
Full Member
Hi all,
I've been on plan rigidly since Feb, have lost 15lbs and still have 1 stone 2 lbs to go to target. Can't seem to get below 11 9, stuck there for weeks and weeks. I haven't gone off track once. As of yesterday I'm also now smoke free - I hope forever. Anytime I've stopped smoking before I've always substituted fags with food and as a result lashed on loads of weight which in turn has always put me back on the fags. Enough is enough and I'm determined to stick to it this time, I really never want to smoke again but also really want to get to my true weight. I've ditched the diet coke as of yesterday along with the cigs. I was drinking about a litre of it a day to be honest and do think that it must have been stalling my weight loss as I've been doing everything else by the book. I do chew sugar free gum every day also, really can't feel that I can stop that now along with the other 2 "crutches"!!. I'd even cut dairy from my diet to see if that shifted things but it didn't. So I'm hoping with the d coke gone it may speed things up. I was thinking of maybe doing 4 or 5 days of attack, what do you think? I'm so petrified of gaining weight after stopping the cigs. I jog 3 times a week also and drink 2 litres of water each day. Any imput greatly appreciated. Many thanks in advance for any help or advice xx
Hi Madison

Huge congratulations on EVERYTHING you've achieved!

And yes, I think a 4-day attack is the way to go ...... get that body shocked!! ;)

Good on ya! :D

P x
Hi Madison well done on giving up the fags and diet coke for starters ...just keep lots of Dukan food in the fridge for snacking on x

Do you keep a diary??? If not that might help as someone might see where the problems might be xx

I don't think he recommends going back to attack but I'm newly returning to Dukan so I don't have as much knowledge as others x hope you find your answers
I think he recommends upping your exercise to 1hr a day walking if you have a long stall.

Why don't you have a play with changing around your PP/PV days - perhaps have a 3/3/1 set?
Hi Madison. Giving up smoking is absolutely the best thing you can do for your health - cigarettes are the no. 1 killer of younger people in this country, followed by alcohol at no. 2. (I gave up alcohol completely, for ever, 2 weeks ago which is why I mention it!) Make staying off the fags your top priority - believe it or not, it will become easy within days.

I find it very hard to believe you've only lost a stone in almost 4 months. Sorry, it sounds like I'm suggesting you're lying and I don't mean that at all, I mean something's not right about that. And I don't believe it can be down to the diet coke and sugar-free gum, either. Why don't you rigorously list everything that passes your lips on here so you or someone else can work out what's going on?

Meanwhile, good luck with the not-smoking! Day 3 now, isn't it? It's years since I gave up so I can't remember exactly but I think it takes 10 days for the physical addiction to die completely. Allen Carr's book is really good for that kind of information/motivation. What I do remember very clearly is his pointing out that one cigarette doesn't exist on it's own, it's the start of a chain, so don't even have one! Let us know how you are getting on xx
thanks so much for your replies and advice.

Sara, well done you for giving up the booze. Oh and the cigs too. I had my last drink in Jan and don't miss it at all now. On day 3 of no cigs and really happy. Patches seem to be doing the trick.

Re my not being able to get below my current weight, I'm really finding it infuriating at this stage. I do everything by the book. PP days it's eggs x 2, 2 tablespoons of oat bran, chicken, tuna or salmon (no oil) for lunch, then more chicken/extra lean beef, or turkey mince in the evening. I have been known to eat 4 chicken fillets (smallish ones) in the day!! I had quit dairy for a few weeks to see if that shifted things but it didn't. I drink 2 litres of water each and every day. Re-introduced the dairy back in 2 weeks ago and now have about 500g fat free natural yog every day. I don't add salt to anything. On Pv days it's the above protein with green veg and some cherry toms usually.

I started jogging 3 times per week around the same time as starting Dukan and I know people say that muscle is denser than fat and the fact that it weighs more but I'm not buying that at this stage. Don't get me wrong, I know that with the weight loss of 15 lbs and the running I've also toned up a bit but surely to god I should by now be nearly if not already at my true weight. When i went onto the official site I was supposed to get there beginning of June. Nowhere near that :(

The only other thing I can think of is that I stopped the pill back in january 12 months ago and my cycle hasn't come back regularly at all. Had no period for nearly a full year, my last one was Feb! Know I'm not pregnant, unless the angel Gabriel visited my house lol. have been to the Doc and apparently this is normal enough after being on it for so long. Other than this I'm fresh out of ideas. Sorry for rambling on and thanks for your help and encouragement. xx
That really is strange. Your food intake seems ideal and while jogging might improve tone it doesn't lead to muscle bulk so I agree with you that it can't be that. And I don't believe in angels either!

I think you'd be justified in going to your doctor, explaining the situation and getting him/her to run a few tests - thyroid particularly, maybe hormone... I'm not medical so I don't know and may be talking crap but you're right, it doesn't add up.

Stay strong cigarette-free, and let me know what you decide to do. Or maybe someone else on here will come up with an amazing insight. Good luck xx
All looks good to me and I agree with Sara above go to your doctor as it might be medical (I also am no expert though ) but your food intake looks spot on ... Very odd ...try eating different proteins on pp days and veg on pv days mix it up a bit maybe your body needs a kick start :)
thanks guys, have had hormones and thyroid check before and all seemed fine. Then again that was nearly a year ago. Maybe it's time to pay the doc another visit. Will keep you posted. Thanks again x
Good luck Madison hope you get it sorted x
Hi Madison, have you done your measurements, have you had any inch loss there? May be worth a thyroid function test just to check. Cx
I would suggest that the problem is not enough protein and is being exacerbated by 500g yoghurt. For example, try having 5 meals of protein throughout the day and have plenty! Also cherry tomatoes are actually quite hi carb so you could have salad leaves/greens instead. There is a way to calculate how many grams of protein minimum daily you need for your weight - put in a search on here and you'll find it. Hope this helps.
I felt the same- don't justify food by saying it's small! For example, 5 mini chicken fillets? You could have a whole chicken in a meal on dukan (and I have!) so fill up! More protein is more weight loss! X
I felt the same- don't justify food by saying it's small! For example, 5 mini chicken fillets? You could have a whole chicken in a meal on dukan (and I have!) so fill up! More protein is more weight loss! X

Ha, ha - so have I :D
Thanks all once again, great advice and help. Shall try what you've said and hope I shift some poundage over the next few weeks. If not, a trip to the doc is on the cards. Happy Friday to y'all xx
Madison said:
Thanks all once again, great advice and help. Shall try what you've said and hope I shift some poundage over the next few weeks. If not, a trip to the doc is on the cards. Happy Friday to y'all xx

Glad you took comments in the way intended. I constantly justified the amount I was eating at the start (portion size etc) but that's not how dukan works! I'm unashamed now. At work-yes I'm having three bits of steak. Yes, I'm having a chicken breast with cottage cheese at break. Yes I'm eating jelly/yoghurt at my desk. I find answerin folk (particularly at work!) bluntly has resulted in fewer questions! Eat lots and the weight should shift, otherwise see your gp! X
There is a way to calculate how many grams of protein minimum daily you need for your weight - put in a search on here and you'll find it. Hope this helps.
It's 2 grams of protein per 1kg of bodyweight for your goal weight. So if you want to weigh 70kgs then you need 140grams of protein a day. Which is about 3 steaks, 3 yoghurts, and a load of fish or chicken. It's a LOT and if you don't eat enough, you'll go into starvation mode and lose muscle. Which is bad. You only want to lose fat, not muscle. If you lose muscle, you will find it harder to keep the weight off when you move into conso, that's why exercise is important, you want to build muscle up as it keeps you burning calories when you're not doing anything.
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That's a thought provoking post Charlie Brown. I sometimes look at people's food diaries and wonder how they are functioning on so little! Maybe I'm not such a greedy guts after all!