See Food N Eat It - HELP !!


Full Member
Thats it of the See Food And Eat It style of diet - I have been hoovering up of anything in sight - am now suffering from chronic indigestion, and am bloated up like a balloon. Even though I have managed to lose weight over the school holidays it has been through luck rather than judgement. I know I can lose weight and... I will lose weight, I just need to find a way of doing it...any ideas
grab some focus - focus on why you want to lose weight - and then plan some meals for the next few days.

Once your meals are planned - pop to the shop and get all you need for the meals.

Good luck!!!!
plan to have your favourite slimming world meals too, that way you'll remember that you CAN diet and eat lovely yummy food too, and hopefully should renew your enthusiasm for the diet - which isn't really much of a diet anyway :D i'm slightly in the same boat as you to be fair, but struggling on! another tip is writing down everything you eat, knowing you have to write everything down often puts you off the naughty synful things you may usually sneakily pig out on! there's nothing better than looking back at your food diary one week on when you've completely stuck to plan and had a great loss :) good luck babe
