Secret to shaping up

Bess said:
Me again. :). Wanting to order my DVD for Kettlebelling but the Kettleworx one is £50 which seems a bit steep. So, is this the one I should go for or are there others that anyone recommends? If the Kwx one is the best that's fine, I'll order it. Any advice welcome. Thankyou.

Bess I used another DVD (bought last year but never used) but it was very boring. I bought the kwx ones as a Christmas present to myself and they are much better. If you stick to it I think they are worth the money considering that you get over 20 different workouts. I'm just hoping that i'll stick to it this time.4 out of 18 workouts done so far....
Thanks Alli, that's great. I'll order those now. xx
Kron said:
I have a lovely ache from yesterdays session :) new abs dvd worked my core hard, still have after effects from doing it Monday, but as my indulgence has created a buddha belly its a good time to test the effectiveness of this workout ;)

Hi Kron, how did it go with your new abs routine? I'm sure you'll be rid of the 3.5lb in no time at all. Thanks for all your encouragement this year Kron. Out of curiosity -you've been using Kettlebells for about 2 years now and as you said body fat is nicely down: are your muscles bulking up? (just wondering whether it might be a long term result)
All done. :)
No Swiss balls for me today! I ache all over and can barely move! It starts in my neck (from crunches) to my knees and everywhere in between! Still I will do the class again in a fortnight (can't do it before because of shifts) or a different Core class on Monday if I can move again by then lol!
Yay!! Well done Bess, you won't regret the money invested in me!!

I did my week 5 cardio today....knackered but felt amazing for the rest of the day. Going to do the resistance tomorrow then get straight onto week 6. So pleased that I have found something I enjoy, is quick, shows results quickly and I can stick to. Just got to sort out my diet now although today's food was a small chunk of stilton with pickled onions for lunch and a small co-op lasagne for dinner and a scotch and diet coke to wash it down so calorie-wise not too bad at all. Might dust off the scales tomorrow morning and see what the damage is :D Have a swinging new year everyone and a fab 2012 xxx
Good morning swingers :)
I am learning the art of sleeping in, 7am instead of 5am, pretty pleased with myself lol

Trimlee keep an eye out on the Jan sales, you should be able to pick up a 7.5kg quite cheap, Tesco ones are good :)
I started with kw 14 months ago and have picked up various other dvds along the way, and have become very toned, never bulked up, womens bodies wont bulk unless you start swinging with at least a 26kg for about 7 hours a day. I am able to maintain the toned look by swinging a few times a week, just short sessions. The past couple of months I have not been to class but just completed some short freestyle moves, grabbing a dvd every once in a while, so am still in shape, but really love the firmness and definition you get when you continue with a solid routine, so will be back on track to having buns of steel now this time of gluttony is over lol
Completed another abs routine Thursday, ouchy my muscles did protest lol but the ache has subsided, so will hopefully see some good results when the christmas lbs have melted away :)

Bess great to hear you have ordered your dvds, stick with it, as the other belles have proved, it does work, inch loss and body shaping recorded on here are proof, so let us know when they arrive and let the swinging begin :)

herewego hope you enjoyed your christmas, and keep swinging as within a few weeks you will start noticing differences in your body, and that will give you the motivation to keep going :)

Shirleen you got an extreme workout lol be careful with your neck it shouldnt be aching so you must have been straining and using it when completing your crunches, you may want to tell your trainer so s/he can make sure your doing better form next time, sometimes it may mean you only lift your head and shoulders a small distance from the floor to just engage your core, and you may need to use your hands to support your head. Try doing some stretches to alleviate the aches, or a very light workout to remove the stiffness you have. Hope you recover for next Mondays session :)

Chelsea great to hear your enjoying kw and getting results :) Its a good feeling whe you complete a session and get that added energy and feel good factor when its done. Good luck with your food plan, things are going to get easier with less temptation around as the festive food runs out lol

I will be completing a full body workout today as i dont think i will be moving off the couch much tomorrow as we are out tonight lol

Happy new year to all :)

Does anyone set themselves new year resolutions? Mine in the short term will be to lose this christmas gain and be back in a swinging routine by the end of Jan. Long term it is being healthy enough to go back to kb class, I have my hospital appt 24th jan so hoping it wont be long until i am fighting fit again :)
Morning All,

It is so inspiring to see so many people back in the SWING of things so soon after Christmas :)! I have managed to keep to my Kwx schedule and completed core - week 2 this morning. I hope I will manage to keep this up when I'm back at work when the demands of work, children and dogs threaten the little bit of me time I have. As it is only 3 times per week and I have scheduled one work out at the weekend and another on DH's weekly night out i should be OK.

Now I just need to get back in a routine with my food again. My new year resolution is to be kind to myself by getting fit and healthy!

Friends coming over tonight to see in the new year - more food and drink to be consumed, then one final meal out tomorrow and then that's all the celebrating done for a while.

Have a great day / night whatever you are doing & I wish you all a Happy New Year!
Herewego your doing well keeping to kw during this time. It can be difficult getting into a routine when life returns to normal, but as it is a quick workout I am sure you will be able to keep swinging, and you won't want to stop when you see the results :)

Have a great night tonight and enjoy your meal tomorrow so your ready to start being the new fit and healthy you in 2012 x
Yay!! Well done Bess, you won't regret the money invested in me!!

I'm sure I won't but all the same I'll keep that to myself!

Thanks for your encouragement Kron and Trimlee. I'll let you know when I get started, I'm excited now!:)
Hi all, still crippled by DOMS but not as bad as the first time when I thought my knees would snap backwards by the force of my quads!

Kron thanks for your advice, I'm a bit disappointed in the trainer as he encouraged me to keep up with the other girls who were SO much fitter than me! I even told him twice I would sit out so that I could move the next day! I can only 'crunch' about an inch I'm that unfit! But I dis like doing the side to side thing with the bells only I couldn't keep my feet off the floor! Anyway I know the moves now so as soon as I can I will build on them but slowly lol!

Oh what I wanted to say is that even though I've only had one session I can feel my abs are tighter! Whoopee!
Hi All - just checking in to wish you all a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR AND MAY 2012 BE GOOD TO YOU ALL! :)

Did my usual WI this morning and gained 3lbs in just one week. Ooops! And that's with us cutting back so goodness knows what I have put on over the years! Bit gutted but getting perspective that its just a blip and it is nice to kick back a bit once in a while. Getting back into it tomorrow with my usual Sunday/Tuesday/Thursday routine. Going to start the Advanced DVDs. Sincerely hope that the Advanced Cardio Wk1 is not as bad as the normal Cardio Wk1! I live in hope...

Love to you all. Gonna parrrrrrrrrrrtttttttttttaaaaaaaayyyyy tonight with Mr Sue and a Scrabble / Monopoly evening. Rock on!
Happy new year xx
Happy New Year :)

Hope everyone enjoyed seeing in the new year. We ended up meeting friends in the pub in the afternoon so was home by 9pm with a chinese takeaway - sweet and sour pork balls???!! I dont normally eat these, the wonders of alcohol lol. i think I lead our group astray as I introduced them to jaegger bombs :) so a fair few rounds were consumed! Also found a new shot called skittle bombs which had the taste of skittles, a bit sweet, but still quite yummy lol

Feeling pretty good this morning, and hope to have a new years day swing to try and put a small dent in the calories consumed yesterday :)

I believe thats the last of the festivities so hope everyone is planning on getting back into routine food and exercise wise, and look forward to hearing how your getting on, and seeing some results posts soon xx
Shirleen try holding your head with your hands so it is resting, tuck your chin into your chest and roll your chest into your stomach, keeping your elbows pointing foreward will be easier, hold for a slow count and slowly release, do a few then lie back and totally relax before doing some more. Your neck should have no tension, your hands are supporting it. Progress by widening your elbows, holding for longer, always do a slow steady outward breath at the top of the move
With the side to sides, I assume your doing the russian twist, you can keep your heels on the floor, I remember when I started doing these I was rolling all over the place as had no core muscles whatsoever and pretty much resembled a weeble wobbling all over the place lol you can progress by lifting one heel at a time, lift the heel on the side your twisting to. You will start seeing an improvement quite quickly :)

Sue looking forward to hearing what you think about the advanced set, some new moves and in my opinion a faster pace, I dont remember week 1 cardio advanced being as scary as the first set, good luck :)
Happy New Year everyone. Have a beautiful and blessed 2012 with health in spirit, soul & body; God bless! :)
Week 2 Cardio done!
Hi Trimlee hope 2012 brings you good times and lots of successes xx

Up and swinging early, great start to the new year :)