SF challenge: half a stone a month

All my weight stuff is hanging out of my 'jeans' haha.

Well today I am not a happy bunny :( I know I should have had another loss - I did loads yesterday, and I was 16st 13 point zero yesterday morning.... have woke up swollen and 4lbs heavier... this is now 20 months I've had this going on and I just keep getting told it'll sort itself out. I told the doctor I could put a smuch as 9lb on from no where and then it would go. You can see it in my face, wrists and ankles.

It somewhat makes you feel what's the point, but it's just water and I'll keep going, cos 4lbs of water at 12 stone will be better to handle!
Oh Rowan that must be so hard, I hope it has gone today That must be soul destroying, especially as it puts you over the stone barrier. But on a positive it is only water and will go. Good luck
Yeh it does get to me. I've not been right since I had my daughter. I came out of hospital with worms!! so had to get rid of them! Then the midwife told me the swelling would take 3 weeks to go, then to give it 3 more weeks etc - 20 months on now, plus I'm still pained by my c section scar and swell up like a sponge. I also had urine infections for a yr but fingers crossed seem to have got rid of those after aload of ab's.
I just sat with my feet raised yesterday but I knew when I got up today I was still bad cos it feels like my ankles are made of glass.


Well I'm coming off the slimfast for a little while, going to cut my cals down and not exercise and see if that will do anything, as I'm just going to have keep these feet up and not do a whole lot. I'll eat when I'm hungry and see how that goes. x
Thanks Stig, truth is nothing in my life is going right at all - not weight loss or anything else. I think I'm going to have to make some desicians, I can't go on like this. I thought new year new start, but it seems to just be as bad at 2010 was. *sigh*... why is life so hard?

Losing weight might solve alot of my problems, my husband might fancy me and want to come back if I was slim, I wouldnt want me either, I'm like a big sack of spuds right now - i hate living like this with a passion, I need to keep self hating in order to change things.
My daughters life will suffer if I dont make big changes and I've only got her in my life at the end of the day, there's not another soul out there bar her for me.
I've got all the motivational tools in the world as to why to lose weight, just not the actual motivation, but no one is going to give me that its got to come from me.

I need to make lists!
Ok my plan is 3 meals a day, and thats steamed meals - 1 at 500 range and 2 at 300 range, if I NEED more to eat I'll have a slimfast with skimmed milk and/or a small pack of fruit or a banana.

Thats plenty veg, fish and chicken everyday which is calorie counted so no room for error, plus I like them, with the option of a shake and fruit... this would be till mid June and is for my daughters birthday.
It's important I dont spend it like her first which was in floods of tears and a totally ruined day.
I'm just forgetting about my 40th birthday altogether, hopefully I will get to celebrate my 50th with someone special, who knows.

if I can just get back in the 12 stones then:

1. My husband might be able to make his mind up as to whether he wants me again.
2. My daughter wont get bullied for having a fat mam
3. My daughter will get out more, half the time now I can't be bothered to take her to the park as it seems too much of a hike and effort. She deserves better than she's getting right now.
4. I'll feel happier with myself which will make me a stronger person and able to cope better which will make my daughters life better and I'll be setting her a bit better example.
5. I'll have some energy and motivation to be able to play with my daughter. Maybe we can kick a ball about at the park. no one ever did that for me and it's going to be down to me to give her that.
6. I'm only going to get one chance to make her childhood good, and she's only getting one childhood - I don't want to waste it and more importantly I don't want her to look back and feel it was wasted, and if losing weight is what it takes then I have to do it.
7. I'll be able to wear my old clothes again and be fashionable instead of wearing what fat old women wear.
8. I cant take another hot summer at this weight.
9. I have found for the first time in my life I actually struggle to sit in a cafe fixed seat, so if the comfy armchairs arent available I think I'd have to leave.
10. The lift in Mothercare wont take both me and my husband and daughter, we must exceed the weight limit :(

I'm not a happy person, I'm not enjoying being a mam much anymore, I'm not enjoying anything... I'm exsisting thats all.
I don't have any family or friends or a life and it's going to stay this way untill something changes, and thats got to be me.
i'm embarrassed ans ashamed about myself whenever I leave the house. I get abuse off strangers and ex nearly mother in laws cos of how I look, I never did when I was thinner. I get dirty looks and I feel like I get treated like a 2nd class citizen.
I avoid people I know when out to the shop. i'd go out of my way to avoid them if I could cos I know what peope think cos they told me when i lost weight once before about how huge i had been (and that was 2 stone lighter than i am now! so they must think i am super huge).
Life as a fat person just isnt fun at all - I hate it and it's not me!

I hate seeing people moan about their lot like this,and always think well change it if youre not happy instead of moaning about it! So will take a leaf out of my own book - I CAN lose this weight I've just got to do it and it isnt rocket science, It's simply to stop eating too much! Just keep away from the fridge/freezer/cupboard... don't buy in bulk cos I will eat everything ... it's a battle I never thought I'd have to do again but I do... I've got to go through it all again, but I suppose there's no chance of anymore babies so this should be the last time at least!
I got my sums wrong and its 17 weeks, and the best I could hope for is to be 13 1/2 stone, which will make me a slack size 16 and a breathe in and dont sit down 14.

So here's the aim
wk /aim wt
0 / 17.2
1 / 16.13
2 / 16.10
3 / 16.7
4 / 16.4
5 / 16.1
6 / 15.12
7 / 15.9
8 / 15.6
9 / 15.3
10/ 15.0
11/ 14.11
12/ 14.8
13/ 14.5
14/ 14.2
15/ 13.13
16/ 13.10
17/ 13.7

weigh in every thursday.
Oh Rowan even bigger hugs today. It is a circle that is going to be hard to get out of. You really do have a load on your shoulders. The crux of it is weight, but the more down you get about that the more you will eat, we all do and then feel even worse. Husband I cannot comment on, except if it is only weight that is keeping away.............., there are a load of men out there and nice ones. Your daughter, she needs you so much, you are her world. How about writing a diary for her, about what she does with you each day. It might motivate you as you will see you do the same each day. If you live near a park or field, take her out and blow bubbles, you won't have to move too much and she can have fun chasing them and seeing you smile that all she wants is for you to be happy. You need something for you to make you feel good now not next week. we will be here to support you.

Speak later
17th feb
Haddock with vegetables and potatoes in a creamy dill sauce 284 calories
Chiken curry and rice 532 calories
= 816 calories

Thanks Stig ((hugs)) xx
Its not cos of my weight he wont come back directly, but I'm unhappy because of my weight, I'm not nice to be around - if I had some confidence and self worth back I'd be a bit more like my old self, I'm needy and clingy and self hating.. I suppsoe not really attractive qualities!.
My daughter seems happy enough now... but if everything continues as it is in a year she wont be so happy.
Am starting to get hungry now which is good, it means some weight will/ should come off.
I'm remembering last time I went through a hungry phase but you get used to it and as your stomach shrinks it gets easier to adapt to eating less... it's just getting passed this stage. My only other option is to go eat and not lose any weight!:sigh:

I did some exercise earlier.:wee: