Royal Purple's Weight Loss Chronicles- Week Two 2.7lbs Gone!

lol i totally get what you mean chunkychicken. i really love that, and i find that it applies even to losses less than a lb, cos u just tell yourself that it even if it's as little as 0.2lbs, eventually itd just chalk up to 1lb which will then accumulate to even greaters lbs. :)

and if all else fails, i just tell myself, wun it be better that my weight stays the same, than for it to be actually rising?

I know i have not posted on your diary before so hello for a start,

I have just noticed your trying to get down to a BMI of 17.7 someone correct me if I am wrong but this will make you classified as underweight I know we are all striving to be thin taking it to low could be dangerous,

sorry to make my first post a nag and all just wondering if there is any particular reason as to why yu are aiming so low.
hey gdollery! nice to see u around! :)

i totally get what you mean. a few ppl have told me that too before and i find it weird cos there's loads of ppl here (not just the young girls lol) that're 40++ kg and they look perfectly normal. i guess it's cos we're asians so we're built differently or somethin. one minimins regular checked it out for me and told me the healthy range BMI for asians are lower than that for you guys (lucky you!!), so i guess ive got a longer way to go. :(

thanks anways, i really appreciate it! u have a diary?
Hi ya,

really sorry to have nagged just wouldn't want ya making yourself ill.

At the moment I don't have a regualr diary I post little updates on the calorie counting forum but I am only doing this for another few weeks after I get back from Tenerife I am going back to the Cambridge Diet and will probably start one off then, not that I have any interesting things to tell my life is so boring at the moment.

How is Singapore I would love to visit that part of the world one day.
My Latest Update

Week 3 is coming to a close and I have absolutely no faith in it. Have been pinching and sneaking food way too much, I know that I probably won't have a good weigh-in this week, but I guess I only have myself to blame.

Anyways, I've been going out with my mates over every night over the past few days, and am starting to feel realyl demotivated. They're all so skinny and everyone seems to be losing weight without trying while I'm here wanting to lose weight so bad but I keep sabotaging myself.

And it gets even worse when I'm dressing up cos everything I have only makes me look fat and pudgy and if I wear something tighter all my fats start showing and I look really awful.

Sigh. Can't wait to lose all this weight so I don't have to hide at home anymore. Was supposed to meet my friend tonight but I got too put down by how I look, couldn't find anything decent to wear, and in the end I just faked up an excuse that I had misplaced my keys.