S.A.S! Why do we do it??


Full Member
Had a good week up to now, whilst making dinner tonight, had this sudden feeling of fed up-ness and ate 4 digestive chocolate bars - why?? I can usually distract myself by doing another job etc. Feel so cross with myself and I do know how to draw a line under it and carry on, but I was just wondering - what kind of thing sets other people off down the wrong path ? :confused:
targetforever said:
Had a good week up to now, whilst making dinner tonight, had this sudden feeling of fed up-ness and ate 4 digestive chocolate bars - why?? I can usually distract myself by doing another job etc. Feel so cross with myself and I do know how to draw a line under it and carry on, but I was just wondering - what kind of thing sets other people off down the wrong path ? :confused:

Hey Hun - I am with you, I have been there and done that, and worse, a million times over. The other day I forgot to take the rind off of my bacon before cooking it (I lurve me some rind!) and so took it off after cooking - did it go in the bin? No it went in my fat gob! 3 rashers worth of rind down the hatch! And so I asked myself the same question as you....Why? I dont comfort eat, So it can't be an emotive response. I have these last couple of days come to realise something that is within me, I call it The Kraken! It's a beast inside me that sometimes releases itself, the Kraken was actually released last night, I was working late and anything that changes in my day, that sends me off kilter just triggers the beast. Work laid on some nibbles, now I didn't just take a few handfuls...I went to town on them, I was like a woman possessed. I had been 100% for days and I ruined my run in about 10 mins! And so begs the question WHY?

My '**** it' moments seriously do come when I have a good SW week but the scales don't show it, I tend to balls it up further by having a blow out, but I don't just go for one day, I tend to go two or sometimes three days.

My other times are like I have said before, if my day isn't regimented like my usual days, like if I have to work late, or there are drinks after work, or I am out in pubs or restaurants with friends or family, when they eat what they want but I 'should' try and eat wisely when all I want is a burger or pizza or something creamy thats where my '**** it' moment comes to play and the kraken gets released. When I am seriously om SW and want to stick to it, I tend to lock myself away so as to not put temptation in my way, sadly that means I have felt the need to let my friends down by not going out with them, because I know that I will be hungry and I can't just be ordering any old thing from the menu. There are loads of things going on after work at the moment and I have said no to all of them, which is really sad, because I am missing out on good times. But until I drop a certain amount of weight, I can't afford to keep maintaining. I need to take drastic measures now and then once I am happier with my weight I will go out, right now everything is too tempting.

It's like everything, we have triggers. Best way I can describe it is with Depression. When someone is depressed, one moment can be fine but then something like seeing someone slimmer than what you are, or something not being as it usually is can cause a trigger and trip the depression into motion. It's the same with food, we all have a binge switch, and something mundane and simple can set off that trigger. One minute all will be fine and something simple will just flick that switch, it's sometimes something we don't even realise has triggered it. It's a natural thing that happens to everyone, there won't be one person on here that hasn't impulsively binged at some point.