Secret to shaping up

Donzy84 said:
Wk 3 adv cardio done! How fab are those butt squats and pass the kb behind bum!!! Gonna feel that in morning!
felt a bit strange doing the wiggle around the floor one with my step sister in room!

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Woohoo Donzy

Can't wait to try those out! You and Sue make me look forward to advanced but I'm sure I won't feel like that when I'm actually doing it :)
Cleogin it's a deal :) trouble is I know you will survive lol

Leapj a deep breath and a steely glint in the eyes whenever you put a cardio one on, didn't help me but I tried lol

Suseka I know your weight loss and swinging will get you stronger, not only will it help from being free from pain it will just make you feel good, and there is nothing that can beat that :) haha you will have a core of steel, the bells will see to that!

Audharper I believe you can start with the Advanced set. It is easier to do when done after the first set as you know some of the moves, and the pace is a little quicker, but it is doable so give it a go :)

Donzy i am surprised she didn't join in lol it's such a great move :)

Well I went to see a gynea today who had a poke at my belly and she gave me an external exam to check the size of my uterus. She asked if I worked out as my ab muscles are solid and she couldn't feel what she was looking for, I will take that as a compliment lol it did raise my spirits as they did the normal checks including a WI which as I just had a good lunch, had jeans and big jumper on saw me 4lbs heavier than I expected! So for everyone wanting those abs of steel, keep swinging :)
Leapj a deep breath and a steely glint in the eyes whenever you put a cardio one on, didn't help me but I tried lol

Lol ok i'll give that a go :p xx
Hi, just saw this thread and whilst I haven't read it all it sounds like workouts with the kettle bell really work. How long does it take to notice a difference in terms of losing inches? And can anyone give me an idea of how many inches / how much weight lost in a certain amount of time? Thanks.
Done Core Week 1 a few hours ago. Enjoyed it a lot more than cardio! Could really feel it working too. My face when I noticed realised it was 3 sets this time and not 2 must have been priceless :p
Bostik said:
Done Core Week 1 a few hours ago. Enjoyed it a lot more than cardio! Could really feel it working too. My face when I noticed realised it was 3 sets this time and not 2 must have been priceless :p

:D :D :D
Hi, just saw this thread and whilst I haven't read it all it sounds like workouts with the kettle bell really work. How long does it take to notice a difference in terms of losing inches? And can anyone give me an idea of how many inches / how much weight lost in a certain amount of time? Thanks.

First week I lost 3 inches (only 0.75lbs though) and second week I lost 3.5 inches (3.25lbs). I do calorie counting so my losses are aimed at about 2lbs a week so they'll never be huge anyway.
Splutter, gasp, thump... Just done Wk 6 cardio! "I can feel my cardio being challenged..." -you can say that again Ryan!
I approached kinda smug with my 7.5kg bell thinking how I'd used it for 2 sets of 3 on core and so I'd easily use it for 1 of 2 on cardio but.... It was heavy breathing, palpitations and lots of sitting down in between. Never before was the cooldown such a welcome sight!
Pleased though :D
Aymz said:
Hi, just saw this thread and whilst I haven't read it all it sounds like workouts with the kettle bell really work. How long does it take to notice a difference in terms of losing inches? And can anyone give me an idea of how many inches / how much weight lost in a certain amount of time? Thanks.

I lost 11cm off my hips alone in the first 6 weeks x

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Hi, just saw this thread and whilst I haven't read it all it sounds like workouts with the kettle bell really work. How long does it take to notice a difference in terms of losing inches? And can anyone give me an idea of how many inches / how much weight lost in a certain amount of time? Thanks.

Hi - my results are posted under my signature. I am also following the Weight Watchers programme so although losing weight anyway, KW is definately helping to tone me up.
Splutter, gasp, thump... Just done Wk 6 cardio! "I can feel my cardio being challenged..." -you can say that again Ryan!
I approached kinda smug with my 7.5kg bell thinking how I'd used it for 2 sets of 3 on core and so I'd easily use it for 1 of 2 on cardio but.... It was heavy breathing, palpitations and lots of sitting down in between. Never before was the cooldown such a welcome sight!
Pleased though :D

Well done Trimlee. It's not easy but the sense of achivement when you get through it is fab! Sometimes I want to kiss the tv when I see the magical Cool Down words! Although of course it means looking at chuffin Kimberley all perfect and glowing whilst you're a ball of sweat! :D
Done Core Week 1 a few hours ago. Enjoyed it a lot more than cardio! Could really feel it working too. My face when I noticed realised it was 3 sets this time and not 2 must have been priceless :p

:D Ha Bostik I remember it well. I started Wk1 with Cardio and thought I was having a heart attack. Then two days later I stuck Core on and there were 3 sets! I couldn't believe it. I honestly thought there and then that I would never be able to do the programme as I was fulling expecting the sets to increase each time! Luckily when I voiced my concerns on here, my lovely fellow swingers put me right that it was only Core with 3 sets. I was so relived! :D
Wk 3 adv cardio done! How fab are those butt squats and pass the kb behind bum!!! Gonna feel that in morning!
felt a bit strange doing the wiggle around the floor one with my step sister in room!

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Hi Donzy - the new moves are great although I have a few bruises to show for them! Did you enjoy the Lambada Ab Twist then? :D I looked like a combination of the Dying Fly from Tiswas (it's probably only me that remembers that!) and a fat woman having a seizure on the carpet!! And I also nearly choked when he referred to his sidekicks being professionals - and one of them was Jamell! Mr picked off the street and I can't even co-ordinate myself doing squats in the warm up!! :D :D
without trawling through 384 pages on my phone is this a dvd set you guys are doing? X

Hi Mrsmacca - yes. Most of us are doing the Kettleworx programme. Have a look on the Kettleworx UK website. Just google and it comes up. Basically it's a 6 week programme consisting of 3 x 20min workouts per week covering Cardio, Core and Resistance. The website will give you more info so fire away with any questions when you've had a look. There's normally a few folk about that can help. :)
Hi all
I have just dragged myself out of bed, feeling a bit rough so just requested a day off from work, hope it gets authorised!

The Tesco bells that gettingfit has posted are good, very compact, good wide handle and a good price! You can order them through Tesco Direct for pick up at your local store :)

Aymz the bells are strength based conditioning, this works by tightening your muscles, improving posture etc creating a great inch loss. It is difficult to say what results you will see in what timeframe. i started seeing toning within a couple of weeks and results posted from the lovely swingers on here are proof that swinging does melt the inches :) Diet is the key to weight loss, altho exercise will help

Trimlee :) It is like starting again when you go up in weight lol but after a couple of tries you quickly get the hang of it. Nearly done the programme now, ready for Round 2?

Bostik are you up really late or really early, i just noticed the times of your posts!!! Core gets us all, even at week 6 i would forget there were 3 sets to core lol

Sue I remember Tiswas, and the dying fly lol

mrsmacca as Sue has said it is a dvd set. there are a number of dvds for kettlebells available, some better than others. It was Kettleworx that introduced me to the magic of the bells, and the amount of times the it has been used it works out very good value for money

I managed to get a 10 min swing in yesterday (my boss has just approved my day off :)) so if up to it later I might give that step swing another go!!!
Hi Kron - sorry to hear you're feeling rough. Sounds like yesterday went ok - and a compliment as well! :) Take it easy hon. Nothing worse than having folk poking about your "bits"!

Glad you also remember Tiswas. It was the first thing that sprang to mind as I was doing it. Along with a few other choice words and phrases! :D
Week 3 cardio (plus fast abs) done & dusted & dare I say enjoyed!!! have been hinting at hubby that instead of taking me out somewhere for valentines that I would prefer a nice new set of dvd's & that I could cook a nice meal instead!!!! he just laughed but I think he will get me them. When I finally get him to say ok then I'll ask if I canorder them early :D To be honest this time round I am feeling like a need a bit more of a challenge. I'm not sure I could go up a weight yet though coz I've only just got back to the 7.5kg. I even managed the punches & gun slingers with it though I didnt get as many reps in as I would with my 5kg.

Kron, I hope youre feeling better soon & are up for a few swings later!!! :)
Thanks Sue :)
Its just the joys of being an older woman lol I am in quite a postive mind frame, i am being booked in for a minor surgery, the results should bring improvement so looking forward to it, now thinking I should have done this sooner, instead of suffering in silence lol So hoping will be able to get back to kb class soon and feeling as good as i look ;)

Cant wait for Mr Kron to start advanced, he has said he will do it after this round, it will refresh my memory on some of the moves :)
Sweet I hope he does, what a great pressie that would be, and how could he refuse a romantic home cooked dinner :)

Liking cardio - your mad!!! lol