Secret to shaping up

Donzy, GREAT results, I can definitely see a difference, you have totally shred your's shaved right down, well done! thanks for sharing
Donzy...fab results!!!!! You can see such a difference in your tummy!!!!!!

Right I'm going to have a good read through for a catch up. I've had a horrendous cold so havent got any kettleworx done all week. Hoping to get going again next week to get round 2 finished :eek:
Hi everyone I'm back!! Just been having a good catch up, donzy FAB pics, looking awesome- big dif in your tummy, waist and hips!

Well my holiday was great but after a week of boozing I've gained 4.75 lbs!! :( it's star week too so that's prob not helping. Feeling quite demotivated on food front and been a total glutton today :(

Gonna sort it out and get back to the kettlebells tomorrow! Aw I've missed you all!!
Nice one Donzy, great results. :D

I had a rest day today as I was at a party tonight and I am out all day and night tomorrow so won't get to do Resistance until Sunday. Muscles feel a lot better today. :)
Donzy :) Fantastic! really pleased to hear your cm loss and you can see the difference, your thighs, hips and stomach are slimmer, you look like you have lost loads of weight. Thanks for posting your pics and i know that there is going to be even more dramatic changes doing another 6 hours of swinging in round 2 using your 7.5 Your before pics are exactly like my body shape when i started the bells, we could have been twins lol

Toola how funny is your OH lol

Sweet hope your feeling better soon x

Chick welcome back :) your holiday gain will soon disappear, glad you enjoyed and hope you have fun getting back into swing of it ;)

Cleogin hope you enjoy your holiday :)

Vixs good to hear your muscles are not as sore, have fun with resistance on Sunday :)

I hope to have a swing tomorrow, theres 4 birthdays in our family within a few weeks, so have been eating and drinking loads :) doesnt help when your packed off with a huge slice of birthday cake after helping demolish it while there lol and routine is out of the window, but know it will sort itself out. Thank goodness its the weekend I can get housework and shopping done lol
Morning swingers

Well I'm back into the swing of things- started afresh on week 1 with 7.5 kg bell- just did cardio and I swear week1 is still the toughest!! Managed to do all but punches and bell hold with heavier bell so feeling quite smug :) felt like my heart was gonna jump out my chest by the end!

Donzy, what's your plans now you've finished?? You must be so pleased with the awesome results :)

Kron, sounds like my Saturday- housework and shopping- the joys eh!!
Morning thanks for all the positive comments!
Kron do u reckon there hope for my thighs yet? I've always had big thighs.

Chickadee totally agree about wk 1 cardio, u did better than me, I switched back to 5kg for second set x

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I really don't think your thighs are that big Donzy?! Guess we all have our hang ups though!!You've got a tiny wee waist!! Oh and you're looking very buff in your profile photo btw lol ;)

Cardio should have taken me 20 mins buit ended up about 35 as I had to stop for a few wee breathers lol and to wipe down my sweaty mits lol
chickadee83 said:
I really don't think your thighs are that big Donzy?! Guess we all have our hang ups though!!You've got a tiny wee waist!! Oh and you're looking very buff in your profile photo btw lol ;)

Cardio should have taken me 20 mins buit ended up about 35 as I had to stop for a few wee breathers lol and to wipe down my sweaty mits lol

Thanks chickadee yea it was a hard one, I'm full of coldbut really wanna do core tonight x

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I'm hoping to ease back in gently with core later too. Thats if MIL doesnt stick around for too long ;)
I did Week 2 Resistance last night with a 7.5kg and I was a sweaty mess; that extra weight really makes a difference!
Chick you did really well getting it mostly done with your 7.5 after your week off, I normally struggle when missed some workouts lol shopping is now done, and just going to have a quick tidy up as I am going to enjoy this sunny weather while it's here, hubby is off work for a week, so he can catch up with it :)

Donzy yes I truly believe theres hope for your thighs :) your a typical pear shape but the bells will whip them into shape. You have achieved a good cm loss, and this will continue thru round 2 and you will have even better results using your 7.5. I honestly had the same body shape as you, all tum, bum and thighs so living proof it can be done. Be proud of what you have achieved so far and believe it will get better and soon you will have another set of comparison photos to see even more shrinkage and I promise will get those thigh blaster moves done soon, I have some time off next week so will get get them done x hope you feel better soon

Sweet hope you get a chance to get some swnging in and MIL doesn't out stay her welcome lol

Biggy moving up in weight does feel a bit tough, but will show you a huge difference in toning and inch loss, I think you will be pleasantly surprised at the end of round 2 :)

Considering what to do, it's definitely an enjoy the sun day and lazing around the garden fits in with my energy level at the mo lol but hubby wants us to get on the bikes and do a local pub crawl and he is tempting me as one of the pubs do a nice selection of cocktails :) now need to dig out the sunscreen as it's buried as not needed it for months lol
Enough of the heatwave talk! Spare a thought for us Scotland Swingers who are still in fleeces and dodging the rain! :)

Wk1 Round 2 finished this morning. Pleased that the scales moved down this week even after my weekend of food extravagance. Just shows what getting straight back into the saddle will do, rather than the old me who would have thought well that's the weekend ruined so may as well carry on like that for the rest of the week.

Donzy - just showed my hubbie your pics and he was dead impressed :)
Donzy those photos are great. Well done on your achievements. I haven't posted lately but am still following you all and you all keep me inspired to keep swinging. I still haven't got a bigger bell so do need to get that sorted.
its toooooo hot here, doesn't help that i'm full of cold and have a sick child and baby :eek:(
Have taken pics down now, think the world has had enough, will do some more in 6 weeks x
I downloaded workout trainer to my phone yesterday and tried one of the workouts "Sexy swinging dumbbells" - 13 mins with a 3kg dumbbell and it was tough on my arms and made me sweat, so a little excited and scared lol what kettleworx will do to me!
Also raining in Northern Ireland. I think we have had one sunny day since Easter! So much so that I'm not going to go out for my weekend run today after all.....well, our bodies do need rest, eh?! Now, where's my tea and my KitKat.......?.... ;)
Hi GettingFit - sorry to hear that. Hope she's going to be ok?

Enjoy the house hunting. xx