Shikei85's Lipotrim diary :)


Full Member
Well, thought I'd start a diary so I could keep all my moaning in one place, haha :)

Day 1

Found the first day easy enough, the morning was grand, went for a walk with mum and dogs, went to the petshop and watched a movie to take my mind off food! Not really hungry at all, I just WANT to eat because I like food :rolleyes: Every time I went into the kitchen to make tea I nearly picked up something to nibble on purely out of habit. I was happy to find that when I went to bed I wasnt lying there starving, the hunger is really not bad!

Day 2

I was in college today and found it a little bit tough; I wasn't in til 11.30 so I could have my shake late, wasn't really hungry til lunchtime, but I had brought a flapjack which I'd not had before and it was manky :cry:I really felt sick after eating it. And to make matters worse I had to watch my friend tucking into a chicken baguette! :jelous: But it's overindulging in things like that that have me over 20st so I've no right to complain. When I got home I was starving again and did not feel at all like exercising, but I forced myself to bring the doggies out (one of them is overweight too so I feel bad not bringing her!) and that took my mind off food for an hour. Now I've just had my final shake, might have some peppermint tea and go to bed early, tough being back at college after two weeks off!

My Losses & Achievements:

Week 1: -12lbs Into the 19s! Size 22 jeans fit! :party0011:
Week 2: -4lbs 1st stone gone! Size 22 jeans looser!
Week 3: -5lbs 1 and a half stone gone!
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Think I'll add some goals here too to keep me focused :)


*19st 7 lb first stone gone :checkmark green:
*18 st 8 lb to be Super Obese BMI

*18 st 7 lb second stone gone

*17 st 7lb third stone gone

*16 st 7lb fourth stone gone
*16 st 1 lb to be Obese BMI
*15 st 7 lb
fifth stone gone
*14 st 7lb sixth stone gone
*14 st 3 lb to be under 200lb
*13 st 12 lb to be Overweight BMI
*13 st 7 lb
seventh stone gone
*12 st 7 lb eigth stone gone
*11 st 7 lb ninth stone gone
*11 st 5 lb to be Healthy BMI

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Welcome Shikei, once you get through week one it will get easier I promise! Things that may help you along the way:

Take it easy with exercise during the first week walking doggies is grand, but let your body adjust
Drink plenty of water little and often!
Suggest making up a chart - I have a weekly one for my weigh ins and a daily one that I can cross off each day to show myself what I have achieved
Cold shakes make you burn more calories to get it to body temp
Hot shakes / soup in the evenings will allow you to go to bed warm and not spent 30 mins shivering
Be prepared to feel cold - especially your hands and feet (I wear really thick socks (even in bed!!)

After week one when you get your energy back suggest you buy a pedometer - that way you can go for an hours walk with the dogs and see how much further you can walk everyday and not get tired.
As it's your first week TAKE MEASUREMENTS - hips/waist/thighs/arms/legs + chest - > redo them monthly it's a HUGE boost!
I got my husband to take photo's of my in a swimming costume (Oh Lord it was grimm!) at the beginning, and he retakes them once a month - you may not feel like you've lost a load, but you have a photographic record of how others see you! :)

Good luck for this week, and do let us know how you get on!
Some great advice there didimisi

Hope day 3 went well. I always find day three of any diet the toughest. Keep at it and you will get there. I always try to think that as tough as weight loss can be the other option would be to do nothing and get bigger. And that's not an option I want.


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Day 3 & 4

Yesterday and today weren't so bad, came home at lunchtime both days and made my shake, then went back to college. . This morning (day 4) I woke up with a metallic taste in my mouth and haven't been craving bread as much so I think I'm in ketosis now. I found sitting at lunch in the canteen that I was able to appreciate how nice food smelled but not actually want to eat it :)

I've always eaten more in the evenings so I'm finding that hardest :( At least in college I have lectures to take my mind off it. It doesn't help that I live above a Chinese takeaway! When I talked to my mum last night she was miserable and wanting to quit but she feels better today so that's good, it was a little discouraging with her talking about giving up and we've not even had the first weigh in!
Your doing great babe! Get your mum onto the forum - gives you something to do, and other peoples stories to read as you know makes it a little easier - like you're not doing it all alone!
Stick with it hon you are doing so well. In three days time you can report a good loss and it will all feel worth it. Def get your mum on here!

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Strange day today, got up at 4am to finish an assignment :rolleyes: so I had my breakfast shake at about 7am, but then I was working through lunch so I didn't get my second shake til about 5.30, but I wasn't really hungry throughout the day. Then about an hour after second shake I'm starving! Having awful cravings for any kind of real food too :,( I wonder should I just have shake 3 and go to sleep, Im wrecked. Got the assignment in on time though!
Oo that's a long day to make you feel hungry no wonder you were craving by this evening. Well done for getting through it tho. Not long til weigh in!

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Not a happy camper today, I've been starving all evening :cry:Craving foods really badly, but I've managed to stay 100%, just feel a bit miserable about it. I hope I've lost a fair bit when I get weighed in tomorrow morning :( I really really really want this pasta dish from my local takeaway, but I was thinking, what's the point?! I had it last Friday before I started and now I want it again, if I gave in and let myself have it then I'd only want it again next week. At least if I lose weight I'll have that hopefully forever.
Like the positive thinking. I always crave a certain takeaway when it gets tough. It's a horrible feeling but well done for ignoring it and turning it round to a positive way of looking at what you are doing. I really hope weigh in tomorrow gives you the boost to keep going. And your mum too. :)

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hannahsmumwillshrink said:
Like the positive thinking. I always crave a certain takeaway when it gets tough. It's a horrible feeling but well done for ignoring it and turning it round to a positive way of looking at what you are doing. I really hope weigh in tomorrow gives you the boost to keep going. And your mum too. :)

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Hello I'm on to day 5 tomorrow, just found this sit as I feel getting help from others like myself will help me, just not sure what I'm doing on here I'm not sure how to comment etc, also well done to you all on here, it's great to get support from others going through the same xx :)
Hiya ellie,ebs,josh, to reply to a post or thread that someones already started (like this one) you type your comment in the 'quick reply' box at the bottom of the page, then click 'post quick reply'. If youre replying to something specific someone said you click 'reply with quote' after their comment. If you want to make your own new post/thread you go to the relavent forum and on the top left there's an option for'Create new'. Hope that helps! :)