Salt and Pepper


It might sound a bit silly but am I ok to have salt and pepper in my soup? I have been having a lot of pepper in my vegetable soup for the past few days and wondered if this would cause any problems?
Yeah, salt is a big no-no because it makes you retain fluid but pepper is a big thumbs up so pepper away! lol
Hi, I bought an Atkins carb guide and keep it in my bag for any emergency occasions when I may have no option but to eat so I can limit the damage as much as possible.

It says in the book that 1 teaspoon of white pepper has 1.4g of carbs (0.9g net carbs) and 1 teaspoon of black pepper has 1.3g of carbs (0.8g net carbs) - I believe it is the net carbs that are the important figures to count.

I can't imagine that it would make too much difference going on those figures would you?