ProPoints Sarah's i will be thin diary

Hello!! ;-)

Hope you are feeling better after the op - I'm here to follow - just starting WW and love people's diaries xx
*_*cupcake*_* said:
Hello cal :)

Not feeling too bad thank you just getting back to reality :)
You got much weight to lose? X

Well in feb I got to my 10 stone 'target' - which was too low for me to maintain. So want to be 10.7-10.10 within that range.
I was 12.6 this morning - so just less than 2 stone :-( but I can do it! I have before - no idea where it all went wrong lol.

How about you? Xx
Cai said:
Well in feb I got to my 10 stone 'target' - which was too low for me to maintain. So want to be 10.7-10.10 within that range.
I was 12.6 this morning - so just less than 2 stone :-( but I can do it! I have before - no idea where it all went wrong lol.

How about you? Xx

Wow that's a fantastic achievement :)
You definitely can do and you will!! You sound very determind which is fab!
I got down to 10.10, from 16st 5 years ago through weight watchers then towards the end starving myself which I know isn't good!
Currently I am 14,11 and feel disgusting! I would love to get down to 10,7 but if I don't get there I'm happy with 10,10 again as I felt comfortable and just over 4 stone to lose :/ but ill do it this time :D x
*_*cupcake*_* said:
Wow that's a fantastic achievement :)
You definitely can do and you will!! You sound very determind which is fab!
I got down to 10.10, from 16st 5 years ago through weight watchers then towards the end starving myself which I know isn't good!
Currently I am 14,11 and feel disgusting! I would love to get down to 10,7 but if I don't get there I'm happy with 10,10 again as I felt comfortable and just over 4 stone to lose :/ but ill do it this time :D x

We will both do it!!
Although my reasons are mainly baby-related and then some ask me why I am bothering/worrying if all I want to do is get preg and gain it.
That's not the point tho - if I gain 2 stone on a lower weight I will have less to loose after than if I gain 2 stone on this weight! ;-) xx
Cai said:
We will both do it!!
Although my reasons are mainly baby-related and then some ask me why I am bothering/worrying if all I want to do is get preg and gain it.
That's not the point tho - if I gain 2 stone on a lower weight I will have less to loose after than if I gain 2 stone on this weight! ;-) xx

We will indeed :) will have to spur each other on :D
Your right in what your saying, I'd be the same!
So you trying for a baby now? You have any children already ? X
*_*cupcake*_* said:
We will indeed :) will have to spur each other on :D
Your right in what your saying, I'd be the same!
So you trying for a baby now? You have any children already ? X

Not quite yet - but will be shortly. Got nurses appointments sorted as I have the implant in.
I don't have any children yet so even more excited lol.
Def good idea at souring each other on! It's the best thing sometimes. Xx
Cai said:
Not quite yet - but will be shortly. Got nurses appointments sorted as I have the implant in.
I don't have any children yet so even more excited lol.
Def good idea at souring each other on! It's the best thing sometimes. Xx

Ahh how exciting :D will be a couple more years before I start trying me thinks :) lol
Ill make sure I come on everyday! You got a diary? X
*_*cupcake*_* said:
Ahh how exciting :D will be a couple more years before I start trying me thinks :) lol
Ill make sure I come on everyday! You got a diary? X

Yeah I have - its I the silver section tho (in case my students come across it!) and the title needs changing as it implies I'm following SW lol xx
Monday 29th October
Not pointing today as I'm gonna do healthy eating to start with :)
40g branflakes with skimmed milk


Having a mixture which consists of curly fries, wedges, breaded mushrooms and bread :/
I know it's not great ill just have a handful of each I think..because parents off work today wanted to have a little treat but I'm not going to pig out like I normally would :) also not had any lunch unless I get abit peckish ill have something little.

Velvet crunch
Mccoys salt and vinegar

Will update the rest later on :) x
katywoo87 said:
Hey just subscribed here to support :) how you getting on today? X

Hi Katy thanks for subscribing and supporting :)
Not been great today if I'm honest but better than I have been so cut it down :)
I ended up having 2 reduced fat crackers for lunch so was starving by tea and had

2 peices of bread with handful of curly fries in each
1 peice of bread with wedges in
6 little garlic breaded mushrooms
2 peices of like pizza kinda bread with onion and pepper on.

So on top of that had
Velvet crunch
Mcoys crisps
2 crackers

Hmm not great but like I said better than last week as that consisted of take always abc eating all day long!

Back to normal tomorrow everyone's back at work etc I'm not till Monday but going to eat as if I am at work eg breakfast lunch and tea with healthy snacks :) get some walking in there aswell.
*_*cupcake*_* said:
Hi Katy thanks for subscribing and supporting :)
Not been great today if I'm honest but better than I have been so cut it down :)
I ended up having 2 reduced fat crackers for lunch so was starving by tea and had

2 peices of bread with handful of curly fries in each
1 peice of bread with wedges in
6 little garlic breaded mushrooms
2 peices of like pizza kinda bread with onion and pepper on.

So on top of that had
Velvet crunch
Mcoys crisps
2 crackers

Hmm not great but like I said better than last week as that consisted of take always abc eating all day long!

Back to normal tomorrow everyone's back at work etc I'm not till Monday but going to eat as if I am at work eg breakfast lunch and tea with healthy snacks :) get some walking in there aswell.

Well as long as its better than last week then you're on the right track! Your food sounds good though I love curly fries!

katywoo87 said:
Well as long as its better than last week then you're on the right track! Your food sounds good though I love curly fries!


Thank you :)
I do too their lovely!! the garlic mushrooms were amazeballs too :D how much weight have you got to lose? X
*_*cupcake*_* said:
Thank you :)
I do too their lovely!! the garlic mushrooms were amazeballs too :D how much weight have you got to lose? X

I bet! I am jealous lol x

Well i am 10st 12lbs at the min.. Wanna be about 9st 7lbs so about 1st and 5lbs left to go... Seems like i will never get there! How about you? X
katywoo87 said:
I bet! I am jealous lol x

Well i am 10st 12lbs at the min.. Wanna be about 9st 7lbs so about 1st and 5lbs left to go... Seems like i will never get there! How about you? X

Not too much then :) youl be there before you know it I'm sure!
I'm currently 14st 11 and want to be 10,7 ideally!
Over 4 stone to lose :( feels like its gonna take forever!! Lol x