Secret to shaping up

Thanks alot Kron, ill try that out in the morning, I'm really feeling it now, the abs mainly, never had muscles there hurt before haha. Mr arms look different, it's amazing, might be in my head but am loving it lol
I got up early to fit my Week 5 (Round 2) Core in this morning as I have a busy day and won't get a chance later. I will be re-taking pics in about ten days when I get to the end of Week 6 (Round 2). I'm looking forward to comparing them to my last pics but especially to my starting-out pics. I'll let you all know. Keep up the good work xx
Good luck biggy, I wish I took photos when I began :)

Taking 2 days break from swinging, my arms and abs are aching today, I was half asleep and for some reason I tensed my stomach muscles and jumped half a mile from the pain :eek:

If it gets better might do some basics tonight :)
Hi All - Round 2, wk4 Core done and dusted. Love that one - no planks but sadly no spelling of Kettleworx. So put one in right at the end just because I could :D
Wk1 Cardio DONE :D
Lemme know if its any good I was going to order it from play x
Susie did you use your shiny new blue :) sounds like your arm felt better from your jab

Cassy great to hear your enjoying :) bells are awesome! We do recommend you don't cough, laugh or sneeze when Ryan hits that core lol the aches will ease

Biggy:) thats dedication! Can't wait to see your photos, roll on 10 days

Sue lol show off ;)

Jo week 1 cardio out of the way and still standing :)
Even gave myself that pat in the back ;)
Lemme know if its any good I was going to order it from play x

Will do hun :)

I actually lol'd with the pat on the back, the first 2 times I did the kettleworx and he goes "oh one last thing reach over your shoulder..." I was that exhausted from it all I actually did it thinking it was an exercise then swore out loud when the light bulb in my head flicked back on :8855:
Hi Kron and the other swingers lol

I really like the sound of using kettlebells - have reached target but need toning up and am bored with the gym.

So can you recommend the best dvd and kettlebell (make and weight).

I would be superly appreciative for any advice.

Sally x
Cassy said:
Will do hun :)

I actually lol'd with the pat on the back, the first 2 times I did the kettleworx and he goes "oh one last thing reach over your shoulder..." I was that exhausted from it all I actually did it thinking it was an exercise then swore out loud when the light bulb in my head flicked back on :8855:

Me too I thought it was something else :)

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Hi Sally, what were you doing at the gym, are you already quite fit? There's a link to some DVDs in my signature. As you've been gyming it I would say the very lightest to start would be a 5, up to a 7.5 to start :)
Kron said:
Susie did you use your shiny new blue :) sounds like your arm felt better from your jab

Kron I didn't use it tonight as I did my workout earlier but look forward to using it on Thursday for cardio.
My arm is much better thanks, I popped to the doctors for a sore throat and got antibiotics and a flu jab to boot :)

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