Sarah's Target & 10K Mission

I managed til 12.30, then had soup and half a warburton's thin and my jelly pot. Which was fine until a few mins ago. I did say no to three different people's birthday treats though! I'm not going to argue over a few Skittles which total less than 20 cals. I guess if I wanted to balance out, I coud not eat all of my Shapers bar later, but that's unlikely! lol.

You're amazing lasting til now. I deffo need to have a little something during the day to keep me going! xxx
Morning girls!

Fast came in at 525 cals but totally happy with that. Looking forward to today's food already and I'm not even out of bed yet!

B - porridge with semi milk and strawbs
L - skinny soup + warburtons thin
D - ken hom's pork mince with noodles and pak choi
Snacks - 2 finger kitkat

So excited about our anniversary weekend already - just want it to be Friday now!!!


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Ooh what are your anniversary plans?! xxxx
Thanks girls. Feeling good after a successful fast day!

Have just made my porridge - mmmm!!

Jess - we are up in London for the weekend staying at the Hilton on Park Lane! Hoping the weather will be good so we can take Boris bikes off round Hyde Park during the day, maybe stopping for a picnic in the middle, then we have a table booked for to have a bottle of Champagne in their amazing top floor bar then dinner in one of the restaurants (three courses with wine) - definitely not counting cals that day! Then we have brunch booked in Soho on Sunday - luckily there are some good choices on their menu!

Trying to keep the cals pretty low all week to counteract. Will have 2 fast days plus Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday all under 1400 cals so am hoping things will balance out. Would love a small loss this week. Actually think I might weigh in on Saturday as I think that will help keep me slightly on track...will see how I feel!

Off to have my nails done after work tonight and Dave is working overtime again so it'll be a late dinner and the latest episode of The Walking Dead tonight.

We finished HoC last night - great ending but still wasn't so enthralled by the series overall.

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Oh Sarah that sounds truly wonderful! The top floor bar table sounds ridiculously exciting and posh! :) You lucky pair! xxxx

I think some low cal days will balance it all out, but sometimes a maintain (or gain, but that wont happen) is worth a wonderful weekend xxxx
It definitely would be worth a gain, Jess, but I'm hoping I can STS. Looking at the menu ( la Carte Menu .pdf), I think I will go for the scallops then the lamb and the black forest gateaux, so I don't think it will actually be too bad calorie wise. But there will be 2 bottles of champange and a bottle of red plus maybe a cocktail/nightcap!

Galvin at the Hilton was one of the first places I ever took Dave so it has some really special memories for us and we've been back a couple of times since, but never been lucky enough to stay over. The views over London are incredible, especially at sunset, which is when we will be there cracking open the Pommery!

Brunch menu is - - planning on the avocado royale with the hollandaise on the side and a glass of bubbly! That'll keep us going for most of the day so should be able to stay under cals on Sunday. Famous last words though, of course!!

Oh my goodness the whole weekend sounds insanely good!! I was looking at Galvin the other day after your recommendation!
damn it i wish Rob liked bubbles the way that Dave does! the sunset champagne sounds incredz!
I've finished HoC too....and totally agree with Pip...this felt like a filler but is perfectly set up for s4! :) xxx
I was just wondering if you'd finished hoc! It felt to me like s3 was just filler but I think s4 will be ace!

You're weekend sounds perfect. How many years has it been?

And that dinner sounds outrageously good! Do you have a recipe?? Xxx

I did hear they weren't making any more, but with that ending, they've just got to!!

It's 4 years on Friday - it has flown by but been the best 4 years ever. We have seen and done so much together and I'm a much better person for having him in my life- I'm such a lucky girl.

Will take a pic of the recipe when I get home Pip as I can't find it online, but basically:
- Gently fry off 1 finely chopped red chilli, 2 cloves of garlic and fresh ginger, add a pack of lean pork mince and fry until starting to brown.
- Meanwhile fry off lots of finely sliced button mushrooms until the moisture evaporates
- Add 1tsp sugar, a tsp of rice wine vinegar and a good shake of soy sauce into the pork and cook off for a minute. Add 3-4 sliced spring onions
- Toss with cooked noodles (any kind you like), which have been dressed with a little sesame oil
- Serve with stir-fried pak choi

Can I just have your life? That sounds like the most wonderful time! Great job on the fast yesterday, love! I was thinking your food looked very low car today too but preparing for the weekend, very wise! Xx

Ahh thanks Tash. It's going to be pretty special - we are only pushing the boat out because I got a Hilton voucher from my credit card and we managed to get an awesome deal on the dinner! ;)

The plan is definitely for a low cal week although keeping about 1200 a day or MFP shouts at me!! xxx
Wowiee, your weekend sounds amazing gorgeous, 4 years can defiantly fly by- I can't believe we've been together for 10 years and married for 6 years this year!
I love London, Hyde Park is fab and all the fancy shops and cafes!
Can't get my head in the game with work today! I'm far too focused on the weekend already! Have just ordered Dave some personalised marshmallows to be delivered to his office on Friday to say happy anniversary. We did agree not to do gifts, but I just wanted to send him a little something. They are only 24 cals each so I can share them too...if his colleagues don't eat them all first! ;)

My boss is away in South Africa this week and the office is empty. Just walked down to get some water and almost everyone was internet shopping so I'm not the only one struggling to concentrate! lol.

It's such a lush day outside - I wish it was WFH day so I could go for a run at lunchtime. By the time I get home from having my nails done tonight it'll be pitch black. Will try to get up tomorrow morning and get my trainers on.

Aaaw We did don't normally do anniversary present either as ours in a month before Xmas, but this year I found a little glass block that says 'Happy is being married to your best friend' so I bought it for Ian.
It's lovely and sunny here too today, so I'm going out for a walk at lunchtime, We're both sat on the internet too, but it's only as the bosses aren't based up here, so we do get away with a bit more!