Secret to shaping up

I did week 3 core this morning. I love core!!!
I need to up my game with this. I am going away for a nice hotel break with hubbie and sister and partner. We will be spending lots of time in the pool. My sister is a size 8, always has been. I am finally the same weight as her!!! However I want to go one better and have a nice toned body. My sis does not exercise, but still looks good. I have always lived in her shadow, but for once I have the chance to shine. Does this make me sad?? I go away in 2 weeks.

Kron, is it ok to do this everyday? Or should I be adding the Fast abs as in-between workouts. Or can I do them after the normal workout?
I did week 3 core this morning. I love core!!!
I need to up my game with this. I am going away for a nice hotel break with hubbie and sister and partner. We will be spending lots of time in the pool. My sister is a size 8, always has been. I am finally the same weight as her!!! However I want to go one better and have a nice toned body. My sis does not exercise, but still looks good. I have always lived in her shadow, but for once I have the chance to shine. Does this make me sad?? I go away in 2 weeks.

Kron, is it ok to do this everyday? Or should I be adding the Fast abs as in-between workouts. Or can I do them after the normal workout?

You go for it!!!! I have a feeling your sister will be asking you for tips after though!!!! ;)

I'm heading to do week 3 core shortly so will let you know how I go :D
Thats week 3 of core done!!! I have to say that I do love core... even those darn planks are growing on me (& getting easier!!! :eek:) The only thing in the workout today that I found tricky was the seated figure 8, mainly because I think the York kettlebell is quite clumsy to pass through your legs so I might have to treat myself to a nice neat one soon :D

Kron what weight of bell do you mainly use now?? Just trying to have an idea of what to work towards. I found the weight of the 4kg quite comfortable today though I may not agree with that tomorrow :eek:
I know what u mean Sweet, I have hit myself loads doing that exercise. I'm looking toned but bruised........mmmnn not quite the look I was after!! Lol
The worst, & I dont know how I managed it, was on my chin!!!! lol I am now the proud owner (temporarily) of a big black bruise right on the end of my chin :eek:

As for my legs...... black & blue!!!! :eek:
Hi all,
I now have core and resistance Kettleworx DVD's (still waiting for cardio!!!)
Am I planning right? 3 times a week 20 mins of each one? So you do each level once for 6 weeks? Or should it be more???
Going to start at the weekend, my last day of shred tomorrow :)
That's great Cleo!
You do wk 1 core, resistance and cardio. Then next week wk 2 core, resistance, cardio etc. So three workouts a week for 6 weeks :)
On your chin Sweet!!!! I can't even begin to think how u did that, lol. I do have a fear of dropping it on my face when I lay down holding it above me with sweaty palms!!!
Cleo - It's good that you have done the shred. You'll recognise some of the moves, only this time with a kettlebell..!!!
What results have u had from the shred?
It is your time to shine :)
Mix it up as you want, you can do fast abs after a routine, inbetween and you can do them every day - but listen to your body, dont over do it, you know how effectively the bells work your muscles. Keep safe
In your routine up to your 7.5 on swings and squats.
Try some of the core exercises i posted earlier - the windmill in the 3 positions is fab, the woodchop really targets the sides, have a practice with your rattle and throw in some of those exercises to really pull in that waist.
Is there a specific body part you want to target?
eat well, try having more protein - chicken, fish etc as muscles love this
Go for that goal, you can do it
Shazzabir said:
Cleo - It's good that you have done the shred. You'll recognise some of the moves, only this time with a kettlebell..!!!
What results have u had from the shred?

No weight loss but comfortably down a dress size, plenty of toning on arms, stomach and legs. Very excited about what Kettlebells can do for me. Not worried about weight loss so much, but definitely want to tone up.
Hi Owls4eva
Welcome, glad you liked the thread, if you need ant help please ask

Hi Gettingfitatfifty
Glad you found it :)have you done this before?

Hi Sweet Pink
the dreaded planks but getting easier lol your core muscles are coming along :)

I went from my starter 4.5kg to an 8 that I ordered with DuCans kb dvd haha could hardly lift it so got a 6, it was tough, and i swapped down whenever I needed to. I now use an 8, but really need to go a bit heavier now but too scared lol, I will take the plunge soon :)
Squats with upright row for your chin bruise, I did the same once, but felt it when i did it lol
Bruises for you and Shazz I must admit i had a few, but these bumps do go down as your technique improves. I did find the plastic bells more prone to bangs

Hi Cleogin
welcome to the bells :) great news for finishing shred - that scares me lol, keep us upated on how you get along, lets see another dress size go
My Kettle worx set FINALLY came today! I did resistance because I did a kettlebell core workout from Fitness channel I found online on Tuesday. Was fun! Think I might like all this kb stuff lots!

I have found the plank very hard though. I did about 20 seconds on Tuesday night as part of the online thing but came to do it again tonight and literally couldnt get up on my toes and I have a lot of determination! I have had 2 c sections so wondering if that is it? Thinking I just need another day to recover from Tuesday! Did Zumba Monday and Wednesday too so may be better after a day off!

Well done everyone on your successes so far! X
Sofartogo yeah it came :)
Don't worry if you can't do something, it will get there. You may have a weak core so this area needs to develop. I bet that in a couple of weeks you will be loads better at them :)
What weight are you using?
I'm using a 4kg weight. All other exercises are fine it's just that 1!! x
I found the plank a killer at the start too. When he said drop to your knees I usually flopped onto the floor in a mess (which hubby used to find hilarious) Now just over 2 weeks on I am managing them (without the belly flop at the end) & they are becoming easier each time. Good luck
Well done Sofar!! You'll soon start seeing great results!

Thanks for your advice Kron :)

I agree Sweet, you do get much better at the exercises as the weeks progress.

I did my last workout for week 3 today. I must admit I didn't enjoy it today. I was in the wrong frame of mind though. I was hoping to have got to goal this week, as I only had 1lb to go, but instead I put on 1.5lb, so not impressed. :-(
At least I know I am losing inches!! :)
Did resistance and fast abs yesterday.

No aches today so hurray up heavier KB's - they were dispatched yesterday!!