Sherry's Diary - No need to knock. Come on in! :D

Hi Sherry, yes have been to Portugal and love it there, so friendly and relaxed and flights were well cheap for summer - can't wait. We went to Tenerife in October for first time and loved it. Went to Golf d Sur. Will defo go again, but prob not during summer as hubby will moan too hot. You lucky thing with your Indian - I looove indian but find it hard to stop eating even if i'm full. Onion bajees:drool: Dont worry about the points and you wont need to take the benefibre:rotflmao:!!!
Karen x
Aww, thanks everyone for your comments about my amazing 3lbs loss this week. I'm so chuffed. Looks like Scale Hoppers aren't up to much in the thread so I'm not feeling it from my team this week. Hope they're all okay? Not like them - normally full of gusto.

Sorry Sherry!!!! Wot a rotten team captain I am!! Not been on much this week, been so bloomin busy this week, but alas I am back. What a fantastic result this week!!
Hope that makes up for being awol this week!! And also 12.5 lbs althogether mrs?!! Amazin!! You must be so chuffed!!
Anyway wots been happening with you, did you recover from your weekend hangover?? x
Hi Sherry, not caught up with your diary for ages.

Bloomin well done on the last two weeks loss, my girl. That is just fantastic. You really go for it when you're heads in the right place. xx

I this not the funniest smilie you have ever seen? >>>> :banana dancer: I think I pee'd a little!

Howeva.......thanks again LRO and CC - how lazy that I don't type your long names...... and I touch type so it's not like it's much effort! Bleh!!!

Fully recovered from my boozie weekend and have now declared myself as Tee Total........... till next time. What a lightweight! Moving on.......:bananalove: <<< funny!

Just heated up my soup. Kids had pizza and the dog had Winalot - didn't fancy either so I'm gonna go have some zero point soup.

I'm going to a Ball tomorrow night. My bezzie bud runs a kids charity for deprived kids in the Aberdeen area and she organises a formal ball every year. We declined this year as we're off to Tenerife in 6 weeks time :party0049::party0048::party0016: and can't really afford it. But as luck would have it, a company who bought a table of 10 have had to pull out with no refund, (Gary's working late shift and not finished till 12) so me, my Dad and my other chum Susie are going. I'm a lightweight so I'll be driving. I've clients booked in early doors Saturday anyway so I'd rather be bright eyed than dying.

That's my weekend........ oh 'n I'm getting the new Sony Ericsson C905 in pink.... gotta pick it up from phones4u (doing the hand signals) on Sunday. 8.1 megapixel camera! On a phone!!! WTF! Perfect for Lionel, Take That and Beyonce.

Babbling...... outee! xx :party0011:
Again..... anyone watch Hello Goodbye on Sky1 tonight??? :cry:
Nope didn't see it, soz! Did you ask that before or was it someone else??? Any good?? x
fair play sherry 3lbs that's excellent, hoping for good things myself next week. too much socialising last weekend.
I did, haha, I asked last week 'n nobody obviously saw it cuz nobody mentioned it! I bawl my eyes out......... it's so good! People leaving and people coming home! I love it! Haha....... you know I love a good cry. :D

Liveinhope, I know where ya coming from with the socialising but I''m blessed cuz I forget to eat when there's plenty of scoofing going on! Hic! :party0016:
Lets hope I forget to eat this weekend :cross:
Got a night out with the girls on sat. Really can't wait, its not that often that the 4 of us catch up at the same time these days. One of them lives in bolton and another in tarbert. So should be a good ole riot just like the good old days. Supposed to be saving points this week for vodka but ive been totally rubbish. I would eat my own bloomin hands if my teeth were sharp enough! Lol!!!

Have decided to give up bread for lent (never done lent before, but thot id give it a bash this year ha!) Hopefully it will help with the old diet. Do you think it would be cheating if i didn't include pitta bread or garlic bread??? I don't think it would but b/f reckons im laughable!!!

To be honest I don't really understand the concept of lent but if stopping eating bread rocks ya boat hunney then you go for it! And I also think that if it's in your head that pitta or garlic bread doesn't count as much as a Tiger Loaf from Asda or WW's sliced then that is entirely your perogative and it's each to ones own. Was that convincable???? Haha........ what a heap of sh*t I speak! :brainfart:
Yup im convinced!!! Just needed one other person to say its acceptable and you've just done that for me, cheers! (oh dear god, just remembered how good tiger rolls are, mmmmmmmm!)

Nah not so clued up on lent either but everyone in work is giving up something so thot i would jump on the band wagon too! 2 days in and no bread, think that could be a record for me!!

Just finished making 40 banana and choc chip muffins for fairtrade day 2moro in school and boy am i tempted to demolish the entire lot!!

Must go, hair is in desperate need of a wash!! Hopefully catch up 2moro before your ball!!

spk soon
OMG! It's 10.35pm!!!! Where did Thursday go? And I've done not a thing cept sit on me bum 'n eat zero point soup 'n caramel snack a jacks! How lazy!!!! Watching American Idol now. Better move.

BTW........ anyone ever had a problem with scented or aloe vera toilet roll? Do tell?

Gonna go have a bath...... will stop me eating these rice cakes!

Lets hope I forget to eat this weekend :cross:
Got a night out with the girls on sat. Really can't wait, its not that often that the 4 of us catch up at the same time these days. One of them lives in bolton and another in tarbert. So should be a good ole riot just like the good old days. Supposed to be saving points this week for vodka but ive been totally rubbish. I would eat my own bloomin hands if my teeth were sharp enough! Lol!!!

Have decided to give up bread for lent (never done lent before, but thot id give it a bash this year ha!) Hopefully it will help with the old diet. Do you think it would be cheating if i didn't include pitta bread or garlic bread??? I don't think it would but b/f reckons im laughable!!!


I had the exact same argument with my boyfriend! I would have said garlic bread was cheating but then remembered i had a slice with my soup at pizza hut yesterday.. so i'm totally with you that pitta bread and garlic bread are allowed.. :p my argument is that i'm giving up "proper" bread :p
I had the exact same argument with my boyfriend! I would have said garlic bread was cheating but then remembered i had a slice with my soup at pizza hut yesterday.. so i'm totally with you that pitta bread and garlic bread are allowed.. :p my argument is that i'm giving up "proper" bread :p

I'm so glad you agree with me! Its just the proper bread that im giving up! Now day three with no proper bread, how good am i!! Im in desperate need of doing something, haven't been that good this week! Think a wee gain at wi might do me some good,in the form of a good kick up the backside!!

Oh and sherry, nope can't say ive ever had a wee prob??? Hope you're wee prob isn't too bad! x
I'm so glad you agree with me! Its just the proper bread that im giving up! Now day three with no proper bread, how good am i!! Im in desperate need of doing something, haven't been that good this week! Think a wee gain at wi might do me some good,in the form of a good kick up the backside!!

Oh and sherry, nope can't say ive ever had a wee prob??? Hope you're wee prob isn't too bad! x

OMG!!! I had no internet since Thursday night. I was out in a sweat! Panic attacks!!!! Hyperventilating!!!! All good now though. AOL sorted it.

Lesson learned - never again will I buy scented toilet roll......... a trip to the chemist did the trick. Haha. Not good if you have sensitive bits! LOL

Ball was great and thousands raised for the kids. Food was lush but as per an up market hotel, it was nouvelle cuizine so not much on the plate, but what was there was nice. Home just before 12 and sober!! I know....... I'm impressed too!

Today I've just finished work and now contemplating rolling up me sleeves 'n getting stuck in to Mount Etna....... the ironing.

As for bread, I don't care what shape or form it's in......... just put it in me gob! Probably it's fault and chocolate why I've got a generous derrier in the first place. Can't beat a Tiger from Asda with home made soup! Oh Yeah! :D
mmmm, salivating at the thought of tiger and home made soup, yum! Glad to hear your ball went well. Home sober?? 12 o'clock?? Wots going on there then??

Out last nite with the girls, had great wee night but ended up having a kebab at 2am after throwing back prob about 15 vodkas :eek::eek: I know not clever, really dreading wi tomorrow:(

Anyway, good luck with everest and glad to hear your wee "prob" is all cleared up :D
mmmm, salivating at the thought of tiger and home made soup, yum! Glad to hear your ball went well. Home sober?? 12 o'clock?? Wots going on there then??

Out last nite with the girls, had great wee night but ended up having a kebab at 2am after throwing back prob about 15 vodkas :eek::eek: I know not clever, really dreading wi tomorrow:(

Anyway, good luck with everest and glad to hear your wee "prob" is all cleared up :D

Well I didn't kick the ass out of it cuz Gary was backshift and he wasn't there. Was just my Dad 'n my chum Susan who is recovering from Ovarian Cancer. So me being a mess was not a good idea...... also for a pint of Guiness (Dad), Vodka 'n Diet Bru 'n a Ginger beer it was a tenner!! Thief gits!! So needed an overdraft to get sloshed. Forget that! Plenty of Smurf sittin at home for free!

Don't worry about this weeks weigh in. They say it's a 12 day cycle so it's next week you gotta think about and you got plenty of time to claw it back. Bet I've gained this week. Feel like I have.

Mount Etna has been conquered and my problem (was chopped onions!!) has gone now! DON'T BUY ASDA'S ALOE VERA LAV ROLL, IT MAKES YA LA-LA SMELL! :D
God! That is dear, quite right!! Although smurf and I have fallen out!!! It tricked me, there i was gulping away not feeling too guilty when all the while im clocking up the points!!

Was a fairly well behaved nite for me. No knickers on head but was a right laugh, reminising about the good ole days, was great fun. Im hoping the amount of laughing we did mite count as AP?? Wot you think or am i just clutching at straws?? x
Yeah, you're a clutcher cuz my chuckle muscles are always active and nothing on record to say they are allowable - good try tho...... yer a tryer! ;)
Well god does love em!! Never mind. Certainly won't be bloody chuckling 2moro after wi thats for sure, LOL! x