Still can see me sticking to this, the only worry is that we have a wedding in mid May, I'm a bit nervous as I'd like to have had 6 weeks straight, do I'll have to come off and cal count for a couple of days... Or Atkins for ketosis? But are u supposed to drink whilst in ketosis? Help?!

Wow that's fantastic loss is 2 weeks well done you !!!
You'll be fine with the wedding ;) !!
Thanks munch bunch. I was chuffed as I'm like you in that if I'm on this extreme diet I want losses to show for it! Hopefully another good loss next couple of weeks and I'll be slimmer for the wedding! Eek. To be honest I'd rather not have the wedding and just carry on till goal, but I can't do that, so I'll try and be good.
Rissole76 said:
Thanks munch bunch. I was chuffed as I'm like you in that if I'm on this extreme diet I want losses to show for it! Hopefully another good loss next couple of weeks and I'll be slimmer for the wedding! Eek. To be honest I'd rather not have the wedding and just carry on till goal, but I can't do that, so I'll try and be good.

I agree with you my friends hula party random I know bet it chucks it down too lol
But it's her bday and her partners bday was last weekend and I went round with my water n coke zero :0/

My first Loss was 7lb really happy with that although hoping for a good loss next week too !!
Well done on your week 2 weight loss :clap:
That's excellent. Steady which is good. Do excited to see your next loss! (sounds funny when I say that but loser is a good word in my vocab)!!