September Starters

Its deffo going to be much harder if you've got a demanding job. I'm sure body will adjust, which LL day are you on now LS?
oh no im hungry ha!! theres slices of *** (insert a sandwich filling) in the fridge oh god haha may get my vanilla shake now!!
Hello Lifers!!

Well second day in - still ok - got a headache but like I've mentioned elsewhere I'm not sure whether that's my 'normal' headache or not!!

Lol at the 3am club!! Only got up three times in the night to pee but I'm wearing a groove in the carpet at work! Perhaps I can start a Carpet Groovers club as an alternative to the 3am Club!!

Just about to brave the veggie soup now. :gen147:

I may be gone some time!!
We're having what feels like a bit of a monsoon here in Surrey so it definitely feels like soup weather :D. I've been reading the recipe ideas and have tried the chocolate. It's freezing now for a late lunch (3-ish). How is everyone else spacing out their meals?

This is how my day is shaping up so far.

9.30am Breakfast - Vanilla shake latte
12pm Brunch - Bar
3pm Lunch - Soup
7.30-8pm Dinner - Soup

One of my big food problems I've had for ages now is eating at weird times or not at all. Having a structured eating plan is definitely a step in the right direction for me.
I'm the same SS - I can go all day without anything then pig out at night on absolute rubbish!

I've not been allowed the bars yet - something to look forward to next week then - but this is my 'plan' as of yesterday.

7.30am - shake
1.00pm - soup
5.30pm - soup
8.00pm - shake.

I'm thinking that the last shake of the day ( hee hee) will be turned into a bar next week!

It seems to working ok for me right now but I suppose I'll just have to see how it goes.

p.s. Tried the veggie soup - loads better than the chicken one in my opinion!
OK, I'm surviving day 2! It's interesting looking at the different approaches here. MY LLC has not given us bars in the first week and does not support cooking with the packs as she says it is not helping us to explore our food issues by continuing to eat crisps and muffins. This is fine for me at the moment, but guess that in several weeks time I'd appreciate some variety, but I do see where she is coming from.

So far the chicken soup has been the worst experience, but I shall be getting some Tabasco so that might improve it. I don't want to cut out on different packs just yet as I could see that I'll be on strawberry shakes 4 times a day for 14 weeks otherwise!

Drop in tomorrow morning, not sure that I'll have lost much after 2 days and doubt I'll be in ketosis either, but we'll see.
I don't get why my group were allowed our bars from day one. TBH though, our councillor only spent about 20min with us out of the 2hr session. The office helper did all the main stuff and told us all the info. I'm also in a group of 13...and hungry!
wooohooo every one keep ur bril work up xx
and i DIDNT eat the sandwich filling!!
my days are
08.30- banana
12 or 1 - vanilla with coffee and sweetners!!
15.30 or 16.00 - choc
20.30-21.00 - carmel!!
im on all shakes which is fine for now and although id love to try the muffin i dont have a microwave :(
ah well!!
Thats so true about keeping active, I've just dusted and vacuumed and feel very positive. Also, it might just be my mind playing tricks on me but I have a very weird taste in my mouth - does this mean I've gone into ketosis? Or might it be the fact I had to lick about 50 envelopes this afternoon? Fingers crossed it's the former.

LS I've got my mid-week stop in tomorrow morning for my first weigh in too. I hope yours goes really well, I'm so nervous that nothing will have changed for me. I'm desperate to get my hula girl going.
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Hi all,

Glad to hear everyone is getting on so well and glad that we are all sharing our first few days!

My big news for the day.........

At lunchtime I wasn't hungry (!) and had to 'force' the thai chilli soup down. I tried mixing it with less water to form a paste so I could finish it quickly but is was rather disgusting!

My day will be
7.15am (later at weekend) - shake
12.30 (or as long as I can leave it) - Soup or shake
6.00-6.30ish - Soup or shake
9.00 Hot chocolate or bars for weekend treat!

We were given 4 bars for our first week so I am going to eat one for the next 4 nights. That way I get the try 4 different flavours and then I will choose my favourite 2 and just have them at weekends.

My pop in is tomorrow but I can't go as my son has a rugby match and I would rather go and watch him. My husband has hidden the scales (under my instructions) so I wont know how much I have lost (fingers crossed) until end of week 1. Does feel like I've been on this for more that 2 3/4 days!!!!

Weekend will be a mini challenge all on it's own, especially during X Factor with the family (normally sweetie night) but they have promised not to have sweets in the house for the next 14 weeks!!
Here you go Wytchy: LighterLife Community: Forums / LL 'Recipes'

Good work Catz.

I'm a little hungry. I know from reading a CBT book recently the best thing is to do something active, ie not just sit here and forum so think I'll go take a shower and do some tidying up before the mid week weigh in.

Thanks hun x I might give it a go later if I'm feeling brave and when I find my tin hat.

We were supposed to have a mid-week weigh in this evening but it's just too difficult to slot in another evening for me. My other half works nights most evenings and Mum's already had the kids late this week cos of the first meeting. To be honest I think I'd rather wait and see a (hopefully) decent loss in a week's time. Two days doesn't seem to have been long enough to make much of a difference to my bulk but I'm hoping that as I've been 100%ing this thing then something is happening!!
Not so sure they will be completely sweetless - just not allowed in the house. I can just picture them now all sat in the car/garage/shed stuffing their faces!!!

Let's hope we all get decent losses this week. I'm hoping for at least 4 lbs.
Hi everyone! I hope to start on Thurs 11th, I'm gearing myself up for it and ignoring all the naysayers and negative comments. My husband and closest friends (who are both VERY skinny), are fully supporting me. I can't wait to start out and hopefully for once and for all get rid of this weight that I've been carrying around nearly all of my adult life.

Hope to get to know you all a bit better over the coming weeks x
Hi everyone! I hope to start on Thurs 11th, I'm gearing myself up for it and ignoring all the naysayers and negative comments. My husband and closest friends (who are both VERY skinny), are fully supporting me. I can't wait to start out and hopefully for once and for all get rid of this weight that I've been carrying around nearly all of my adult life.

Hope to get to know you all a bit better over the coming weeks x

Yay another Witch!!! lol All the best for your new start hun - this is a lovely forum and everyone is very supportive. We all know what you're going through so come in and have a chat with the Septemberites every so often and we'll keep on track together!!

Welcome KW. Your name is a little scary :) Good on you for ignoring the negative comments!

Well I'm back and I'm in ketosis. I wasn't keen to have a weigh in for the same reason as you Wytchy but I lost 6lbs so I can't complain about that. I was keen to see whether I was in ketosis or not so that was good. LLC thinks the dizziness may be because of the weight loss so will see how the next few days pan out.

I miss our meeting next Tuesday so she's given me the workbook. I can't wait to start working on it (Insert geeky smile here!). I also exchanged the bars and I feel good for doing that.

Going to go watch some tv now and read my workbook. Later x

WOW!!! That's fantastic in such a short space of time!!! Hope your dizziness sorts itself out soon - might be your blood pressure dropping a little - should be ok once your bod gets used to it so I'm told. Well done you!!!
Welcome KW. Your name is a little scary :) Good on you for ignoring the negative comments!

Well I'm back and I'm in ketosis. I wasn't keen to have a weigh in for the same reason as you Wytchy but I lost 6lbs so I can't complain about that. I was keen to see whether I was in ketosis or not so that was good. LLC thinks the dizziness may be because of the weight loss so will see how the next few days pan out.

I miss our meeting next Tuesday so she's given me the workbook. I can't wait to start working on it (Insert geeky smile here!). I also exchanged the bars and I feel good for doing that.

Going to go watch some tv now and read my workbook. Later x

well done on the 6lbs that is amazing, just think what the end of week result will be!!
im on day 5 now, and really dont want my shake....dont want any thing really not in mood!! ha ill drink more water and get it in bout an hr!!!!!!!! have a good day everyone xxx
Congratulations on the 6pounds LS! That's brilliant. I had my first stop-in this morning and had lost 2kg (4.5pounds) since Wednesday so I'm pretty chuffed. Like you, I think its mostly water as my clothes have yet to feel any different. However, I'll know I'm on the right track as soon as things start feeling a bit looser. Also, I think I'm in ketosis too, but my stick was a very pale purple, does this mean I'm not very ketosis-ish?
Afternoon all. Back from getting soaked watching my son play rugby. He won by the way!!!

Congratulations to you laststraw - 6 lbs is ace!!!! Also congratulations to SS - 4.5lbs!!!! You must both be really pleased and shows that we are all slimmer as each day passes. I actually felt a little slimmer today - just think how we will feel in a couple of weeks.

Just had my second shake of the day but a little worried about my water intake, as there was no toilet at the rugby and so I didn't want to drink too much. Too much detail? lol.

Starting to feel more positive now but still can't quite believe that I will be slim by Christmas (slimmer anyway).

LS - Can't you just pack the packs in the hold luggage and plead ignorance. Also Bars would be OK to take?