ProPoints SammieAnn's WW Food Diary - Count down to Wedding!!!

afternoon ladies!

food today SO far
1x ww bread 1pp
butter 1pp
cheese 40g 2pp
WW popcorn bar

the other half of the rice i made last night 6pp
ww crisps 2pp
ww carmel bar 3pp
mini victoria sponge 3pp
ww mini roll 2pp

22/42 dailys used 20 left
49 weeklys left....
i have eaten SO much so far today and its only 3 oclock :confused:

had a terrible night last night, i dint get to sleep until after midnight and then Lucas was up at half six so shattered today :(
Me and Lucas had a good morning though, we got aload of his chalks out and decorated some of the garden :D looks lovely and colourful haha!
cheered us both up anyway

were having a take away tonight we have brought a new car and its the first one we have been able to buy so its like a lil celebration! haha!
i am guna have some thing really naughty im guna have a cheesy garlic bread i never used 2 eat it all so im not guna eat it all tonight! so i am thinkin i will prob eat about 4/5 slices? so i am guna point for 5 slices for maybe 39points? or do we not think thats enough?
so that would b the rest of my 20 dailys and then 19 weeklys.
please tell me if you dnt think this is enough points.

39 points for 5 slices of garlic bread? Hmmm, I think 39 points is too many but I could be wrong? A pizza from Bella Italia is about 26pp...

Like I say, I could be wrong x
I've just checked the eating out guide and the pizzas at dominos are from 20pp - 29pp. I know it's not quite a pizza but its along the same lines x
jus seen asda's cheesy garlic bread is 4pp so i might point it at 5pp per slice?

right becky ok so i might point it at 30?

right ok i will say that then!
i might add a few more points i will see coz i wud rather jus rule out 5 more weeklys u no what i mean?
So today i looked in the mirror at my self front on and side wards so i feel like my face looks different and for the first time in ages i thought yep ur now lookin at ur self 10pounds lighter in four weeks and i am SO proud of myself! corny but true i really am!
i dnt think other people can really notice but my face feels different and jus knowing i have lost 10 points make me so so happy!
i am guna set my self a christmas goal! i wanna have lost another 10 pounds by christmas SO it will be twenty pounds in total :).
i dont no if i WILL do it but i believe i can if i jus stick at it xx
Good on ya girl! You'll defo be able to lose another 10lb by crimbo...

It's funny you mentioned this but when I got up this morning i sat on the edge of the bed and we have a tall free standing mirror at my side and I thought to myself that I don't think I look like I'm in the 11's at all. I still have another 2 stone to get back to where I was though :-(

Rome wasn't built in a day was it!!! x
i cannot see the 10lb off but people have started to comment on me so i must be!!

i went to the butchers today for our weekly chicken supply (OH is a bodybuilder:character00116: and he eats lots of chicken) and the bag is a 5kg bag so i converted it and it was 11lb and i held it up and it was heavy!! and looked vile and i just thought i had that carried on me!

you shud try and find something minging to hold up and say thats what iv lost i think thats great image therapy :p xx
right so dinner tongiht is a cheesy garlic bread gun point it for 5slices at 35pp?

i might change my mind for chicken tikka off the bone and bombay pot (take away size) so say 20pp for the both?

jus dunno

SammieAnn87 said:
right so dinner tongiht is a cheesy garlic bread gun point it for 5slices at 35pp?

i might change my mind for chicken tikka off the bone and bombay pot (take away size) so say 20pp for the both?

jus dunno


I'd go Indian, DEFO xxx
You will get more from the Indians than a garlic bread I'm with Tano xx
yeh think i am guna coz jus spoken to carl n his up for that do i share a naan or have 1 chapit? or do i stay away from them
How many weekly do you have left?? Xxx
Another vote of Indian here! Plus spicy food is good for the metabolism ;-)

The naan bread is the best part of having a curry, along with the popadoms!! x
Hmmm not the poppadoms but the naan defo......I'm starving and want a Indians now xxx
i have 20 dailys left and all 49 weeklys sooooooo sud i have a naan...its jus wat t point it
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