Run up to my wedding

Yay to being in the 12s - go you
Well done

Thanks Toots! :) Cannot wait to be saying the 11s. It's taken over my life this obsession lol.

Keep thinking I should do a pre wedding report to keep me busy and motivated, but I hate uploading pics. I use Image Shack. If anyone reading know of a way to upload multiple pics, please shout.

Yesterday and today have been strange. Yesterday my appetite went completely - not sure why, but the thought of anything (even my fav pizza) made me gag whereas normally I am a cookery show addict. Long may it continue I say.

My OH is the opposite to me and wants to bulk up a little for the wedding. Don't get me wrong he's not skinny, but he's very toned and has no body fat. He finds it hard to put on weight (that's simply because he's not a seasoned eater like me)

I said I want to be lighter than him on our wedding day. He was 10 stone 8 the other day and I am 12 stone 13. If I can get to 11 stone and get him to 11.5 stone I will be happy.

So I have devised a healthy, add calorie plan for him and it was delivered by Tesco today! It was hell unpacking, but I managed it and have just had my shake.
You can do it, stay strong

My OH is the opposite to me and wants to bulk up a little for the wedding. Don't get me wrong he's not skinny, but he's very toned and has no body fat. He finds it hard to put on weight (that's simply because he's not a seasoned eater like me)

I said I want to be lighter than him on our wedding day. He was 10 stone 8 the other day and I am 12 stone 13. If I can get to 11 stone and get him to 11.5 stone I will be happy.

So I have devised a healthy, add calorie plan for him and it was delivered by Tesco today! It was hell unpacking, but I managed it and have just had my shake.

Oh bless you that must be hard - don't think i could support my OH putting on weight whilst I'm trying to lose it lol!!!
Weirdly enough it isn't as bad as I thought. He is really self sufficient and would never ask me to make something for him. He normally cooks his meal, despite getting in at 7:30 (I get in at about 6), shutting all doors and putting the extractor on, so I can't smell anything. He buys food I don't like etc. So this is what normally happens and I never thought I could cope with food or anything, but I am not finding it too bad most of the time, although unpacking it all was hard.

In some way I wonder if it's good for me, because it reinforces to me that I'm choosing to do this. I told him I'm living my food life through him :)

I will see how easy/hard it is as I go along. Am planning on making him chicken in a cheese and onion sauce (don't like cheese sauce) with brocolli and cauli and a jacket potato. Think I can cope with that. I have become as obsessed with getting calories into him as I am at getting them out of me!
I was so pleased with myself this morning as gave him loads of cereal (Jordan country crisp is SO high in cals, I couldn't believe it. 100g is about 460!!!) He had that, a smoothie and 2 slices of toast with butter. About 1000 cals - was so pleased with myself.
I think this is definitely my new obsession. It's like when I cannot stop watching cookery programmes, but I am now bringing them to life.
Maybe I've finally cracked?

Today I have felt a bit peckish. This usually means a massive drop the next day for me. So I need to be strong, the force is with me.
Well no massive drop this morning, in fact not much of a drop all week really, but clothes feeling looser.

Made OH a pie tonight! Meat and potato, did my own pastry and everything :) He couldn't believe I didn't want any, but I don't really like pies, so was okay with that. Made him potato and chorizo salad for lunch tomorrow. Never been this domesticated!

Tired today. Struggled to go to the loo, so took a laxative last night and it was too strong so did not have a nice morning. Off to bed soon. Thursday tomorrow, so only one more day before weigh in and nothing has moved yet. Perhaps my body thinks I'm eating all this stuff I'm cooking - I'm having phantom weight gain!
Wow, I'm impressed with the domestic goddess vibe that's hit you. Dh hopes it might strike me too, but I think it's unlikely! Stick with it, the weight does seem to go in waves and it's great that you're starting to feel a difference in your clothes, that's brilliant. Hope you have a good day tomorrow and that some weight drops off before your wi
Hehe - I've overdone it on the laxative fron before too :eek::eek::eek: (as in not realised how strong one could be, not abused them!!)

Good luck for WI tomorrow

Thanks guys :) yeah, never nice, but Senekot aren't strong enough and do nothing and Ducolax seem insanely strong!

Taking psyllium husks seems to be helping now.

2lb loss this morning. Reasonably pleased, but not exactly over joyed. I know people sometimes don't have a great loss, but it like that for me every week. Last week was 1.5lb. Only want the usual average of 3lb that most people seem to get. I do think the depo injection (that has thankfully stopped now) is responsible for me struggling to lose.

If I didn't like this diet so much I'd feel fed up with 3.5lb in 2 weeks. I actually enjoy it most of the time, especially now that I'm fully in the swing of it. It's convenient, the shakes taste nice and I don't have to exercise in the form of cardio. So I shall plod on!
Well done on the 2lbs - a step in the right direction for the dress!!

Yay you

Well done on your loss chick- that's fab news. keep it up honey. Psyllium husks rock- they really changed my outlook on the whole diet. Been on them 3 weeks now and haven't had any probs or had to take laxatives inbetween so I hope they have the same effect for you xx
Thanks you two :)
Just reminded me to go and take some! Had my shake and forgot - need to get into habit.

Got up early today - my need for a shake wakes me every morning. Great alarm clock.

Oh, I tried to do my Jillian 30 day shred the other day. After about the 4 press up (on my knees I hasten to add) I collapse in a heap on the floor and just laid there for ages. Gave up. Not going to work for me on this diet. I just have no stamina!
Yeah, Gillian's a bad ass and probably not compatible with VLCD if not done previously;)

Good on ya for giving it a whirl tho

Ohh I love 30ds when I first did it on day one I couldn't even manage ONE push up on knees, but by day 10 I could do them for the whole time you were meant to be doing them!!! I decided to give it a break for the first two weeks of this diet though and said to myself if I was 100% for 2 weeks I'll start 30ds again

The best thing about it is you lose inches rather than just weight so you can physically see the difference!

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Yeah was fine before doing Jillian, figuratively speaking! Struggle now though. Mowed the very overgrown lawn tonight for at least 30 mins.

Had to take a glucose tablet afterwards though as I overdid it really.

Got this meal tomorrow. Have ordered the food already and not exactly looking forward to it! Going to have a shake before going, drink lots of water, push my starter (which sound revolting) around the plate. I'll eat my meat and see if I can find a stray animal somewhere to discretely feed...or OH if that fails!
Got through meal although didn't stick to plan completely. Had a small glass on white wine. Didn't have the starter as could not stomach the melon. Had roast pork, roast potatoes, mash, parsnips, brocolli and gravy, 2 slices of bread and then a slice of choc coffee cake.

Had a shake for breakfast. Back onto it now. Nothing else to interrupt until hen do 4 weeks on Friday. May the powers that be, wherever they are, help me get under 12 stone by then. 11 something would be lovely. Going to aim for 11 and a half which is very optimistic, but if you don't shoot for the moon, you'll never get anywhere (sure there's a saying somewhere about that!)
My nana used to say something along the lines of "reach for the stars and if you reach the moon it's still outta this world"

That's a good saying!

Have lost nothing this week, so last night I switched to Rosemary Conley. I don't tend to 'believe' in the starvation mode lol, thinking that people often use it as an excuse when they've cheated. However, something must be going wrong, as 3.5lbs in 3 weeks on Exante isn't right when I lost so much on Cambridge and am not doing anything different!

Have dropped a pound overnight. Plus and this is probably TMI, but what the hell it's my diary! I have been to the toilet 6 times today. Must be the food pushing out a blockage and have dropped another pound. I have been taking psyllium husks daily and lots of. Don't know if they're rubbishy ones that haven't worked, but I've not been going and today it all came out. Been sat with hot water bottle all morning, but it's eased now and I feel better for it.

So for now am just doing this for a week as a sort of experiment to see if I lose more. If it works, I'll switch. It's the RC solo slim, so it's very controlled. Have had 1016 cals today and have eaten loads. Suppose it might be like add a meal week, only more!

Done some yoga and going to do some press up and weights and really focus on my arms.
Hi Watergirl.

I am exactly the same as you, my losses and even a gain on 100% TS was really getting me down :( I went out Friday and got back on the packs over the weekend but I also added a meal each day...and hey presto I had dropped 4lbs! So along with the packs I am having a meal each day. I will reassess if things stop moving again. Though this morning I jumped on the scales and I had dropped another lb!

I come from a history of calorie counting with 'wlr' and I know that some can eat to little...maybe not starvation mode but still enough to make our bodies reluctant to drop the weight...I think I am one of those affected by this :( I am just going to see how things go. I am only doing exante for 3 more weeks anyway I think. Then back to good old Calorie counting but going to keep carbs low.

I really hope you get some answers from chopping it up a bit. Its good to keep your body guessing and it may just be the boost your metabolism needs. I will keep an eye on your diary to see how you get on. Good luck! xxx
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Hey :) I'd noticed you mentioning not having great losses on another thread. It's frustrating especially when you see people writing about having something extra every day and you think 'well I don't do that and I've lost nothing!!' My OH really cannot fathom it, as we're trying to get him to put on and he is eating loads and doesn't put on.
I wish I could swap metabolisms with him.

Good to hear that it worked for you and gave you a boost. I am going to really try not to weigh this week from here on in, in case I am put off. However, I had a prepared RC meal last night, with 1 dry bit of bread (ooh I make it sound so appealing!) and the meal had potato in it, so even with carbs I dropped a bit. Makes me think that I was probably very constipated and holding onto water.
Another strange thing as I drink about 6 litres a day! I do have some gynae type issues at the moment though, having come off the injection a month ago and wondering if I am retaining water as a result.
Hope you carry on seeing good losses like this last one :)