Sarah's Target & 10K Mission

What a great end to a great evening! Free dessert - boom!

Glad today is flying by, your evening sounds like bliss. It's started pouring here so I'm beginning to find excuses not to run...!!

Can you get away with running tomorrow? That's really bad of me to support your excuses ;) It's actually a nice afternoon here so I'm thinking I should run when I get home...but I find running in the evening SO hard, I know it'll just piss me off! xxx
I pretty much have to run every free day this week, grosssss!! I'm out tomorrow night as one of my besties is moving to Malawi on Sat and my cousin is staying with me and we're going out for dins on Thurs so I need to just get on with it! It's only 10k though so i'll be done and dusted in just over an hour.

The sofa will be waiting for me on my return :) xx
You've seen Rocky before, haven't you Sarah? I'm not sure I've ever watched it but I did enjoy the Glee episode!! xxx

You've made me try to count up how many times I've seen it actually...I'm going to say this might be my 10th time? It's so random though...the first time I was 16 and a friend's mum booked us tickets to go having NO clue what it was all about! I was really innocent and didn't quite grasp the concept! But I then saw the film when I was 17 and fell in love! I met Richard O'Brien once at a charity thing and told him he was responsible for my HUGE corset collection!

It's such a random film (you probably need a few wines before watching it!) with such a great cast (Tim Curry, Meatloaf etc.) but you just can't beat seeing it live. Literally everyone is dressed up and knows all the's a brilliant night out! xxx
He will love it this time. He saw it live for the first time the Christmas before last - we took my gay boyfriend too (my best friend since I was 11 who is now living in Oz). Rob and I knew what to expect and dressed accordingly, but Dave didn't believe that everyone would be dressed up, so he went in jeans and a t-shirt with just a little bit of guy-liner on, and he felt really under-dressed. We are going with another couple this time and think the boys are going to go in full Frank N Furter drag. It's going to be hilarious! xxx
50 minutes of work to go and my brain has totally abandoned me! I've spent most of the day working on re-foreast figures for finance and doing formulas in Excel has totally fried my brain! Y-A-W-N! Roll on
Yep me too! I was blaming my contact lenses as I had them in for so many hours yesterday, they feel dry today. But actually, it's probably more to do with my glaring at the screen! xxx
I'm so disappointed I missed the tickets for Muse in Manchester! I haven't missed a gig in 4 years, so I'm kicking myself I didn't log into my emails sooner lol. Next time round I will absolutely be the first in the queue! (Well, on the website at least lol)

Mexican night looked fab! And the food sound gorgeous hun :)
Excel has given me brain ache today as well.. I have been in no less than 10 spreadsheets all afternoon!!!

Muse sounds amazing, and any free pudding has to be celebrated xxx