S&S bars......


Full Member
I've been on the plan for 4 days, doing fine......until I received my bars in today's order. It's like once I've had one I've got to have another... And another etc. do you think it'd be best if I just didn't buy any? Does anyone else have this problem? :-(
I don't have that problem, but was worried that I might as I'm a bit of a chocaholic... and I do LOVE my daily bar (highlight of the day). If they are a problem food for you then you'd be best not having them, otherwise you are just perpetuating your food addiction. Unless you can give them to someone else to keep hold of and just get them to strictly ration you one a day?
Yes, good thinking. I almost threw them all away tonight, I had a bar binge and ate 4 :-( now feel so annoyed with myself. I actually feel sick coz wasn't even hungry! Ridiculous!
Put them in the freezer, then you have to wait til they've defrosted to eat them

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You're not the first and won't be the last to have 4 at once so don't worry too much :) Lots of people avoid them as they sometimes make you crave sweet foods or are just too nice!
As welsh tigger suggests, you could stick them in the freezer then they will be rock hard, making it difficult to quickly binge. Some people don't get them at all. Some people cut them into little squares so that they take longer to eat.
I do the same put them in the freezer

I can't control myself with them, so I only order a small amount a month. 7 maybe. Can't be trusted!!
I had this trouble the other day, I ordered a dark choc and coconut bar and wanted more, but mine are in the freezer so I have to wait, by the time you wait your not "hungry" I know some people give them to a friend or neighbour to give to them once a day. Im sure youll find something that helps you soon :) xx
"Does anyone else have this problem? :-("
YES! Yes and a thousand times yes!!

I wouldn't class myself as a chocoholic, but any stress I can't rationalise away or find an immediate non-food solution for has sent me to the bar box, and I cannot stop eating them even though I don't enjoy any of them after Nr4! I have none left now and have determined never to order them again. I keep a list of my sns products on my laptop, and at the end I've amended it to: BARS are the work of the devil and not to be trusted AVOID!! That's my way of coping, anyway..... am very happy with the other products and the pattern of my day is now usually porridge/oatmeal - soup with scanbran - meal or protein with veg allowance - a shake. :)
Thank god I'm not alone!! Great idea welsh tigger! Have put them in the freezer. I'm not going to buy them again.thanks everyone, so helpful! X
I do the same put them in the freezer

I can't control myself with them, so I only order a small amount a month. 7 maybe. Can't be trusted!!

I do exactly the same... I order maybe 3 or 4 and when they are gone they are gone!!!

I like the freezer idea! I have already eaten all four from my sample pack (I'm not starting S&S properly until next sat due to a holiday) and knew that this may be an issue. When my next order arrives I shall out them straight into the freezer and get out one a day at dinner time to defrost (I am planning to have one bar for my 4th meal/supper each day).
I now prefer to just make pudding for evening treat, least I cant binge on that!! ..but omg..I have even eaten them rock hard before..lol sucking on it like a choc ice..OMG!!!! HOW EMBARASSING!!
For me this is strange to hear because I know we aren't supposed to have more than one a day I simply don't as its against the rules... quite black and white I know. I can see where you are coming from though I figure every dieter does. I have always been a chocolate monster and of course having more than one bar is tough to resist, but it just has to be done and I wont deprive myself of my lovely 1 bar a day just because my mind tries to sabotage me :p

I know people will disagree with me but on this but I don't think cutting them out is helpful long term. I think that we need to be exposed to those foods that we find difficult and learn how to moderate our behavior around them and its best to do this now than wait until we are in maintenance.

Really wish you luck on this plan :)
Yes pen87 I see your point, I've got no ability to control myself though, how do you do it?! The advice has been amazing, doing ok on the plan so far, except the "bar" hiccup!! How's everyone else doing? I'm a newbie so love to hear how well people are doing!! X
For me they trigger me off, I wouldnt normally have chocolate bars kicking about or buscuits. I just cant have them in the house!! I can have 2 squares of chocolate and put the rest back, but bars...Noooo lol

Funny isnt it how we work differently. For me on plan, whats allowed/not allowed isnt hard ..but I know if I ordered 14 of those they would be gone in a weekend!!

Stick with it Lindsay, the hunger will go and then the willpower is much easier xx
Sad thing is, I didn't eat the bars coz I was hungry, I'm really not hungry! Just coz I wanted something sweet then couldn't stop! Will stick with it tho, thanks x
I would be exactly the same, just give em a miss!!
this is just my opinion but I think if you know its a trigger for bingeing then dont have them..... I dont think it is a case of you have to learn to have them around..... For me.... my overeating is a disease.... this is just how I feel....

I compare it to my depression..... I stear well clear of anything that may cause me to slip.... I wouldn't dream of putting myself in certain situations to 'test' whether i was still well..... I stear clear as i know it has the possibility of making me feel bad!!!

Same as when i'm at goal..... I will still have treats.... but i will buy them especially.... as i know having things in the house will be fatal!!!

Everyones different though i guess!!! : ) X
Deezer do you ever feel that this diet makes you feel depressed?? I've felt really low this past week, I think it's all in my head as I use food to cheer myself up and always feel happy when eating my favourite things, felt really low this morning and when I did the grocery shop I caved in and had a binge..... :-( I so don't want to do it tho, I'm going to be back to S&S packs tomorrow and I think il may just eat S&S pack without a protein meal for a while to keep me on the straight and narrow. Ultimately it's my weight that gets me down and I know that when I'm slimmer il feel happier, so need to keep plodding along......why is it so hard for some of us??