Secret to shaping up

foodfairy said:
I am still aching a bit from monday and I'm doing it again tonight lol!

And me!! It's the tops
Of my legs- must be all the square!
Same place for me too! Not looking forward to hobbling about tomorrow lol
Well as you can imagine I can barely move today!!!! Was meant to be doing resistance today, but think I will be giving it a miss!!!
I have decided I will be starting kettleworx again after I finish, with the 7.5kg. The results are too good to move onto anything else :)

Sweet - that's great that people are starting to notice! Those rainbow moves are bit of a killer!!

Hollie - there's nothing worse when you make the effort to workout and something stops you!

Shazz, you poor thing. Hope youre feeling a bit easier soon!!! The rainbow abs seem nice at the time...almost like a little rest after the seated figure 8 & seated row!!!

Hollie, I've been using my laptop a lot to do mine & have even had it outdoors (albeit under the gazebo so the neighbours cant have too much of a giggle!!)

I've just done week 5 cardio & nice to see some new moves again today such as the squat kicks. Was definitely nice & challenging on the whole though so maybe a bit of suffering tomorrow :eek:
Hi all :)

Shazz wishing you better, i know thats gotta hurt
You might want to take your next session a bit easier, it will give your muscles some time to repair as you have worked them hard and they will still be feeling it over the next couple of days.

Sweet, are you going to get him to do kettleworx core to get rid of his podge lol You never know what you can acheive, i believe your dream will come true :)

Alex - do you have a routine to follow? I can post some youtube links, if your able to do them from your pc/laptop/? most I have seen are about 5 mins long, so you either repeat or move to another one until you get a 20+ min workout. I suppose there would be a way to save them and run them all together but thats way out of my league lol

I always do the bells barefoot, even at class, barefoot can improve technique :)

Hollie hope you manage to get that dvd set up so you can start :)

Pretika - first one done. yes it is a bit strange compared to more 'normal' exercises, but dont worry too much, after a couple of goes you will start getting into the swing of it. Checkout post number 178 for some basic moves just to understand where your body is supposed to be, it will become quite natural after a little bit of practise :)

Foodfairy the aches will calm down after a few goes, i promise. Great week 1 done, you wont regret it :)

Shellie those thighs sound like they are having a good workout :)
Well I had to buy a DVD player after as I sill can't find my remote..

Got myself all prepared to start week 2 of kettlworxs and I had a knock on the front door, my best mate who has been travelling the world for 7 months came home 3 weeks earlier than planned and surprised me. So i had an evening of gossiping and she got to meet for little girl who is 4 months old for the first time..

Think i will do the workout first thing in the morning so no more disruptions :)
Oh no Hollie! Sounds like a good night though and what is one extra night when you think of this as a path to the perfect body for ever??!!!

I did week 3 resistance last night. Love resistance but I'm even starting to like the core now too! I can do 3 lots of the plank all the way through now and can feel my stomach muscles (all be it under layers of yucky fat)!!! I love that in 20 mins of kettleworx, I'm sweating as much as I am after an hour of zumba! I am feeling a bit of pain in my lower back still but I'm thinking that this is because my core is still not strong enough and as this improves, so will this pain. That's my theory anyway!! Going to check my inches tonight as it's been a week since last time I think! X
Morning all thanks for the advice Kron - I am a little confused ???? I was a little achey yesterday but today I feel fine?? I feel a little cheated as I must not have worked out enough ??? Confused ?
Everyone's different and recovers at different rates. Sometimes it's to do with other things as well like how much sleep you've had. I can exercise one week and be a bit achey, the next week I'm in agony from the same exercises. Just keep going xx
Hi all :)

Alex - do you have a routine to follow? I can post some youtube links, if your able to do them from your pc/laptop/? most I have seen are about 5 mins long, so you either repeat or move to another one until you get a 20+ min workout. I suppose there would be a way to save them and run them all together but thats way out of my league lol


No I have no routine! I don't really know what I am doing with it really! LOL

Today the tops of my thighs feel that a 'good burn' or have I over done it? I like it have the feeling of working out and I only used to KB for 10 mins last night!
Just done my second Kettleworx workout for the week: cardio wk1- absolutely loved it!!! Broke out a good sweat, the only thing I struggled with was the mountain climbs- thought I was dying!! LOL
Got core left to do, which will be on Sunday/Monday. I feel as though my legs are stronger already as I really used to struggle with squats, but have always found my fitness picks up very quickly as i used to be extremely athletic some years back.
Hello everyone, just wanted to say thanks for all being so inspiring- I read this thread last week and tentatively asked a few questions- but would like to say...
I HAVE JUST ORDERED THE KETTLEWORX ESSENTIALS PACK from Amazon, and a 4kg KB to start me off.
Excited to start and see results, and well done everyone on their results so far! :D X
Hi All
Great to see all your posts

Hollie - how great was it to see your friend :) life can get in the way sometimes, but you will get your first one done and then there will be no stopping you :)

Sofartogo great to hear from you, week 3 already, look at you getting on withthe planks, your muscles must be develping nicely. Just be careful with your back - I have a back injury so know how the pain can be, altho I rarely suffer with it now :) just make sure you use your hips as your hinge when bending over, make sure you keep shoulders back, chest out and back straight, you may need to check your form a little, if there are any exercises that you can really feel pulling in your back - these are the ones you may need to practice to make sure you are doing them correctly

Pretika - you have been shredding so your fitness level is probably, up you are using a 5 aren't you? There will be routines that make you achy soI am sure you will feel the pain :)

Alex you sound like you have given your thighs a good time :) I will post some links for you to follow some form of routine to make sure you are covering every body part, and get some good results

Shellie how awesome your body adapts so quickly, those mountain climbs are tough lol, I didnt remember them being so early on. Soon you will be doing these with ease :)

Gettingfit hope your arms recover quickly, you can really notice a difference swapping up weights, I think I have just about recovered from my stint with my 10 last Saturday lol

Clairebear - yeah great news, soon you will be swinging with the rest of us, and getting your very own results :)

My daughter and her partner got their keys to their flat today, just been to have a look, so pleased for them both, but it does mean I have not exercised since Monday :( So picking up my 10 - I must be a glutton for punishment - tomorrow and if the weather is nice hope to go for a bike ride and do the local pub crawl :)
Week 1 core, resistance and Cardio done yay! Moved up to 4kg for core and resistance, but my York bells are very bulky so I'm off to town to see if I can find a more user friendly for use from now on.
I love it! Also found a local kettlebell class just down the road from me so I'm going to give that a try soon too.
Morning all I have just done week 1 resistance - it was tough and I had to pause for a few seconds before set 2 - my 5 kg works well except for when I do the punches I just could not do them... But I managed the rest fine .... Bring on cardio !!!!
Hi cleogin week 1 done :)
It is fun to do. Hope you find a bell that suits you.
Great you have found a class, I enjoy going to mine. Theres a couple of guys in my class and they are saying they need to up their weights so as a girl doesnt beat them lol, one uses an 8, the other a 6 and now their worried i am going to bring my 10 to class - I wont for a while, but good to keep them on their toes :)
Hi Pretika
Using your 5 for punches is going to be impossible lol, I couldnt do them but you do get a bit stronger.
Your doing really well to keep up as your just starting :)
Kron said:
Hi Pretika
Using your 5 for punches is going to be impossible lol, I couldnt do them but you do get a bit stronger.
Your doing really well to keep up as your just starting :)

Thanks Kron I did wonder!! I am really enjoying the workouts... I am really hopefully about seeing good results soon