Secret to shaping up

Hi eatwell, it will be unsteady and feel uncoordinated but I bet that after a couple of practices it will be easier to do the moves.
Good to hear your focusing on technique as this will provide quicker results using each exercise to it's maximum
Hope you feel ok tomorrow, perhaps a bit achy but feeling like you worked it :)
I am glad you found the info useful
Just brought the Kettleworx DVDs and cannot wait for them to arrive. Got it from ideal world shopping Chanel online for 39.99. You get the 3 DVDs plus intro DVD and kettle bell, so thought that was pretty good.
Me and the OH have gone halves on it as he is going to use my 6kg kettlebell and I will use the one with the pack until I get use to it. Used my 6kg one today and did the exercises which came with it: couldn't half feel it in legs and arms afterwards!
Shellie, great news. Really pleased to hear your OH is having a go, used to do it with mine sometimes and it was quite funny at times
Good to practice getting used to the bell, and I bet your feeling it using that 6 :)
Hannah hope that postman gets there soon :) It is exciting! Remember this feeling when you hit the tough exercises lol
Shelliewoo83 said:
Just brought the Kettleworx DVDs and cannot wait for them to arrive. Got it from ideal world shopping Chanel online for 39.99. You get the 3 DVDs plus intro DVD and kettle bell, so thought that was pretty good.
Me and the OH have gone halves on it as he is going to use my 6kg kettlebell and I will use the one with the pack until I get use to it. Used my 6kg one today and did the exercises which came with it: couldn't half feel it in legs and arms afterwards!

That's great Shellie!! I'm sure you'll think it's money well spent when u see the results :)
Good morning!

I've lurked on this forum for years, this thread has inspired me to register and post.

I've always had issues with my weight, losing a lot 9 years a go, going from a size 18 to 8. Now I'm back up to a size 18 again! Over the last couple of years I've tried just about every diet going, mainly food replacement but I can't go without food so always fail miserably. I salute anyone who can stick to a vlcd! For me personally I don't think there is no quick fix to my weight issues and slow, steady and sustainable is the way for me.

Due to having PCOS I've been advised to follow low GI so I signed up to sainsburys online diet, chose GI plan & they generate meal plans for me. Today is my first day.

Exercise has always been something I hated, saw it as a swear word! I was the large kid at school who no one wanted in their team and that has always stuck with me. Always seen myself as a failure when it comes to exercise. I've started Zumba and love it and want to start Kettlebells.

Tron, your weight loss story and transformation has really motivated me and made me believe I can do it. THANK YOU

I too was looking at the one from Ideal World posted above.

Sorry for the lengthy introduction, I too hope the power of the bells work for me.

Thanks for reading

Good luck GI Jane. You will get lots of support on here. I'm sure you will be just as impressed with the kettlebell as we are. :)
Wow... a weekend off & this thread goes mad!!!!! :D Great to see soo many people joining!!!

I done week 2 resistance this morning & think it was my favourite so far!!! I even done it with my 4kg kb instead of the 3kg that I had been using up to now!! :eek: I really enjoyed some of the new moves.. the figure 8, & the one legged ones (really felt a burn with them :))

Shazz, well done on the fast abs. I'll have to give it a go. Thanks for warning me about the dreaded planks!!! :eek:
Hi all
What a great way to come in from work and catch up on everything going on here

Pretika as shazz has said it is a good price - the 5lb bell is quite light, and you will find that you will want to up the weight as you get used to the moves and a heavier weight produces faster results

Hi GI Jane - welcome, I am really pleased you have stopped lurking and signed up :) We all have had weight issues so will be able to empathise and know where your coming from.
I totally understand your thought process about exercise being a swear word lol, altho not overweight as a child I hated PE - stupid running, jumping etc
Started Zumba - well done you, that is more than I would do :)
As with Pretikas question, a 5lb will get you started, but you will need to move up. You need to feel it by the end of the rep, which you will do with a 5lb when you start, but to acheive results you want to push yourself
Good to start your diet and exercise at the same time, as this will help see quicker results and hopefully encourage you to stick with both
You can do it, as I posted previously i was a couch potatoe full of chocolate before i started doing this, and I hate all this exercise malarky, but have found something I enjoy, and as the workout is very quick, I was able to force myself to go do it, versus slogging away for an hour with an aerobics dvd which i hated. Seeing such quick results then made me want to do more

Sweet Pink/Shazz - hi, loving hearing your enjoying and getting results. I think I need to ask that when you get a few minutes you can post what results your seeing or feeling. i think it will be helpful to everyone that is interested.
yeah Sweet Pink - 4kg :)

I am just getting ready to go to my kb class, so will check back later
May the bells be with you lol
Well after feeling totally inspired by reading this thread I too have also ordered the above kit.. Can't wait for it to arrive!!

I started spin classes last week and have been to 3 so far so hoping if I keep that up and add kettlebells I will see results quickly, what do u think? X
Welcome Shellie & Hollie!! You will not regret your decision !! :)

Kron : I am starting week 3 tomorrow. When I last measured a couple of days ago I had lost 3 inches since starting!!

My hubbie is so impressed with how my abs are toning up that he keeps getting me to show all our friends and family my tummy!!! Bless him :)

It is truly amazing what a short space of time can do. Incidentally I did end up starting with a heavier bell (7.5 kg), so my results may be quicker. Now I'm using a 5kg which I find much easier.
I enjoyed week 2 resistance Sweet. Wait til you try the fast abs!!
Thanks all I will buy kettleworx once I hVe finished the shred !... All of you are doing soo well can't wait to join!!
Hi Kron,

As far as seeing results go measurements wise since starting I have lost 1 1/2 inches from my waist, 1/2 inch from upper arms & 2 inches from my hips. They were the only measurements I had taken but am going to record other measurements from now on. Weight wise I have only lost 1lb (was * week last week so STS) but I'm soo happy with the inches I am losing that I dont mind in the slightest. I'm sure the weight will catch up :D
Oh my god sweet they are fab results in 2 weeks!! :)

I have to add though that I am doing C25k as well at the minute but the inch loss has really only started since starting kettleworx
Sweet Pink and Shazz
Thank you for posting your inch loss - fantastic :) and you sound like your enjoying the workouts too.
I am absolutely delighted for you both that you have seen results so quickly, I knew you would but it is great to hear.
How funny is your hubby Shazz getting you to show your abs to everyone ;)
I think you have proven what an effective body shaping exercise kettle bells are

Good luck to you all, and let's hope the postman is quick and gets your orders to you so you can start swinging :)