Secret to shaping up

Croc said:
I did my week 1 cardio on Monday, and the top of my legs have been so painful since that I've really struggled to walk, use stairs, get in & out of a chair & the car etc. I haven't been able to do week 1 core yet as a result of this- should have done it Wednesday. Gutted, but hoping I feel able to continue tomorrow. I've almost been in tears with the discomfort due to overworked muscles. Can't wait to continue the KW programme and I'm annoyed I've had to interrupt my schedule already. Is it just me??? :(


Hang in there hon! I was very very sore after my first attempt at cardio and core. For me it was the first time I'd worked those muscles that way and they were not impressed! But resistance wasn't so bad because I'd already done the first two (thus covering all the muscles between them), and after those first times I get some soreness, but it's 'ohh I sure worked hard - streeeetch' and not 'where are the men with the chair on those pole things to carry me around?'. :D

Do core when you're ready (Ryan's very patient that way) and allow yourself to take it slow if you need to. Ever seen a swan take off from a lake? Seems to take ages and a lot of flapping about but soon they're soaring away. If they tried a quick standing start they wouldn't make it far at all. So take as long as you need to; the important thing is that you take off, not how fast. :)
Croc said:
What a relief- thanks for your reply! I think I was a little over-enthusiastic and really pushed myself hard. No pain, no gain and all that. I am beginning to really see why these workouts are so effective in so little time! :)


The dreaded DOMS strikes again!
I was really bad the first time I Ickes up a KB I was in agony for a whole week, check out my diary you'll see you're not alone hunny!

Go less deep in the swings and squats.
Also I'm guessing your Quads (at the front of your thighs) are hurting? One way to ease that I found was to take a cylindrical object (I used a deodorant can) and roll it up and down the muscle with firm pressure, it will hurt at first but gets easier and loosens the muscle and gives you some relief from the pain!

Oh and if you search for DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) you'll find lots of posts with advice/links etc.
Thanks Plumfoodie and Shirleen- both your replies are very helpful, encouraging and reassuring.

I love this site- its great to get the help and support from each other for things like this. I think I've become a bit of a 'kettle bell bore', going on about them all the time, so it's great to communicate with people that 'get it' as opposed to the ones who just shake their heads and laugh at me!! :)

I’m still here, been lurking mostly as I’ve been working on Zumba routines and haven’t lifted a kettlebell for ages. I bought the Kettleworx deal from Groupon and did the first workout on Tuesday – Cardio - dear Lord!!! It’s now Friday and I’m still hobbling round like an old woman. I think I’m pretty fit being a Zumba instructor and all but ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch! I need to do the other 2 workouts, pref today and Sunday but how can I when it hurts every time I sit down!! Lol

Out of the Core and the Resistance in week 1 - which is the gentler of the two that I can do next? haha

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citygirlbythec said:
I'm still here, been lurking mostly as I've been working on Zumba routines and haven't lifted a kettlebell for ages. I bought the Kettleworx deal from Groupon and did the first workout on Tuesday - Cardio - dear Lord!!! It's now Friday and I'm still hobbling round like an old woman. I think I'm pretty fit being a Zumba instructor and all but ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch! I need to do the other 2 workouts, pref today and Sunday but how can I when it hurts every time I sit down!! Lol

Out of the Core and the Resistance in week 1 - which is the gentler of the two that I can do next? haha


I'm in pretty much the same situation as you at the minute (see my previous posts above!), and from what I've read, other people are suggesting that maybe resistance is the easier of the other 2. Apparently, we have got the worse one out of the way first!!

Personally I would do core next ad you spend a lot of time on the floor, but either is better than the dreaded cardio!

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Lol that'll teach me for diving straight in before catching up on the thread! I'm sure we'll be fine in a day or so!

Seems like either routine would be ok then - thank god I got the worst one out of the way!
Hi all,

Week 3 all done! again, did as much as poss with my 6kg, I'm finding I can do more each time. Am resisting the temptation to measure myself, will hold off till the end tho. Not sure how well I'll have done weightloss wise as I've been just awful with food this week. Ah well, onwards and downwards!
Reading some of the earlier posts about DOMS and laughing remembering I was exactly the same with walking and going down stairs and getting out of car :eek: Was a nightmare for 3 or 4 days!!

My DD has had exactly the same for the last few days even though I warned her to take it easy with the squats and lunges!! She's waddling around like she is preggers :) just about to force her to do her 2nd attempt of kettlercise with me!
Kettleworx experts - Can anyone explain I understand KW has 3 main dvd's - Core, Cardio & Resistance. My question is do these 3 dvd's have 6 sections for the 6 weeks? Or do you just repeat each dvd 6 times over the 6 weeks?
Trash said:
Kettleworx experts - Can anyone explain I understand KW has 3 main dvd's - Core, Cardio & Resistance. My question is do these 3 dvd's have 6 sections for the 6 weeks? Or do you just repeat each dvd 6 times over the 6 weeks?

Each DVD has weeks 1-6 on the disc menu and I believe they're all different :)
Ahhhh thanks Croc :) I'm currently doing Kettlercise but have got Kettleworx on order as its roughly 7 weeks til I'm flying off on a mini hol so thought the 6week challenge would be great for me!
Trash said:
Ahhhh thanks Croc :) I'm currently doing Kettlercise but have got Kettleworx on order as its roughly 7 weeks til I'm flying off on a mini hol so thought the 6week challenge would be great for me!

You're very welcome Trash :). I hope you get on well with KW, I'm sure you will. Keep us posted!

Morning All

Been up since 6 this morning ....couldn't lie in! So I've got a line of washing out and another load in. I've done most the housework except the hoovering as DS wouldn't be too impressed if I woke him from his weekend slumber after a night on the tiles ;)

Intending on having my breakie in a min then for the 50 mins kettlercise workout :) Im half way through week 3 of doing kettlebells and have noticed my weight seems to be at a standstill on the scales ....but on reading others stories I believe this is normal in Wk 3 / wk 4 Anyhow I can definately see my body changing shape especially my stomach and abdomen. When i wear my jeans or trousers I find that I don't feel so uncomfortable with the middle belly mass that used to sit above the waist band as this seems to be evening out and has shrank considerably ;)

I've decided to work on the one arm rows a lot more this week in order to improve "bra fat" problem in preparation for my holibobs end of May - found last year I didn't feel comfortable in tie bikini's as it looked yuck maybe swinging can rectify this :)

Happy swinging all

Will check back laterz x
Good morning!

I feel in a lot less pain today so me and the mister are going to do Week 1 Core together.

You might remember a while back that he put his back out quite badly the first time we tried kettlebells? Well he was in pain for about 5 weeks and ended up having to go see a chiropractor twice (I felt pretty bad for him!). Well the 5lb 'earring' kettlebell that came with the Kettleworx set has come in handy as he's using that to ease himself back into it and we're able to do Kettleworx together.

He hasn't done Week 1 Cardio yet though ;) *cackles*
Just completed wk1 Core, yippeeeeee! It's actually very easy compared to Cardio- boy that cardio one is something else, ha ha.

Feeling rather proud of myself now... :)

Me too Croc! I was pleasantly surprised and managed to do it without pausing the DVD.

When I did the Cardio I was pausing between each exercise in the 2nd set to lie on the floor in a heap!

Well done us!
citygirlbythec said:
Me too Croc! I was pleasantly surprised and managed to do it without pausing the DVD.

When I did the Cardio I was pausing between each exercise in the 2nd set to lie on the floor in a heap!

Well done us!

Ha ha, me too again!!! I was EXACTLY the same as you've just described. I honestly thought Cardio was going to hospitalise me!! Reassuring hearing from others though isn't it? You begin to think that maybe its just you and you'll never get the hang of it. Phew! :)

Hi All - great to see so many of you embracing the joys of Wk1 Cardio :D! I'll be there myself on Sunday as I've decided to do my next round of KW with the standard set as I'm missing some of the moves which you don't get in the Advanced DVDs. Just to mix things up, you know.

I have posted in the Stats and Inches thread my full inch loss (well cm) for Round 5, broken down by body part :), but overall I lost 9.5cm. I'm very pleased that even though I've been doing KW since Julyish last year, I am still continuing to tone up.
Top of the morning to you all :) A day of rest for me today ...well as far as swinging is concerned, but as they say a womans work is never done! Looks like the sun has come back today ;)